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Divided stars: Revealed profiles
Posted By: CSP499<Csp499@Yahoo.com>
Date: 19 May 2005, 4:26 AM

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-The profiles reveled

-Author's note: When I last continued on my well-distasted series, I forgot one excruciatingly vital thing: character introduction. In this notice, I hope to reveal the unmentioned faces of the main and supporting characters.

-*Neil Lazarus: Being a direct descendant from the cybernetic and genetically enhanced Super-Soldier, Spartan 117, (better known as the Master Chief,) Neil is a very shady and monotonous individual. With his father killed by a vile and bloodthirsty Union inquisitor, Neil fled from his devastated home-planet, Cadaria, seconds prior to its destruction by a Dark-Orbit ship, a large Red-Union vessel made to destroy entire worlds. At the age of 14, Lazarus joined the Terran-Navy as a gunner aboard a Cruiser, and soon earned the Emperor's Medal of Valor and the United-Earth-Space-Corps Seal of Courage for saving the life of his ship's captain while risking his own. This was a mere two years after fleeing from Cadaria. At the age of twenty-two, he was promoted as a Captain and commissioned to the T.M.S. Elation, a Sphinx-class battle-frigate (a small battleship) stationed to the Auschwitz-Sector. Before joining the Navy, he had no past. And from the looks of things now, he doesn't have too much of a future, either.

-Gunnery Officer Fredrik Rudolph Hasch: Being the Austrian-Descended, aggressive and somewhat mean Gunnery-Officer aboard the Elation is certainly not easy for Fredrik Hasch. His father was a Fleet-Admiral, who pushed Fredrik to take his place since Fredrik was Seventeen. Since his father's death by cancer, and with no one to encourage him, a twenty-six year-old Fredrik began to push himself. After quickly climbing the ranks to the Elation's Chief-Gunnery officer, he became confident that he could make it to his father's rank despite the mere eleven years in which he served. Also, the statistics in the Navy's Roster support him, saying that he has an 87% chance that he will make it.

-Personnel Officer Alex Cornelius Peters: The best mannered of the Elation's six chief officers, Peters is cunning, intelligent, and a tactical genius. If it wasn't for his father's insulting acts to him, Peters would be the Federation's head tactician. Though he never got in trouble with the law, he would frequently get involved with the organized, gang-like groups at his middle school on Beta Erandus, in the Eastern Spiral arm. He was the only one of the six officers on the Elation to fight the Remnants, or what was left of the Covenant.

-Navigations Officer Wu Li Jung: Being an almost direct descendant of the infamous Kim Jong-Il, a North Korean dictator, Jung has a good sense with leadership skills. In fact, if Neil Lazarus could, he would appoint Wu as his second-in command. But after landing on La' Drang and being sent on the wild ride through the Union's inner Empire and Threshold, Neil did appoint him second-in-command. He also has a keen sense of direction, and finds it amazing how some people can get lost in space or planetside.

-Chief of Watch Joseph Staten: As you may have guessed, Staten is inspired by Bungie's own Joe Staten, his appearance, attitude, and everything (except his past.) He is the smartest of the six, and can even estimate the probability of a situation on a precise scale, and do advanced calculus in his head in a near instant, (much like Simmons from Red vs. Blue.)

-Ops. Officer Scott Thomson O'Malley: Unarguably the strongest of the group, O'Malley is very similar to Sergeant Johnson. In fact, he is a direct descendant. Down the genetic line, O'Malley inherited many of the traits Johnson had, including immunities to Flood infections. As an experiment to improvements to the trait, Scott was exposed to Flood invasion fluids. Though not overtaken because of the immediate death of the infection form, due to poisoning in O'Malley's bloodstream, Scott received some characteristics from what invasion fluids were injected. As a result of this, his comrades are sometimes "disturbed" by his savage eating habits and cravings for living flesh. In fact, in the New-Phoenix steakhouse on Earth as a get-together for the Elation's main crew before leaving port, Scott was told by a waiter to choose from a selection of cows which one he wanted slaughtered to eat. When he saw the live-selection, he viciously charged the one he wanted and attacked it, eating it alive. After the incident, Staten commented, "Eeeewwww, that's gross! When they said they let you decide which cow you want slaughtered, they didn't ask you to attack it and eat it alive without eating utensils! Ughh, what's gotten into you, man?" As a response, Scott simply replied, "I don't know, I just stopped thinking and rushed the poor bovine. I won't get sued for this, will I?" The remaining Flood-instincts in his body make for animalistic-behavior in his fighting style.

-343 Guilty Spark: Hopefully, you know who he is. After the Halo incidents, Guilty Spark found himself in the Union's hands, being used to get information on forerunner technologies. After being interrogated to the pinnacle of his database, Guilty Spark was taken by a transport vessel to La' Drang, which was shot down, leaving Spark alone in the jungle to rust by the humidity.

-Master Sergeant Diretz Sergei von Oschkroft: Like most Red Union Soldiers, Diretz Oschkroft is brutal, merciless, unpredictable and, well, evil: very evil. Personally, I put a bit of myself into him. He was born into a standard breeding-ground, a large area with men and women dedicated to giving birth to and training soldiers from birth. The female inhabitants of this area are specially medicated to have four children, three male triplets and a female. The two strongest males are sent to a training facility, while the other male is sent to be a male breeder, and the girl is sent to be a female breeder. The parents spend no time with their offspring, and the newborns are named by breeding-center doctors. The soldiers of a breeding-ground age fast until the age of eighteen, then their growth stunts. Diretz was no different, except in his accomplishments in climbing the ranks. At the age of thirteen he was made a squad-commander for his strict skills and fierce combat skills. Eventually, Diretz was removed from the mainstream breeding-line, and was placed in the Assault Marine Corps, similar to the Spartans, for his strength, and was one of the earliest marines to receive the elite-honorary pentagram neck-tattoo.

-Private Jacques Jimenez Roswyll: Roswyll is the closest friend to the Chief crew aboard the Elation, as well as the private that shows the least fear of the Reds. Jacques comes from a variety of ethnicities, he is part French, part English, Part Inuit, part Russian, but mostly Hispanic. His only fear is derived from overwhelming force and shock, which allows him to do well by way of stealth.
