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Fan Fiction

Standoff at Relic
Posted By: echo 136<sgstacker23@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 July 2006, 2:00 am

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November 1st 2552

"Man,I wish the chief were here".Said helljumper lopez."Yeah man,tell me about it".replied seargeant o'brien.Just then they heard a buzzing sound."You here that?" asked Lopez."COVENANT DROPSHIP!!!!!"screamed o'brien."Fire!" ordered lopez.they opened fire on the covenant."Sir! we need to get to the structure!"said O'brien."Agreed".Agreed lopez.As they got halfway to the structure,lopez was shot in the stomach by a sniper."O'brien! get to the structure and escape! Now!" said lopez.Then he was shot in the head and was killed."NO!!!!!"O'brien Screamed.For the next 5 minutes,O'brien took cover and killed almost all the covenant,as he stood there sweating,and out of ammo he said,"Is it over?"He heard footsteps behind him,he was scared to trn around,but he did,and an elite with an energy sword stood there.O'brien was instantly kiled.

Marine stronghold
Crystal caves,The Moon
November 3rd

"Admiral! you have to see this!!" said lieutenant harper."What is it?" asked the admiral."Well,sir we lost Relic." "What?!"asked the admiral."Well,sir with all do respect,there were only two men stationed there"Harper said."You know I don't like being told I did'nt put so many troops here or there lieutenant."Ye-Yes sir."He said."Well then,Send a squad to get rid of any covenant presence." said then admiral. "Yes sir,I will see what I can do." Reaplied Harper.

Covenant Cruiser "Mercy"
High Charity
November 2nd

"Sir,Elite,we have been ordered to get to Relic".Said a Grunt. "Thank you,grunt." "Caommander,Get the ship to Relic"Said the elite."Changing course now,we will arrive in approx. one day.Said the commander."Thank you"

Albatross Dropship,Over Relic
November 3rd

"This island is a mess Sir"Said Private Mitchell."I know,the covenant are crawling all over this place."said Colonel Davis."Sir!! Incoming covenant fire!!" Yelled the pilot."I cant dodge it--We Are Going down! Mayday mayday!"

Covenant Cruiser "Mercy"
November 3rd

"What happened?"asked Colonel Davis."Sir? sir is that you?" "Is that you Mitchell?" "yes sir." "Where are we?" the colonel asked.You are on the Covenant cruiser Mercy,above Relic said the commander elite."Well,This sucks." said Mitchell.

1 day later
Covenant Cruiser "Mercy"
November 4th

"Excuse me!" said the Colonel."Can I get some water here?"
"You may have no Nurishment until you give us what we want."said a guard elite "Ahhhhhhhhh!"Screamed Mitchell. The Guard turns off the prison cell to help Mitchell,the elites head then is crushed into the wall and shot with a plasma rifle."Let's get out of here." said Davis. 90 MINUTES LATER..."Heres the communications stand."Attention any UNSC Forces, Send a Nuke to relic now!"said mitchell"Get back in your cell!" said an elite as he Fired his plasma rifle.

Marine stronghold
Crystal caves,the moon
November 4th

"Attention any UNSC Forces, Send a Nuke to relic now!"."We Recieved this from a Private Mitchell"explained General Brown."Well then General,I say we send the Covenant an early Thanksgiving present."Yes Sir!"

High Charity
Council Chamber
November 5th

"Today my brothers is a glorious day" said a the Prophet of truth."Today we have won Relic!!!!!!"YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed the council."In just a few days,brothers we will expand our territory!"

UNSC Cruiser Mombasa
At Battle with the Mercy A mile Above Relic
November 5th

"We are Taking incredible Damage!" Shouted Captain Davidson. "There shields are disabled sir,and if we even take a plasma pistol bolt half the ship will go up in flames!"he Said."Well then thats it,drop the nuke,it will take us that ship and relic,2 birds with one stone." "Yes sir,dropping mark 26 nuclear warhead."As the warhead dropped the Mombasa was hit and its hull boiled away in a glistening way,The warhead detonated,and destroyed the Mercy,and the covenant on Relic.

Mars city
November 5th

"Well sir,the plan was a total sucess,but the Mombasa was lost in the Battle."said Lieutenant Harper.No doubt that would happen,he thought."Well At least the mission was somewhat a sucess then,thank you lieutenant,that will be all." said general Jimmy. "Yes sir."replied Liuetenant Harper.

Covenant high council chamber
High Charity
November 6th

"Fellow council,I regret to inform you that Relic was destroyed just a few hours ago along with the Covenant cruiser Mercy".The Prophet of Mercy told the council."But do not worry my brothers,for the war is almost over."Said the Prophet of truth.He was right that the war was almost over."And we will emerge victorious!" he told them.but he was wrong about that.
