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Fan Fiction

Mysteries Part One
Posted By: Horror<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 1 January 2004, 10:10 PM

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Jack suddenly noticed the darkness around the camp; Captain Higgins would want to hear from him any moment now. Despite what he has told his superiors, Jack truly hated being a scientist. The Covenant were tracking them because they, the marines that is, had assassinated their leader in hopes of setting off a civil war amongst them. This planet was key in getting UNSC ships past a ring of asteroids that stretch for seemingly ever. If the Covenant threat on this planet were eliminated, planets behind it will become new colonies. If they can be inhabited, which is why Jack was brought on this mission.

Jack entered the Captain's make shift tent and noticed there was an extra person there. "Private I will talk to you later, Jack please come in, sit." He sat in the chair and look at the Private exiting the tent, then turned his full attention onto the Captain. "Jack the covenant have wiped out more than half my squad, so I am going to have to ask of you something I expect you'll never head in your career again, can you shoot a gun son?"

"Yessir, I believe I can." Jack seemed to be excited that he was going to be able to help the marines in battle.

"Good, if you don't know how to reload just ask some Marines and I'm sure they will show you." He bent down and picked up something then slid a MA5B Assault Rifle over the desk to Jack. "Good luck Jack."

"Thank you Sir." He took the gun and walked from the tent and went into his personal tent, it was full of charts and layouts of the surrounding area. He folded his laptop and put it in a bag along with his portable printer and some paper. Looking at the picture of his dog he sighed and put it in his bag as well then left the tent. He looked at the map and saw something that gave him an idea. He took the maps of the area to Captain Higgins tent and laid them out on the desk. "The Covenant are coming from this way right sir?" He indicated a canyon on the map.

"Yes it's the only way to the valley we set up in, as far as we know." he face was full of confusion.

"Then sir, may I suggest placing the Warthog here." Jack showed the Captain a small cave at the base of the canyon.

"Clever Jack, very clever." He smiled. "Lets go tell the marines, this could help us." They got up to leave the tent.

"Sir, could I drive the Warthog to the cave? I have studied the map and would know where to go."

"Very well, lets get you a gunner and passenger." He stood up on some boxes and raised his voice. "Gentlemen, as you know the Covenant are preparing to attack us, in a matter of hours they will march through the canyon and begin a bloody battle that will test our will as humans! We will fight together or die together because WE WILL WIN!" A mighty roar went through the camp, the Captain held up his hands and the noise slowly ceased. "We plan to set up the Warthog in a small cave at the bottom of the canyon, as soon as the Covenant all pass the cave, it will come out and open fire on them all I need from you is two volunteers, who among you will join this cause?"

"Private Solan, Sir! I volunteer!" The Captain smiled at the Private.

"Thank you soldier. Any one else?" There was a short silence and it seemed that all the marines wanted to stay at the camp to defend it.

"Corporal Olsen, I volunteer!" The Captain gave him a nod of approvement.

"Thank you Solan, Olsen I'm sure that Military will reward you for this, You two decide where you will be in the Warthog, but Jack will be driving. Godspeed." The marines went back to setting up defenses in the camp. Jack, Corporal Olsen, and Private Solan went to the Warthog. Jack turned it as Olsen got in the gunner seat and Solan sat in the passenger seat.

"Can you drive Jack?" It was Private Solan, The Warthog's engine revved and then slowly moved out of the camp.

"It would seem that I can." Jack said with a chuckle. The Warthog picked up speed as they went down the canyon. Jack was watching the walls waiting to see the hole.

"There it is!" Corporal Olsen was the highest so could see the furthest.

"Good any sign of Covenant, Corporal?"

"None, thankfully but be weary Private." Jack drove a little further and saw the cave; He drove slightly past it then backed it in to the cave.

"HEY! This is my cave find your own hiding place!"
