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Fan Fiction

Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part 12
Posted By: JCDenton<MCJCD@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 October 2003, 2:26 PM

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I really hope you will like this episode, since I gone a slightly other way. please give your comments or even sharing it with others, talking about it in forums or anything else.

Part 12 Size Matters

"Sir! How did you know that they arrived?" a marine said.

"If you befight them a long time, you can sence theyre arrival. I hope you guys are ready..."
MCconto answered.

"We have little time! Prepare all defensive statusses before its to late!" MCconto said.

Someone appeared, and showed a badge. "MCconto? Sir, you must come with me. President's Orders." The person said. ONLY MCconto... thank you..." he said to the others. "This better be good..." MCconto thought, entering a hangar with great blast doors.

The marines and spartans who had to follow MCconto were confused for a second, but got orders from a general, who had to run to givce anybody orders.

The Covenants used different strategy than before. Now they started to fire at prime defences, and tryed to control the air. Fast, the humans responded with fighters and stealth bombers. Soon, a full carnage filled the air. In confusement, the humans did not know what to do. The covenants used this to land troops on the ground, unseen or even unheard. Via the sound in the air they could not hear that covenants were sneaking up and taking down marines from the back. Haag's and HAARL's were hit by plasma pulses and explode or were disabled. Soon the Humans lost control over the air and ceased the attack.

"Situation gone critical, all marines break off attack! I repeat, break off attack immediately and regroup at sector VII, 2.574. block formation!"

"You heared them marines, block formation and retreat to sector VII!!" a sargeant repeated to groups of marines, willingly responding to his commands.

They were overrun, outgunned, weakened out, and not much chance they would even leave this place alive.
At that moment, 2 blast doors opened, some marines came out, and some big tank-like thing came out behind. It moved very slow.

"Sir! What the hell is that?" a marine asked.

The tank like structure unpacked. Great feet stood, the torso unpacked and became on the legs, arms and a head. The structure was 35 metres high, and had great weapondry. The Covenants saw the structure and were scared as like a demon appeared. The Covenants all watched the sky high structure as they fled, screaming. The Hunters were still standing tall at it, conceiling fear, but when the structure moved, they fled as well.

In the Capital Covenant ship, where Astaroth was with his group of Elite Prophets, watching the structure. They were scared, and you could see it in theyre eyes.

"What is that...thing?" Astaroth said.

On the planet, the sturcture activated. Weapons loaded, and target aquired. In the structure was no one else than... MCconto.

"Time for some revenge..." MCconto said, and pushed the buttons for launching the weapons.

On the next second, a great yellow light blinded anyone, and hit a great group of Covenant ships. In a cluster effect, 10 ships explode, and damaged 6 more, who lost airborne and crashed on some buildings. It began to move with his legs and made earthquackes with his 'Mech. Not only the weapondry was fearsome, but the charisma. There was no such weapon in galaxy's. blasts and jolts flyed to anywhere, and the covenant Armada tryed to fight back. After 30 seconds, the light slightly disappeared. From out mist and dust, they saw green and blue jolts of fire anywhere. 3 more 'Mechs were activated and unleashed destruction on the Covenant Armada. On reaction, several Capital ships came out of Slipspace and Subspace and were off to the planet. They entered the core and right away launched the complete fleet of ships and pods to the planet. No marine and spartan moved. No human nor mutant moved as they watched the sky in utter silence as 4 incredible 'Mechs stopped an armada.


End Part 12

Next week between Saturday and Monday I should have posted the next episode of the Chronicles. if having any suggestions for my story, although I do have a complete storyline ready, since I wrote this all down on paper before starting typing. if you find a plot not worthy, you may say it so I can perfectionize problems.

BTW, I am thinking about a website where I can place all my parts and more. tell me if this idea can be of any use.
