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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: I Spy
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 June 2004, 5:33 PM

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DATE: Around 2800
TIME: Night time
PLACE: Jihurla

Walking for hours wasn't my idea of having a vacation. The snow was thick and it was getting much darker. I don't know how long I must walk, but I have to find mainframe, if I don't, I'm doomed.

If I'm not wrong; I believe the mainframe is right in that mountain. Those mountains are a good camouflage against intruders, but that can't fool me: I know all the tactics, all the resource, and all the codes. I must find the mainframe.

The wind picked up and it blew hard. I couldn't see a damn thing. I tripped and fell which made me swallow some snow; and it made me choke.

"Stupid weather; why do they always have to make it so difficult!"

I admit; the mission is a big pain in an ass. I just hope the mainframe's satellite dish is pointing in the right direction. And if it does; I'm so dead. If things will go ruff, I don't know if I'll able to close all The Rooms in time, and if I don't; distraction will repeat itself just like on Zizagar.

"Home sweet home." I said with relief.

There it was an entrance to the caves of the mainframe. It wasn't something you call "home", but to see something familiar made me ease for a second. But there is another problem; more walking.

Everything was still and quiet; guess nobody's home. The walls and the whole place it still well preserved, not like metal, they don't rut. Usually we use transportations that go by land, which means; we don't walk much as drive. We use different kinds of transportations, and we well know of our surroundings. The last time I remember I got busted because of Shika; I kind of flue into a wall. I was testing it, Shika is real fast, and I know I won't see one of those here. Besides, I was a young lad, not really known to any of our laws. The wall or Shika got along, but I got some bruises. Plus, a little something of a punishment; for been clumsy. I do admit it was a messy fly. But I kind of enjoyed the ride, it was, my first.

After 4 ½ hours of walking.

I was in front of well know mainframe. It was a huge room, and it was well armored will self defense. But of course; I'm authorized. The room was full of our writings, signatures, and something that young troopers like to do when they are on some mission. I was one of them once, ones; when I was on Zizagar. Now I know is more dangerous then I thought before. Looking at the past, I got more home sick than I thought. I saw something familiar; it was one of the signatures I used to see. It was my comrade, guess he was with them. Survived maybe and I hope he did. He was my trusted friend, once. But, I won't spend my time on the flashbacks; I should be more concern about my job.

I walked up to mainframe, it was like new. Hope it'll act like one. Damn; I wish I have more luck with the machines than with the guns. I cleared my trough.

"Computer, self shot down the Ven Virus system links, now."
Lights blinked, and dimmed.

"Why not!?" I screamed. If it does now apply, I don't know what will happen.

"Damn it!" That's all I could say.

Who can be on this shit, and why? It's getting old.
"Computer; info."

"No! Shot down, NOW!"

Shit! The computer had gone haywire, stupid peace a junk. It released the Vens, what the hell I'm suppose to do now? All is lost, if I don't destroy Jihurla, all is doomed, and I'm with it. I'm just too young to die, besides, my job is more important than death. "Damn you and you're releases!"

Damn it, they didn't even upgraded the computers. We have AIs, why haven't they used it? It is really simple; the AI doesn't go crashing down! Something must gone wrong, but what ever it was, it's won't stop me form stopping the Ven.

I run down the hall. There must be Armory some were. I run down the next corner, there it was; The Armory.

I could see it; you can't miss it. It had the name right there under the huge doors.

Hope it'll have all the gismos I need. Because it's going to be a hell of a ride!

