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Just Getting Started Chapter Four
Posted By: James Kinsella<jckinsella@redrunr.net>
Date: 1 April 2003, 10:59 PM

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Just Getting Started

Chapter Four
2114 Hours, September 11, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Cruiser Golden Apocalypse Sol System

"Do whatever you want, but obviously don't leave this room." Cortana said to the Chief. She then went back to her work. First she applied the newest Covenant language buffer that she had downloaded before they left the Leviathan. The language was very short and direct, which was odd considering they were a religiously bound group, and religions were usually pretty indirect. Maybe theirs wasn't. She quickly moved to the navigational database. It was heavily encrypted so she tried a little trick. She activated the autopilot's course plotter and asked for the most direct route to their homeworld. It was incredible, the computer instantly sent the data to the helm and Cortana intercepted and copied it. For being such an advanced species it was surprising how simple their encryptions were. On any UNSC ship that route would have been covered by at least three sub-system buffers. Cortana couldn't get a name for the planet anywhere in the computer but she new exactly where it was. She immediately opened an all-channels message and sent the coordinates to Fleetcom and all ships in the area.

"Chief, I've located the Covenant homeworld. I have sent the coordinates to Fleetcom and all ships in the area including the Covenant ships. I did this so they would retreat from Earth to go bolster their homeworld's defense. It seems to be working, all Covenant ships have accelerated on outbound vectors from Earth. I'm repressurizing all sections of this ship. I've received orders from Fleetcom to bring this ship to the Reyes-Mclees shipyard above Mars for immediate study. Then we are to take the next outbound shuttle to the Earth, it seems the Covenant left in such a hurry that they left troops in Chicago and Cincinnati. It should be noted that the Cincinnatians are holding the Covenant off very well. I hope your ready Chief, your actions today are the only reason the Covenant aren't still attacking Earth."

"Let's get going." Was John's simple response.

1200 Hours, September 19, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Fleetcom Military Reservation Earth, Sol System

John was standing in a room almost identical to the secure briefing room that had been on Reach. The only difference was that James and John were the only Spartans there. Admiral Stanforth, Director of NavSpecWep was standing at the podium.

"Hello everybody." Admiral Stanforth began, "First I'd like to congratulate you all for our successful defense of Earth. I want to single out the Master Chief as the only reason we are standing here today. But before I do that we have some serious business to attend to. First of all we have the issue of the Covenant homeworld. It is ONI's opinion that the Covenant will stay in their space for at least a year, so as to bolster their defenses. This is our chance to catch up to them. Our scientists have been working nonstop for the past eight days on the ship Golden Apocalypse, currently stationed above Mars. This ship is possibly the biggest intelligence advancement we have ever had. The scientists and technicians have been working on extracting Covenant technology for use in our own ships. We also have three A.I.'s working on deciphering all of their computer networks. Simultaneously our A.I.'s have been implementing this technology in plans for our next set of ships. All of our shipyards have received this data and we have started the largest fleet building project in history. In approximately three months we will have six-hundred new ships outfitted with Covenant Shield technology, plasma weapons, gravity systems, and slipstream engines. Our older ships will also be upgraded to support this new technology. Our armories are currently refitting to make a newly designed battle system called the Mjolnir Mark VI. This suit will not be as strong as the Mark V but will support Shield systems. The major bonus is that the normal human body will be able to drive this system, not just the Spartans. There are a plethora of other advancements in our ground fighting and weapons categories but it would take days to brief you on all of them. It is my feeling that in three months time we will be able to meet the Covenant on equal terms and eliminate that threat forever. I'm sorry this briefing took so long, but it was necessary to brig everyone up to date on the state of our military. Now Barrin, our A.I. attaché with ONI will tell you of our projected battle plans."

"Thank you, Admiral," the A.I. said, "I am here to inform you of our new plans for the Covenant. Firstly, we believe they will stay in their area of space for at least a year. ONI sees this as an incredible opportunity. All of our ships will be sent over the next few months to attack the Covenant Colony Worlds identified by the Golden Apocalypse's nav databanks. In essence we will do to them what they did to us. Our advantage is that we now have tactical information on all the colonies as well as their exact location. This will allow us an incredible chance to level the playing field. Hopefully, we will have the complete support of the people on this new initiative. I have no more pertinent information at this time. Thank you."

With that pronouncement it was clear the briefing was over. The stand erupted in a hubbub of excited voices and laughter, the first it seemed that anybody had heard in years. Barrin however had no such look on his face as he walked towards the Master Chief.

"Chief," Barrin said, "I have orders for you from ONI. You are to report to Luna base Sierra immediately. We have an attack on the colony Enlightenment planned already and you are needed to implement it. Cortana will also be with you on this mission and has been directed to become your permanent mission specialist. I will see you at Sierra." With that Barrin faded away.

John thought to himself for the first time in years, "What if we win?"
