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Fan Fiction

Critters the reckoning part 2
Posted By: Caleb Generoso<Caleb10169@aol.com>
Date: 19 June 2003, 1:53 AM

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"Master Chief, its over we did it!"

"No. I think it's just begun."

Master chief made his way toward the communications center, passing the death and destruction he thought to himself, "How the hell did these rabbits and squirrels grow two times larger and become capable of such power and destruction. They were almost human. What if..." His thoughts were disrupted by a marine.

"Master Chief, over here! I found something!"

"What is it marine?"

"Look this is a rabbit leader of one of their squads. But look at the insignia mark on its chest. It looks like the insignia similar to a Covenant grunt. What the hell is going on here? The Covenant was wiped out in September of 2553...at least the ones knew of.
"I'm not too sure. Stay here and continue to investigate, I need to make contact with NY Central Command."

When Master Chief made it to the comm. Center and climbed a staircase to the top, he looked at a screen. It was January 25, 2554. The time was 17:35. He peered out the window, the sky was a sea of darkness covered by smoke from the base. Except for one area where the sun peered through, giving light for the struggling troops below. He walked over to a holographic communications panel and made contact with New York Central Command.

"NYCC, this is Master Chief radioing from Fort Bradley."

"What's your status Master Chief?"

"We have sustained heavy damage and many casualties. The base can't survive another attack. We either need to evacuate or you send a massive squad of reinforcements. It's your call general."

"Alright, Master Chief how many dropships do I need to send for the men?"

"Send six dropships."

"Six!? That's all that's left!?"

"Sigh......Unfortunately yes. That's all."

"Alright, now just collect the data from the base mainframe and ready the men for evac."

"Yes sir."

Master Chief walked outside and told the Marines to prep for evac. They all obeyed slowly picking up weapons and helping the wounded. MC went to the tech center and collected the data onto a small disk that he put into a pocket on his waist. He heard a transmission in his helmet.

"This is pelican Bravo squad, we've got a visual on the base. Clear the landing zone."

"This is Master Chief I'll clear the LZ over out."

MC went back out and ordered the marines to clear the LZ. They helped each other move along. The dropships landed and the marines moved along into their seats. MC stood in the back of the squad leader's pelican. He held onto a handle above his head and saw the devastation, the emptiness of liberty isle, the smoke and rubble of Fort Bradley.

When they made it to the NYCC, MC looked for General Jackson L. Stillmen. He found him in the lounge. They talked about dull military stuff, stupid questions that won't solve anything.


An evil rabbit minion was talking to the president evil rabbit who was married to an evil squirrel. EWWWWWWWWWW.

Evil minion spoke, "Sir the leader who led the attack against Fort Bradley has died."

The President responded, "He was a good kid. Uh. I think I'll pay a visit to his girlfriend. MWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Evil Minion spoke, ""Sir how can you be so evil, he was your own brother, OUR BROTHER."

The President thought for a minute and responded, "Spook I have something to tell you," he breathed heavily making the sound of Darth Vader, "Cough Cough excuse me. Where's my inhaler? Ahh here it is," he used his inhaler," Where was I? Oh yea. Spook I am not your brother...I'm your father."

Evil minion yelled, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The minion left in agony. The president went to a communicator device similar to a covenant one. He pressed some buttons that made beep sounds.

"I love that noise ok back to business."

He pressed a button that said on it


Wait I know what you're thinking. This button makes a super beep but it doesn't. This is this climax of the story. It is so unpredictable, so mind-blowing, so crazy it will knock the computer monitor out so you can't finish reading the fan fic. It says "CONTACT COVENANT".
HAH you didn't see that coming did you!? NO I just ruined the climax!


The president spoke, "Hello? Mr. Covenant?"


"New York city, Florida, Germany, Russia, and Tokyo have fallen. We have armies that have those areas secured and when you're ready you may start the invasion."

The covie leader responded very pleased, "I'm very pleased. You've made such progress already. We'll start the invasion in one week. Be Ready."

"Yes sir, over and out."

The president left the communicator and went to his son. He spoke to him.



Arizona Command Center a.k.a. HQ

Master Chief had just been moved to the HQ in Arizona. From there he would take a shuttle to the Corridor of Winter, one of the UNSC's last remaining cruisers, it was also the sister ship of the Pillar of Autumn. This ship has gone to Hell and back. It helped wipe out the covenant or at least they assumed.

This is where it ends cause I'm having writer's block so
oh yeah and please post comments about my grammer and if its easier to read.
