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Fan Fiction

Barker's Stand: Part I
Posted By: Dark-NiTe
Date: 3 May 2004, 10:18 PM

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      Reid Barker ran down through the highway tunnel, panting laboriously. All he could think about was escaping; that and his friend. He didn't know if Jack Oleander was alive or not, but he prayed for his safety. His steps echoed ominously through the dark corridor, small staccato clicks through the darkness. After about a mile of running, he slumped against a wall, and slid down to sit. The dark was bewildering. The tunnel's length was also unknown to him. However, he did still hear the muffled sounds of battle through the wall behind him, and knew that his purpose (if he had one) would be better served out there than hiding in this place.

      He got up and ran on. It was his only real choice.

      10 minutes passed, and Reid began to see the end of the tunnel. A great relief passed over him then, as did a great anxiety. He knew he was about to be thrown back into battle. His previous sanctuary in this roadway was taken for granted, and he could only realize that fact once he was about to confront a conflict. It slightly amused him in an ironic sense...

      Reid exited the tunnel back into the battle ground that was New Mombasa; and once again the sound and the presence of battle thickening the air enveloped him. He had heard a few soldiers say that battle became easier to accept over time, but he never agreed with that statement. He wondered if he ever would.

      A hail of plasma came at him just then, as if his attacker had known his position and had been waiting for him all along. He grunted, he dove behind a hollowed car. The plasma bolts seared the fiberglass shell of the car in rapid succession, fragmenting it slightly and leaving a trail of concentrated burns. More shots came. Whatever it was just kept bombarding the car.

      "So you 'wanna play that way do you?" Reid said, thinking aloud. He fumbled for a grenade in his belt, knowing that his attacker was probably closing in. (Judging on the hit/time fluctuation of the shots fired.) He pulled the pin, and threw it immediately behind him, going short. The frag clattered across the asphalt a moment, and exploded just as the unsuspecting and charging Jackals crossed its path. His plan worked perfectly.

      The boom shook the ground close to him, and the pair of Jackels flew over the car dead and limp, followed by a shower of dark blood. "Nice start," he said to himself, and got up.

      Reid now noticed he was back on ground level. He ran through the streets, gunning with his MA5B much of the way, yet sparingly. He wanted to conserve supplies, as he didn't know whether he would receive more or meet up with a group that had some. He factored preparation and safety into nearly all of his plans.

      As he ran, the towering skyscrapers flamed all around him, the city slowing turning into a hellish inferno. Numerous died before his eyes; it seemed every corner he turned he saw another death. Debris such as glass and metal littered the streets as explosions resounded their bellowing death, and black smoke climbed into the golden sky. He realized that he was located at his squadron's fall back point, (wedged beneath an underpass) and sure enough, there they were.

      Beta Squadron still seemed in good shape. The soldiers were battered, but alive. "Barker! I thought you were dead!" yelled Sgt. Gary Brown over the gunfire. "You're always proving me wrong," the sargent gave him a wry smile.

      "I'm just glad to be back sir," replied Reid. An explosion rocked the stretch of road above them, pieces of concrete and dust falling to the ground.

      "Dammit, the heavy artillery's here," spat Buford Jones as he fired bursts at the oncoming Covenant group coming from their side.

      Reid realized he was talking about the Wraiths up above though. He heard them humming across the bridge above them. He focused his attention on the task at hand. His MA5B's muzzle lit up as he squeezed the trigger.

      The alien force was coming on fast, seeming to run through their fire. Only a few Grunts fell (as always), their small bodies twisting and flailing back amongst their dead kind. Out of all Covenant, Grunts were the only ones Reid had any compassion for. He killed them nonetheless.

      The Elites, maybe 3, just sucked up the shells thrown at them. They yelled and bellowed digruntled calls of warfare as they drew closer. Jackals in the front sheilded them somewhat, and provided a lightning fast, almost continuous wall of fire. The green and blue bolts hurtled toward Beta with deadly force.

      "Ugh, dammit!" yelled Jones as a few plasma orbs hit his shoulder region. His blood spattered onto Reid's uniform, but Reid fired just the same, not even switching glances. Those Elite's needed to die.

      The Covenant force kept on running toward. Only 3 out of 7 Jackals had fallen since the beginning of the conflict. Beta didn't quite have the firepower necessary. Still, they weren't discouraged. It was a band of optimism, something they had always been known for. However, sensible optimism, not the kind that gets you killed...

      The AR shook in his hands, Reid was spraying the oncomers now. His ammo was low. 1 clip left. Satisfaction came as he killed another Jackal, but the good feeling ended fast. The Covenant were closing in too fast.

      He only hoped those Wraiths wouldn't sneak up behind them...
