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Fan Fiction

Divided stars: The bad starts here
Posted By: CSP499
Date: 22 April 2005, 4:17 AM

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-Red Union battleship "Primordial Fury", 26th Kurgian battlefleet, in the La' Drang exosphere.

Diretz never thought it would come down to this. "Sweep the mainframes of the ship's computer" was not his idea of a slaughter. And if there was one thing he loved most, it was coming back to his ship with blood-soaked hands, prehaps with a head or skull in hand.

Nobody exactly considered Diretz Oschkroft to be the most handsome sergeant in the Assault-marine squads aboard the Primordial Fury. He and his mates were about to board the enemy frigate "Elation." Personally, he despised the names the Terrans would give their ships. They would name them after compliments like "Triumph" of "Superiority" or "Elation", or a historical name or place like "Hannibal" or "Gettysburg". A ship deserves a name that shows it's dominance, which Terran ships had no ample supply of. Red union ships get names like "Nefarious Warmonger" or "Furious Juggernaut" or "Dreaded Bane."

He entered the boarding craft with his comerades. But for some reason the voice in his head was roaring louder than ever, something awaited him, and it's death would satisfy his "demon" within.

The Elation shook at the impact of the Union boarders. Jung nearly tripped in the process. "Yes," said Peters. "In case, for any reason, you did not know- we've got company." Neil, still running with the others, turned to face him. "I was aware of that." He said in his cold, hard voice. "That is why I want you to seal of any sections they are attatched to. We'll cut them off and stall them." Peters turned to him. "Alright, but I must warn you- they'll break through eventually." They stopped running and Peters walked over to a wall- intercom. "By the time they break out and begin sweeping our maneframes," Lazarus said as he took out and primed a "Hari-Kaji" Demo-Charge, "we will have been gone and they will have been blown to orbiting oblivion and smithereens."

He removed the back of the black sphere and placed it on the wall after arming it. "While we do what?" Urged LT Hasch. "Sit on our lawn chairs on a beach on La 'Drang, drinking salted Martinis on the rocks?!?" Lazarus turned to him "No." He said sternly. "We will be fighting our way OFF La 'Drang." Hasch stared at him. "Well gee," he responded quietly "that's a whole lot encouraging."

"So," said LT Staten. "how much time do we have before WE are blown to orbiting oblivion?" With a horrified face, Jung looked to Lazarus, still running "TIME?!?" He shouted. "YOU PUT A *TIMER* ON THAT BOMB?!?" Lazarus grunted. "Well, by now we have about two minutes. Fortunetly, however, when the ship blows, we will be flung from it, and if we can grab a piece of scrap as the peices of the ship fly, we can ride our way through space onto an enemy ship. Otherwise, we can head for the surface of La'drang and see if we can land on it without being burned up."

The others, Fredrik Hasch, Wu Jung, Joseph Staten, Alex Peters and Scott O'Malley, simply stared at him like he was some sort of a freak. "Of course it's not timed." Neil said. "It's remote Detonated. Once were clear, it'll go off. The others sighed. "Hey, Joe." said O'Malley. "your glasses are all steamed up." "I dont have time to stop." He said.

Suddenly as they ran, they came to a barakaded-door. "Is there another way to the life boats?" Scott asked. "Yes, the maintnence corridorrs. They were back down the hall to the left." Lazarus said. "Well what are WE waiting for," Joe implied, with a slightly higher voice than he usually spoke with. "Let's go, then!" They started running back, when the barrakade began to shake. Slowly, the 6 officers turned around. The Reds were trying to beat down the doors. "Uhh, guys..." Alex said shakily as the pounding continued. "Run."

BAANNG! BAANNG! The pressure doors were stubborn, even as Diretz and his men kept attempting to beat it down. (Yes, they were strong enough to break it down.) Diretz growled, his unhelmeted face bearing his 45 sharp teeth (Which is common dental-appearance among male Tartarans. As Diretz turned, he coulf tell Mercer was equally frustrated. "GRRAAAWH! WE MUHZ FIEND MEANS OF BREAKINK DIZ DOAR DOWN! IDDIZ MORE STYUBBERN THEN A STYUBBERN MUEWL!" He, as well as the others, had a thick and deep Baltik accent. Rugaer faced him. "Fore You'r informateon, Mearecer," he said "Meawls aer no lonker in uze." He turned back to the door. "Grraugh, but diz doar is rada stchyubbern." He pondered for a moment. "...end I haf a wey of breakingk it dewn." He pulled out a grenade and placed it by the door. there, he applied the bottom with cohesive paste and stuck it on the floor. He tied a long string around the pin and ran to a sfe distance with the others. He said to himself, "Ahhh, Rugaer, Rugaer, Rugaer... You aer a GHENIOUS!" He pulled the string and the grenage detonated.
