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Fan Fiction

Daggers of the heart. an elites story chapter 1
Posted By: ellie marriott<elmm@hotmail.co.uk>
Date: 20 November 2007, 5:43 pm

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We all find someone to love whithin our lives but take too much of it could blow you away especially if it is with your enemy.

Ellie sat on the sandy beach looking out over the bay, she was never going back, not to that terrible place, Highford orphanage. A few hours ago she had been rinsing herself in the bath when all of a sudden, the teacher began to bang on the door and threatened that if she didn't hurry up then Ellie would be fed to the alsasion. Had Ellie been any wiser she would have appreciated the fact that not only would a teacher never do such a thing but she would have heard the surpressed giggle from the headmistress, alas ellie was only 4 years old and could not fend for herself yet.
Ellie sat thinking of friends that might come and rescue her, of strange beings from far off places coming and taking her away from this place. But then she sobbed and people who were walking past regarded her for a lost child so one woman walked up to ellie and said, "dear,dear poor thing you must be lost", ellie looked up but found no comfort in that face, in fact the woman looked more menacing than anything elle had ever seen. Quickly Ellie jumped off the wall and scurried down a path that led away from the town. Big mistake.
As she was walking along, Ellie looked up at the sky and in the distance she saw a huge flying object coming towards her. Screaming ellie found a patch of gorse that was tall enough for her to hide beneath. but the big flying object landed overhead and she saw strange monsters climbing out of it. even though she was as young as she was she knew that running was pointless so she laid still hoping the monsters would go away,but they didn't. Ellie was young and that meant her body acted differently in different situations and now she couldn't stop fidgiting.
A big alien strode to her hiding place reached down and snatched her up. The elite held her up to his face and looked into her eyes,"this one is different from the others" the large elite said, "the others had a look of fear in their eyes but this one has more", he hesitated as other elites gathered around to stare at their new hostage,"sadness", he finished.
"I did not know you had a soft spot for humans brother" snarled a bigger scarier elite. surprisingly to the aliens especially the one holding her, Ellie slid her fingers under the armor of her captor and pulled herself closer to him, staring wide eyed at the larger scarier elite.
"what is she doing to you shinualle" stamered the other elites, both horrified and slightly amused at the days events.
"im not sure", said shinualle but he knew exactly what she was doing, she was forcing hersel closer to this elite beceause she was scared, scared of the bigger one.
Then, growling slightly an elite with blue armor stepped forward and grabbed ellie off shinualle and made his way with her back to the covenant drop ship that was now ready to take off.
"Thats all the cells filled",said the big elite. and ellie was carried into a small room and her eyes opened wide in fear.In that room were 50 cells and in each one was a human shaking with fear as they all stared at her unblinking as she was dumped into her cell.the bars closed ontop of her as she did what any child of her age would probobly do, she curled up in a ball and fell quickly asleep.
Ellie woke with a start. she could feel rather than hear someone whispering to her. looking up she found herself face to face with the golden eyes of shinualle, the elite that had captured her.
"please",she whispered, causing shinualle to cock his head and stare at her intently,
"please let this scary nightmare go away",she looked up at him, eyes filled with tears as she backed away into the corner.
"fear not little one, i am here to help",said shinualle,his voce now barely above a whisper. he pressed a button and the cage doors slid open and ellie scrambled out. he two stood there for a moment until shinualle knelt down and ellie started to whimper.
"shh, we do not want to wake the others", he whispered and ellie wasn't sure if he meant the other elites or the sleeping humans. Ellie looked up into the elites eyes and there was comfort. even she knew that he was scared for her life, he wanted to protect her, but for the life of her she didn't know why. then suddenly he scooped her up and strode silently down the corridoor where they stepped into a grav lift which took them to a large bedroom with a small bed in the middle and a chest of drawers in the corner.
"im afraid you won't leave this bedroom until we go on our next mission to earth next week but until then you can stay here, sleep here and i shall get food or you", he muttered as he notced how much her small body needed feeding.
"what is your name little one"? he asked.
"ellie"she replied.
"Well ellie these are for you and you can sleep in them tonight", he said softly.
ellie began to cry, she cried baceause she was scared of this place and she did't know where her friends were or the orphanage and now this big scary alien was taking her out of a cell and was being nice to her. Ellie was not used to people being kind to her.
The elite just looked at her, he had never felt this way about a human before, a strange feeling was bubbling inside him.
"shh,shh there is no need for crying, you will be back to your own kind before you know it....i promise".
Ellie could not have been happier.
"thankyou" she cried hugging the enormous elite. shinualle stroked her head with his large hand, "you're welcome ellie,you're welcome".
