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Fan Fiction

Liberties Bell:The Battle that changed Draco 3:Part 3
Posted By: Elitehunter676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 15 July 2004, 8:42 PM

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Hey guys this is the chapter you action lovers will enjoy. I've worked really hard on trying to make this realistic. So hope you like it.

The Captain took the terrain in in one glance. The covenant had pushed tons of rubble from destroyed buildings into some sort of barrier. The barrier stood at least 16 feet high and slanted up into a large ridge. Behind this he could also see the jagged edges of destroyed buildings who had been hit in the artillery strike that HQ had launched against the fortification.
"Walker!" he screamed. "Get the flares!". He turned back to the covenants barricade, he had personally stocked the box with flares for this assault. In it where four green flares, two to signal the attack, and one to shoot off if they took the bank, the third was a spare in case one was destroyed or got wet. There where also two yellow flares as well to signal the company to halt their advance in case they encountered to heavy resistance or a covenant counter attack. And the last flare they only needed one of, red, this was to signal a retreat, and if the time came to shoot that off, he knew they'd all be dead.
He immidently leapt into action, running to the nearest cover, a small jagged piece of stone jutting up from the ground. He reached the stone and crouched behind it turning to face his raft. Walker leapt from the raft, the box of flares cradled under his left arm, his assault rifle coming to bare in his right. He immidently went prone and began trying to open the box of flares.
The Captain turned and faced the rest of the bank, as the rest of his men in their rafts began to come ashore. He screamed "Spread out and find cover!". They began running for cover ducking and dodging as plasma rounds and needles began zipping past them. Suddenly the bank was illuminated by green light as one of the flares shot into the air. "One," he thought to himself. He slowly stood up facing the covenant fortification. Black shapes moved to and fro behind the barrier as plasma rounds zipped from their position.
Suddenly a shape topped the rise, it held in it's right hand a glowing blue shield that illuminated it's skinny bird like body. In it's right hand it held a small plasma pistol, the tip of it glowing bright green as it charged it's weapon. Jackle. He began to raise his rifle at the creature as it moved it's shield aside slightly to fire at the marines. When suddenly a large green ball erupted from behind him. It arked it's way toward the jackle as the creature followed the projectile in terror, but before it could react the projectile slammed into it's head, causing it to tumble backwards off the barrier.
The Captain whipped around. Corporal Walker stood there, the smoking cylindrical shape of a spent green flare in his hands. The Corporal simply looked at the Captain and smiled, the Captain smiled back. He then turned and faced his men. "Let's go!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. In unison they all sprang from their cover and charged up the barrier, occasionally ducking for cover as plasma rounds peppered their position. The Captain scrambled up the barrier, crawling over cement chunks, placing one foot in front of the other trying not to stumble over the rumble.
"Spread out!" he screamed. "Draw out their line of fire!". He turned his head, and realized, he was in the lead. He looked in awe as all his men followed him up the barrier, stumbling, crawling, and running to reach the top. He turned back to face the tip of the rise, his adrenaline driving him. "First squad, move up the middle!" he heard himself yell. "Lay down a base of fire, cover the advance!" the words leapt from his mouth but he felt as if he hadn't even spoken.
Rifle fire spattered up the ridge as first squad followed their orders, plasma fire answered back at the oncoming marines. The Captain looked straight ahead as the tip of the rise came closer and closer, when suddenly he felt himself leap over it. His momentum carried him over the rise, as his boots contacted with the ground on the other side. He swept his rifle around and took in the view, but it was a little late. Two small stocky aliens turned and faced him, plasma weapons in hand. Their eyes widened in surprise. And that was all he needed, he squeezed the trigger sending a twelve round burst into the creatures. The one closest to him stumbled backward, but the second simply flinched off the round that impacted in his shoulder and took aim with his weapon. Then his head exploded, the Captain gaped. Corporal Walker topped the rise, his rifle aimed at the now dead creature. "You okay sir?" he asked simply. "Fine," the Captain replied.
Two more marines topped the ridge, Mcdanials and Fredrickson. He looked them over, they both were scuffed up from the climb, but other than bruises they were fine. But Walker was another story, he had two blood stains on his armor where he had apparently been nicked by plasma. "Alright," the Captain said in a low voice. "Walker you stay here and wait for second squad," While you two follow me," he ordered signaling them to follow. "Yes sir," they all replied, a grim look on Walkers face.
The Captain knew the man wanted to come, but he couldn't risk another casualty. "Let's go," he said as they moved off. They followed a small path down the barricade, strangely they encountered no resistance. The Captain knew something was wrong. Judging by as much fire they had encountered on the way up, he knew there were more of them. They moved down the path cautiously, keeping an eye out for covenant troops.
They moved toward a large cliff leading down the barrier. The Captain crouched, he pointed at the two privates then at the cliff. They nodded moving close to the cliff edge. They both looked over the edge, they then turned back to the Captain giving him the thumbs up. He nodded and touched the small toggle button on the side of his helmet. "Walker, come in, Walker," he said into his mike that hung down in front of his face. "Roger I read you sir," came Walkers gruff reply. "What's up sir?" he asked. "We have secured this area, your clear up to here, move up the men." he ordered into the mike. "Roger, I'll move up the men, oh and sir the el-tee's here to sir, along with all of third squad." Walker replied. "Good, now hurry." the Captain said into the mike, a smile on his face. All his men had made it thankfully. All the doughts he'd ever had began to fade. He knew they could do this, all they needed was....Hope.
