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Fan Fiction

Assault Part 1: Ambushed
Posted By: Joe Ehret<joehret@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 March 2004, 3:15 AM

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"Contacts spotted four Elites dead ahead!" Said Linda over the Spartan's COM channel.
This was followed by four cracks as Linda put a 14.5mm bullet in each of the Elites from her S2-AM Sniper Rifle.
"Four down" She instantly reported.
"Nice shot. The Master Chief said.
How the hell does she do that? The Chief wondered. He quickly dismissed the thought getting sidetracked was a good way of getting himself shot.
"Uh, Chief is that what we're looking for?" Fred asked, and pointed to a squat and vaguely arachnid structure that loomed ahead.
Instantly, images of the building on Halo where he had discovered the Flood and Pvt. Jenkins' mission log flashed through his mind.
"Chief is something wrong?" Linda asked.
"No, nothings wrong, what could be wrong we're about to enter a Covenant owned structure, retrieve some sort of data crystal, level it, without getting shot." The Chief said with more than a hint of sarcasm, which he instantly regretted.
The Chief kept going, he was at point to his left and about a yard back was Linda, to his right and two yards back was Kelly, and bringing up the rear was Fred. They trudged through the ankle deep snow. The Chief zoomed in on an object it looked like a boulder, as he was going to un-zoom the boulder moved.
"Hunters, twelve o'clock. Linda can you hit them?" the Chief asked.
Instead of a response from Linda, her S2-AM cracked off two rounds.
"Shit, the second hunter dodged my shot." Linda said, her voice filled with disgust.
A blast echoed through the valley and a sickly green pulse jumped at them. The Spartans dodged and the pulse detonated harmlessly yards away from any Spartan.
"Charge 'em and bring 'em down" Yelled the Chief.
It took the Spartans four seconds to sprint the distance to the Hunter. Then all hell broke loose as Grunts, Jackals, and a hand full of Elites came pouring out of the rocks.
"Shit," the Chief Growled "Open fire Spartans."
He didn't need to issue the order they had already started firing. The Spartans peppered the aliens with sheets of armor piercing rounds. The alien's plasma weapons responded with the characteristic whine followed by deadly super-heated plasma lashing out at them.
"Frag 'em" The Chief yelled.
He pulled the pin from his frag and tossed it into the alien's formation. Five seconds later four blasts of thunder ripped through the night deafening the Spartans for a second.
"Hold your fire" The Chief barked.
They did so. Directly in front of them roughly sixty Covenant corpses littered a space of two yards in between two rocks.
"Chief, I really wish they would just stop attacking us." Kelly growled.
He agreed, but the only reason that had caught them off guard was pure sloppiness.
As if he had read his mind Fred whispered over the COM, "That was sloppy, which is the reason we weren't ready for that, we're lucky we still have our heads"
Everybody flashed their acknowledgement lights on Fred's heads up display.
"Anybody hurt" Questioned Kelly.
No one responded.
"Let's keep it moving" The MC barked "Only half mile to the structure."
Ten minutes later they found the entrance.
"Hold position, Linda take out the sentries." Said John, her acknowledgement light winked on.
Four cracks split the silence and four Elite sentry dropped to the ground, dead.
"Let's move out Spartans" commanded the MC.
The sprinted to the door, it didn't open.
"What it isn't automatic" Questioned Fred.
"Doubtful and here we are with nothing to break open the door with." grumbled Kelly.
"Not quite nothing" Fred said and gave a short laugh.
He hoisted three Lotus anti-tank mines.
"Place it," ordered the MC, Fred did, "Clear the area."
Three resounding wumps echoed through the valley and shook the Master Chief to his teeth.
"Open sesami" cracked Fred.
The Chief slung his Battle Rifle and unlimbered his dual silenced Sub Machine Guns as did Fred, Kelly, and Linda. He heard Grunts barking and grunting in a room a yard ahead on the left side of the hall way. He peaked in and fired four silenced bursts at the Grunts they all went down. Apparently the room was being monitored because just then dozens of Covenant troops poured out of the rooms weapons ready and pointed at the Spartans.
One of the Elites a red armored veteran spoke in obvious discomfort, "Give up and we will make your death relatively painless."
The Chief's response to the Elite was to pound it with twenty rounds of ammunition. The rest of the Spartans followed suit and the narrow hallways was alive with noise.
"Down in front" squealed a Grunt and hurled a plasma grenade right at the Chief's head.
