
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: CaBaL<Fremako@msn.com>
Date: 2 March 2005, 8:15 PM

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(Just a small side note here. The reason I wrote this was because I had to do this story with a whole lot of vivid adjectives, so if you're wondering why it's a little bit odd in that way. The stories in the future will be much better presented in this regard, as I have read the halo books and will attempt to write more like Eric Nyland. Thanks for actually reading this, provided you're actually reading this...)

Silent as a mouse, Masterchief made his way towards the loading bay exit. As soon as that door opened, all hell would break loose. He lifted his SMG with his right hand and brought the plasma pistol in the other hand and got ready. Bing! The grey Forerunner door opened with a sound similar to the covenant door, but there were no guards. MC stood up against one side of the doorframe... No enemies that direction. With all the reflexes of a Spartan-II he spun around and faced the other way. No covies there either. That would soon change. Fast as a tiger he ran towards the left of the exit. This ship was already at Earth, and the giant orbital MAC guns couldn't take this ship out since it had the very last super-soldier Spartan. That meant he had to take over this ship, and no brute, hunter or covie prophet would stop him.

After running for about 10 seconds, MC had reached a set of doors, one to his right and left while the corridor continued on in the same direction for what seamed like an eternity. He stood up against the wall, just a little way from the door to the right of the way he came. One, two, three! Masterchief rolled like a James Bond wanna-be and stopped at the middle of the door... Bing! Weapons ready, the doors slid appart. "Wart wart!?!" A plasma pistol overcharge shot flew out from the doorway and struck the elite in the chest. The shields fizzled and went out, as Masterchief sent a spray of bullets through the elites body. MC leapt to his feet and ran around the frame of the entrance as several grunts began running around in a panic. Another overcharge pistol shot took out a grunt heading for a far door as MC then sent out a second spray of SMG bullets. Darnit! SMG out of ammo. MC threw down the pistol and grabbed the dead elite's plasma rifle while he reloaded the SMG with his spare hand. A grunt snorted as he stopped running and noticed Masterchief wasn't shooting anymore. With all the stupidity that a grunt naturally has he ran out from his hiding place behind several storage containers. A single plasma rifle shot ended his life.

The SMG was now loaded, MC continued to run to the left staying in the shadow cast by the walkways above and the stacked cargo crates. There was an enormous door that no doubt was the way to this ship's control room. The other grunts fortunately were still running around, which gave MC the chance to save ammo and time. He leapt forward at top speed, topping 80km/h as each mighty thrust of his foot left a hole where his he had stepped. 50 feet, 40 feet, 30 feet... Only a little farther. BAM! A grunt had stopped running and taken an overcharge shot at MC with his pistol, but a short burst from MC's new plasma rifle ended that half-threat. BING BING! The giant 40 foot tall doors began to slide appart, light as bright as the sun filled the room as the grunts yelped and covered their eyes as they ran away from the incredible brightness. Masterchief's visor instantly shaded to protect him from the brilliance, but it was too much, he turned away and shielded the front of his helmet with his left arm. The metal slabs came to a halt, and the light began to darken, this was not his idea of the control room. MC's visor re-adjusted to the darker room. Then suddenly, a gargled cry came from beyond the still quite bright light, MC readied his weapons. "The Demon has come!" The demon indeed...

He lifted his plasma rifle and SMG and quickly scanned the area for targets. It was an enormous circular room with many control panels all around. There was a raised platform in the middle, with a prophet and nearly 30 brute guards around him. "Kill the demon..." From both sides of the gigantic door came 4 hunters, 2 from each side. A squeaky voice came from somewhere behind MC... "Can, can I have his helmet?"
