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Fan Fiction

Half-Life/Halo Part one
Posted By: Deamos<deamoshero@yahoo.com>
Date: 11 June 2005, 2:36 PM

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This is a crossover fan fiction if you dont like half-life or my work dont read this ok.

Subject: Gordon Freeman
Age: 27
Dr. Gordon Freeman walked along the halls of the Black Mesa Research facility, getting hellos and good mornings from the staff. Little did they know that Dr. Gordon Freeman is the man who is about to change reality as we know it.

"Please show a level three verification card, Mr. Freeman," a blue shift security guard asked the new anomalous materials scientist.

"Here you go, Bennie," Gordon spoke as he handed Benjamin Calhoun his green level 3 security card.

"Well Gordon, everything seams to be in order... carry on," Bennie spoke as he popped the card into the scanner, watching the displays spring out in front of him.

"Thanks Bennie." Gordon responded, grabbing his card as he walked through the large titanium doors into the anomalous materials laboratory.

The lab was had seven foot ceilings with halls leading off in every direction and a desk in the center, where another blue shift security guard sat. The desk itself was large, curved, and well-polished.

"Ah, Gordon, nice to see you, we have a lot of work to do today. Meet me in Test Chamber Three after you suit up," an older man dressed in a white lab coat said as he walked briskly into a hall to the left of Freeman.

"Why, Doctor Rosenberg, good morning," Gordon said as he walked towards the desk.

"Nice to see you, Doctor Freeman," the desk attendant said, his eyes never leaving the computer screen. "Here is your ID card," the guard said as he handed Gordon a small clip-on ID card.

"Thanks, Tom" Gordon responded, clipping it to his lab coat.

"No problem," Tom replied tersely as he continued his work.

Gordon walked down a hall towards the Locker Room, where he had to scan his security card yet again. Stepping into the locker he saw two halls going off to the left and to the right and lockers lining the walls between them. There were, to Gordon's surprise, no people in the locker room beside himself. He walked to his locker on the far wall, scanned his ID badge, and grabbed his Hazardous Environment Suit off the charger in the locker and began to slip the suit on. As the last piece of the suit was secured in place, a synthetic voice was broadcast into his ear.

"Welcome to the HEV mark four hazardous protection suit. Please state name for voice code verification" it spoke.
"Gordon Freeman," said Gordon into a little microphone head set.

"Welcome Gordon Freeman," The voice said in response, then falling silent, signaling that he was free to go.

Gordon exited the locker room and set out for Test Chamber 3. As he got to the lab entrance room, he took the hallway to the left of the front door. As he got to the test chamber he heard talk of the danger he faced through the door that headed to the control center, but it passed quickly. Gordon scanned his ID badge and entered Test Chamber 3. The chamber was massive, with ceilings at least 30 feet high with a large cylinder jutting out right in the center.

The voice of Doctor Rosenberg boomed over the PA system, "Ah Gordon, nice to see you're here. Let's get started then, walk over to the computer station and start the turbine please."

Gordon did as he was told, walking to the station and turning the dial up to fifty percent.

Doctor Rosenberg spoke again, "Showing green across the board, so go ahead and turn it up to one hundred percent."
The floor opened to the left of Gordon and what appeared to be a large gold stone attached to a trolley appeared. Gordon turned the dial up to one hundred present and a yellow green bolt of lighting struck out from the turbine landing in the center of the room with a fierce crackle.
Doctor Rosenberg spoke again "Good, good, now push the sample into the beam."

Gordon walked over to the trolley and disabled the brakes. As he began to push the sample in to the beam, the temperature in the room began to rise rapidly.
"Oh no!" Rosenberg said, realization striking him. "GORDAN! SHUT IT DOWN NOW!"

The beam began to split and shoot off in every direction as Gordon ran for the control panel and turned the dial to the off position. But it did not stop, and the turbine began to glow a bright green as another lighting bolt struck out hitting Gordon square in the chest. He heard a loud hiss, felt a surge of incredible pain, and then plunged into blackness.

Subject: Jonathon, Spartan 117
Age: 38
The humans and Covenant exchanged fire in yet another ground engagement on Earth. But this one would be different, for the outcome would put both sides at risk. Spartan 117, more commonly known as Master Chief, threw a plasma grenade into a group of Jackals blowing body parts everywhere.

As the battle progressed, clouds began to form turning day into night and setting an ambiance of creepiness for both sides. Lighting lashed out, fierce and strong, hitting the ground all around the battle. This caused both sides to stop their fighting, for they felt that this was no ordinary lighting. It was a bright yellow-green lighting that left craters about two feet deep when it struck the ground. The lighting began to target Covenant and humans alike destroying them utterly but leaving strange creatures where the combatants were just seconds ago.
