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Fan Fiction

The Ride to Dagon IV
Posted By: duckfoot<120832000@turton-high.bolton.sch.uk>
Date: 3 November 2003, 4:07 PM

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The door slammed shut behind me and nine weapons were held to my head. "Chill! Its me!" The cold steel of corporal Hess's rifle was lifted from my head, and she began to explain. "Sir! The covenant have been attacking..." But no explanation was needed. There were bodies of several grunts and a jackal littering the floor, and there was a burn mark on Klik's uniform. I looked at my team, and could not see any injuries, so we cleared out.

What we hadn't seen was a group of elites waiting for us outside. The Elites were fast, but we were faster. Speeding bullets burst from our guns, cutting down the elites before they could react. "They must have broken from the bridge," remarked Tai, his polished shotgun now smoking. "No, I don't think so." I stated, " That bridge door is fifty CM thick! They must have broken in at multiple areas." We all drew in a breath, as we knew that the Covenant must be in large numbers. "Come on, Let's go!" shouted the warthog driver, Alex. As we ran out towards the hangar, we met a few covenant squads, and eliminated them with only a minor injury in return.

As we reached the massive door that sealed the hangar, Frank remarked that it was unusual to find it locked, as normally it was bustling with crew entering and exiting. The logic of it all did not kick in until the open button was pressed, and the doors slowly went through the opening mechanics. I suddenly remembered the impact before the bridge, and I realised why there were no crewmen going in or out of the hangar. I saw the expression on my corporal's face as he peered into the rapidly opening gap between the two doors. I moved for a better view. All I could see was dead humans covered in plasma burns. And then I saw the Covenant. Hundreds of them crammed into a small hangar. Looking at us. All armed. It seemed to kick in to both of us at the same time. All weapons were raised and fired in a blink of an eyelid. A single volley was fired before we all ran for cover. Gregory Zhan swore as a bolt of plasma flew past his face, singing his perfectly combed hair. Through a small gap in the pillar I was hiding behind, I could see that the covenant were slowly advancing towards us, mostly Jackals and elites. "Frag out!" screamed Frank Jones, who had two grenades in his hands, and he threw them in the midst of a group of jackals, blowing them to hell.

In the middle of the firefight, I spotted our pelican. It seemed to be intact, so I ordered my squad to advance towards it. They bravely turned round and advanced towards our ship, dodging from cover to cover, letting off rounds as they did so. Louise reached the modified pelican first, and she ran inside towards the cockpit. There was a single elite who seemed to realise what we were doing. Letting off a long stream of plasma towards us, he bellowed a warning to his friends, who began a charge towards us. The last of us piled in the rear of the ship, and the engines fired up, lifting us up and out of the hangar.

"Sir! We did it!" Exclaimed Lucida, exhilarated that we had taken on so many covenant with no casualties. "We're not out of this yet," John stated, with a grimace. I followed its gaze, and saw some of the strange new covenant fighters. Ever since the fall of reach, these new craft were appearing. They are best described as jagged longsword, with a strange pattern on the top. My daze was shaken from me when the first stream of plasma hit the pelican, knocking me from my feet. "Positions!" I shouted, over the noise the pelican was making. My well-trained crew quickly jumped to their positions, manning the four guns that the pelican had with smooth efficiency. I took my position at the top of the pelican, above the cockpit where I could shout orders to the pilot. "Sir, they're going for a pass from 6 o clock." said Louise, the pilot. "Roger!" I replied. The fighters were in a tight delta formation, and they let forth an accurate burst of plasma from far outside the effective range of our gun. My sights went green when the ships were within range, and four double streams of bullets went speeding towards the covenant ships, knocking one of them into a vicious spin towards Dagon IV. "Five minutes" came the tense estimate from Christopher, the Co-pilot.

"They're coming round for another pass from 12 o clock." Remarked Gillian, who was manning the front gun. I touched the lever to turn round, and saw they were closer than I thought. They had already started sending a stream of plasma towards us, and the range was point blank. The pelican could not stand the stress of the plasma, and engines three and four failed, sending the pelican into a roll, which was corrected by the skilled hands of Louise. "we're going in!" she screamed. "Brace for impact!" came the more relaxed voice of the co pilot, while the whole ship began to vibrate. As we hit the ground, the whole world went black.
