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Fan Fiction

The Valiant, Hopeless Fight of the Valiant and the Hopeless
Posted By: Chief-117<smg6787@msn.com>
Date: 5 December 2003, 2:12 AM

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Red fire soared into the sky,
blue yesterday now dark and black,
the fire lived its life by its soul,
evil it was twisting and curling through the sky,
gangle and wicked creatures it made with long arms of yellow flame.

The tall white and gray towers stood yesterday,
now crumbling down they fell today,
skeletons now of their former grace and glory,
like an army of dead men did they stand,
unmoving but dropping to the ground whatever skin it still had.

The people,
laughing yesterday in beautiful garmets of comfort,
now fighting in heavy suits of cumbersome armor,
scrambling through the streets like scurrying ants,
fighting desperatley yet not enough.

Valiant they fought,
spraying gray shots and smoking missiles,
bashing, biting, burning,
guns they used as well as knives, bars, and scrapes of cold metal.

Covered in blood,
some red as the setting sun,
some purple or blue like the sky,
all in pools of it,
drenched in the stench of death.

Hopelessly they fought,
knowing no help would come,
yet still they fought valiantly,
crying seas of red and blue tears,
for the dead and dying,
bloodied hands they rested on each there friends, family's breasts.

Fought they did and still for long,
killed, massacred, murdered by the merciless hoard of hell,
fall they did and continued fighting they did,
hope gone, drunken by the grinning vampire of death,
the shadow in the sky desperately tried to swallow the endless ocean of blood.

But all then stopped,
the waterfalls of life stopped dripping,
the rivers of blood stopped flowing,
the hellish demons stopped and looked up in fear,
from beyond the sky riding upon a shinning gray horse,
a warrior veilied in green armor rode,

To Earth he rode,
to Earth he fought,
to Earth did the valiant and hopeless rise up and fight the battle of all lifetimes.

Never to be forgotton even after the passing of the world.
