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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: Prologue
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 July 2004, 11:49 PM

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TIME: 10:12 P.M.

Tom graduated from the military school and was professional engineer working with Jack. Jack Maor was addressed now as Jack the Ripper stayed in the Marines and the last time I saw him, he was Captain of an armed battle ship that he named Ares the Arsenal. John never told me his secret of having fun in a tense situations, he said it was no use for me, I do perfect. Sergeant John Hisby in other hand had left the building with those words. "A dead forerunner is no foruner." I personally knew what he meant; Admiral Ares is still alive, if he wasn't, that means he wasn't a Forerunner. I, I actually had a chance to go on strike and ended up on the beautiful mansion on the mountains, covered with snow. I have beautiful wife, and two children. I retired just like Sarge after few more years of serving. But I know now, that our dear friend is still out there. And that is how I shall finish my report. I just want to add one thing; I learned much, much more than I could in years. But if you don't believe me, it does not matter, it is up to you what you believe in, but I know what I saw, I appeared to be closer to Ares than I thought. I still can see him, and there is the same self image you can gaze at in the Ares the Arsenal.

Sincerely, Lenny Likzy
Platoon Alpha 01-802
Former 0-4 LCDR


The Erath has finally appeared in peace. The unknown trace of energy was founded around Earth after 2 years as the Alpha team had return. The energy that was around Earth appeared to get Covenants away form humans for over 22 years; given humans time to advance and prepare defenses. The energy was named John, after a great hero the SPARTAN John-117 that fought Covenant race long time ago. It is unknown how John appeared around Earth, but it is not concluded that it just appeared. The scientist says; it may have been sended by someone else, who is still unknown to them. Others say that they actually could have known them. All is still a mystery, but one thing is clear, the human race is still fighting for their existence, and they still exist. Even after years of struggle, humans known to Covenants as most stubborn begins, they may even win.


In endless darkness of the universe, the ship just flew past Earth. Leaving an endless trace of Milky Way behind. Inside of that ship, there was a figure, nine feet tall was standing over the control panel of the ship. He was on his way back home. He was using an ancient way of healing his wounds from a battle. He appeared to have a slight clean scar on his right site of his face, going through his whole face but leaving his deep dark eye unharmed. The blood was long dried out, leaving only sling of clue what color it was.

The figure walked up to a table that was made from clean metal that was in the middle of the room. The room was full with alien artifacts, and ancient writings. As the figure walked up to a table, he picked up a clothe that was there. It seems that the figure was wounded in one of is battles on his left hand. It did not bleed hard, but the blood was there.

The figure carefully used cloth to remove any of his blood from his wound. He lay the cloth down on the table and watched as his ship slowly passed Earth. The figure appeared to smile as he passed the wonders of that planet. His face had perfect shape that could bring war and peace at the same time, yet still, he was god-like. His hair was as long as his knees, dragging the colors of the sun. The figure walked up to a table and picked up the cigar. He wrapped it into the cloth he used previously, that cloth was covered in silver blood. The blood that represented that he still breaths. Lives on, without reconsidering his actions and beholding he's have his believes.

As he slowly lay down the cloth with the cigar, he slowly had spoken out the words.

"Not yet, it is not my time. I shall live in shadows, but I will live on."

The silver blood had dried but not from existence, it still lives, it still exists.


Sincerely Olga Z.V.
a.k.a. Elite Zov

4:35 P.M. June-29-2004
P.S. Sorry 4 the grammar. But I
I hope you enjoyed the story. ;)
