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Fan Fiction

Attack on Chicago
Posted By: josh martyn<superman13032001@yahoo.com>
Date: 1 October 2005, 1:10 pm

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"Commander Nanosef!" called the temple elite. Nanosef walked up to the desk and waited for the DNA scan to match his DNA with the information in the computer. He felt a pin prick as the scanner tested his DNA."It appears we have a match hold on." the elite mumbled reading the computer read out."Ahh... a good job for a field commander!" the elite excliamed sarcasticly."Okay Nanosef, you are on the frontline company to invade a human infested city they call Chicago. You are to board the Revelation of Wrath immeadatly." the elite said.

Nanosef grabbed his gear and headed for a small ship that would take him to the Revelation of Wrath. Once on board the ship he found out he was the commanding officer for the attack. His troop included five hundred grunts, two hundred jackals, twenty groups of hunters and one hundred and seventy five lower-ranking elites.

The journey would take a day and already Nanosef found the other elites to be annoying. They were constantly asking questions about past battles and how to get up to his rank. Nanosef almost always ignored the others unless they needed help with something.

The day passed slowly and the next day he found himself being called up to the control room of the cruiser. "Assemble your troops and get them into the seraphs. We are going to get hit hard." the elite captain said worrily. Nanosef gave the call to scramble the troops and everyone was running around grabbing gear and supplies.

Once everyone was ready Nanosef felt the phantom lurch and take off out of the ship. There were sounds of explosions and vibrations trembling through the phantom. The group of phantoms made it past the human gun platforms and headed for their destination.

A little while later a sound sounded for everyone to get out. The dropzone was filled with screaming humans and blue uniformed humans some were helping people evacuate the city others were fighting the covenant before the marines arrived.
Grunts and other covenant had no trouble with these blue uniformed humans. Then Nanosef heard a rumble in the distance...warthogs alot of them too were on their way to the fight. Nanosef was about to have the vehicles dropped when the phantoms took off. The Revelation of Wrath was almost destroyed. Nanosef told his troops to move for cover as shells started raining down on them. One grunt wasn't fast enough and was tore up by the rounds and another grunt got ran over by passing hogs. The hunters moved out from their cover and shot the hogs. Three of the sixteen hogs went down but the hunters were attacked from the skyscrapers, the hogs, and hidden snipers all at one time they fell beneath the barrage of bullets. Nanosef was thinking and hard they needed to set up a place where they could not be shot from above sniped or hit by hogs. Underground he thought, "Perfect." he muttered.

Nanosef ordered a retreat to the subways. they needed to by some time while supplies were being brought. To get to the subways the group would have to get across the street safely. Nanosef told the snipers to cover them after the warthogs passed again. The hogs again came by and a grunt managed to kill one of the gunners with a needle to the neck. Nanosef and the others hightailed across the large road the snipers killings humans who were shooting the others. After Nanosef reached the otherside he looked back and saw how many didn't make it. The casualties were high and only a couple of snipers made it across the others were shot.

A few marines were stupid enough to try and attack the covenant survivors but they only wounded one grunt who was shot in the arm. Nanosef called for supplies but it would be a while before any supplies were sent. There was echoing down the tunnel as a car on a track pulled up and stopped. A grunt walked over to it ony to be shot down by a group of marines. The marines had taken them by surprise and the covenants' attention was on the intruders from the car thats when more marines showed up charging down the stairs Nanosef shot his plasma rifle at a marine catching his head and saw it burn up. Then he turned to see that his six was overrun he reached for his energy blade and activated it. The marines cursed as one by one they fell prey to Nanosef's sword.

After the surprise attack the marines had fallen back to regroup. They were pushed back even farther when the phantoms showed up. Nanosef was pleased that they made it through the platforms but he questioned the phantoms not having any vehicles on them. One of the piolts said they had to use some of their parts to fix the ship. Nanosef needed a new defensive point he decided he would have to build one.

The new spot was in the middle of a four way intersection there was a slope to their rear but it was clear. Nanosef ordered a barricade to be built. Since there were no tall buildings in the area snipers could not easily kill them. Some grunts carried fuel rods to make sure a hog attack wouldn't happen.Nanosef's troops were dwindling to forty-four grunts, ten jackals, and four elites.

A lone sniper from the first attack Corpral Baxson was loading his sniper rifle he was hidden in an open window of an old abandon building that looked too crumbled for anyone to be in it so those stupid covenant bastards just skipped a mistake that would cost them dearly. From this spot he was able to reach the roof by climbing some stones if he needed to shoot some on higher ground or make the covenant think their were more than one sniper. He was far away though and that didn't give him a hundred percent accuracy.

Nanosef was looking through the weapons that they had when a bullet slammed into a grunt. Another grunt fell then all the grunts started dropping like flies. The grunts paniced and ran into the open areas of the barricade. Nanosef ordered everyone to take cover and hide too late the last grunt hit the ground dead with a thump

Commander Nanosef was pissed his infantry of grunts had been eliminated by this rouge sniper and he was carefully searching with his molicular eye to find this sniper. Corpral Baxson was cursing silently he had only one clip left and there were more bastards to kill. So he decided to kill the covenant snipers. He leaned out took aim and shot. Boom all the snipers went down but an elite bastard saw him silently cursing to himself he tried to get up and leafve but his foot was stuck under a heavy rock from quickly leaning in and out. He thought he heard a noise but he quickly forgot and went back to struggling with his foot. Then he saw a hoof come down on his foot. The corpral screamed in pain and saw a gleaming energy sword. Corpral Baxson shouted"SHIT!" Just as the sword sliced through his neck. Nanosef roared with approval and kicked the head out the window and heard it crush against the wall and pavement.

A message came in from the phantoms on the Revelation of Wrath. The Prophet of Truth was on his way to earth soon. After that he heard the street rumble like an earthquake. Nanosef looked in every direction. He was surrounded by scorpion tanks. He crused and ordered in a load roar"RETREAT!" Too late the tanks fired and Nanosef saw his arm seperate from his body. Everyone else died in that explosion and Nanosef ran past a tank. Before the tanks or marines could act he was gone escaped into the sewers.

Not long after sounds of battle raged through the city the cry of the brutes could be heard even from down here. Nanosef slowly climbed a latter and found himself face to face with the brute in charge. "Who are you?" he asked politly. "I am Commander Nanosef Inchare of the first invasion." Nanosef said breathing hard. "Well then I've got something for you." The brute said holding out his fist. "What ?" nanosef asked excitedly. THe brute's hand turned into a fist and he struck Nanosef down and killed him.

