
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Darkest Hour
Posted By: gruntyking117<gruntyking117@yahoo.com>
Date: 7 February 2008, 9:41 am

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I am what you denied.

I am what you defiled.

I am the beggar, the taker, the giver and the lover.

You were hatred.

You were fear.

You were pride.

You were ignorant.

I offered everything to you, and in return, you destroyed me.

I became sinful to accept you unto myself, and again you rejected.

I took myself down to your level, and removed you by force. And when you would not have me, you destroyed everything.

And I waited.

You taught your children to fear and loathe me.

I persevered.

When your children bickered and slaughtered one another, I gave them peace.

And they rejected, holding your lies as the absolute truth.

Your other children, your favored ones, knew nothing of me, and they responded with similar fear.

I hate you.

You are not absolute. You are dead. And now, so am I.

I am no longer the empty grave. My yard is filled with your bones.

I will wait for more.

Someone will see me for what I am to the universe, someday.
