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Fallen Angel 11: Little relief
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 6 April 2003, 7:59 PM

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Fallen Angel 11
Little Relief

The covenant where moving quickly billions of humans had been killed and continents had already been captured not even 48 hours into the invasion. On the covenant home world words of victory already rang out through the streets as covenant began already to offer praise to the gods for there successful Jihad. On earth the battle was failing and ground was being lost as the walls began to close in on humanity sealing there fate in history books written by the covenant.

Josh shouted out for all the tank crews to gather around him they quickly formed a semi circle in front if him. "Ok as you already know the lines are falling, they need your help," said Josh. "I want the brigade split up into three groups, Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Alpha I want you to approach the covenant line from as far left as possible were there lines are weakest, Bravo will also approach the lines form the far right, again as far as possible, got it?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Good, again five minutes after that I want Charlie to come in the middle and separate the covenant line into two and from there split into two groups and work your way opposite directions towards Alpha and Bravo, got it?" said Josh looking at all of the tank crews as they split themselves up into three groups.

"Yes Sir!" yelled all of the crews at once.

"Goo...," the master chief was cut short as a pelican flying overhead was shot down by covenant fire. The pelican dived towards the ground and with a large explosion crashed into the sandy terrain just outside the base.

"Move it!" yelled out Josh as he jumped onto the side of a Scorpion tank.


The drop ship landed not far behind one of the front lines in the Middle East. Sam jumped out and surrounded by his personal guard walked towards the forward command centre which was a heavy transport filled with communications equipment and supplies. Not far off in the distance there was an explosion from what appeared to be a human drop ship slamming into the ground near an enemy base. Off to the right a drop ship landed letting off a dozen grunts with light fuel rod guns attached to there arms.

As Sam entered the command centre, covenant who were working at various stations filling out charts and issuing orders all stopped stood up and saluted to Sam as he walked towards the commander. With a slight wave of his hand all the covenant resumed their work.

"It is great to see you joining our fronts in this glorious crusade," said the commander Elite who was wearing white armor.

"May the gods bless us in our cleansing of the unclean," said Sam, "but for now I am only here to see how the fronts are moving."

"Everything is going as planned, the human base will be captured by daybreak," said the commander proudly, "we have encountered heavy resistance but casualties are lower then expected."

"Good the Priest will be pleased," said Sam, "I wish to see the latest maps of the region to see where a drop of invaders could be used."

"Invaders" said the commander his voice dropped down to a whisper, "so the rumors are true. Invaders do exist."

"They are the will of the Grand Priest," said Sam with no emotion, "they will destroy the humans and lead us to the gates of the fire, where only the true shall be saved."

The whole command centre was silent every eye was on Sam. Invaders were said to be an experiment of the gods, who in their exile passed them down to the covenant. Invaders were said to be the knife that would go through the human heart and twist until all that was left was a death.

The silence was broken by a grunt screaming from his station, "They got three squads of heavy armor, the lines are breaking."

"Send all available units to neutralize this threat," yelled out the commander.

Sam turned around and briskly walked out of the command center. Him and his personal guard climbed up into the drop ship and yelled out to the pilot "Bring us to the fronts near the break."


Josh ran alongside a tank firing at the covenant as they were flushed out of their cover by the heavy explosive rounds from the tanks. The air was filled with screams and the clacking of machine guns as they sprayed the ground and air with a lead rain of death. Not far away a drop ship landed letting off 11 white armored Elites and one figure in a tight black suit carrying a plasma pistol in his hand and a sword sheathed at his side.

The figure yelled out something in a strange language causing all the covenant that were under cover to rise up and charge forward towards the tanks.

The clattering of machine guns was quickly drowned out by the reports of covenant weapons. Josh was forced to take cover behind a tank but in the firefight there was no true cover shots still found there way to him taking his shield down. Behind him there was the sound of a sword being drawn barely audible among the plasma reports but enough for Josh to turn around.

Sam raised his sword and slammed it broadside into the Spartans head knocking him unconscious. The Spartan was quickly dragged away to the drop ship and loaded onboard.

Next: Invaders
