
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Contact: Conspiracy
Posted By: Bronzemage<mrbronzer@hotmail.com>
Date: 1 April 2005, 7:29 AM

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0715 hours, May 4, 2552 (Military Calendar), UNSC FleetCom HQ, Epsilon Lapis.

The shining oceans and lakes of Epsilon Lapis shone in the early morning sun. The citizens of the world went about their daily business, not realising that a momentous event was happening right under their collective noses. It was just as well. The news would start a panic if it ever got out.

At FleetCom, a young receptionist looked up in surprise when he saw a blinking light on the monitor in front of him. He patched through the call and wondered just why Pythagoras was using the Priority One channel.

"Pythagoras, this is Fleet Command on Epsilon Lapis, we have received your transmission. What is it that you need today?"

"Roger FleetCom, this is Lieutenant McGall, we have just received an unknown radio signal. Frequency is neither Human nor Covenant. Requesting orders from FleetCom on what to do now."

The young receptionist swallowed as he realised this was way over his head. Stuff like this was better left to boys at Intel. He resumed the conversation with an air of uncertainty.

"Sir, I'm patching you through to Captain Tell, he'll know what to do about the signal."

The Lieutenant scowled at this further interruption but composed himself when he heard the unmistakable authority of a Captain on the line.

"Lieutenant, this is Captain Mark Tell, what is it you have for me? The clerk at the desk said you had some unidentified signal being broadcast. I hope his isn't some kid playing a prank"

"No sir, the signal matches no known Human or Covenant frequency, and appears, though we can't know for sure, to becoming from the Vega star system. We're recording the signal at the moment as it's made up of prime numbers that are increasing in order. So far they're up to ninety-seven, the 25th prime number. We don't know what the purpose behind the signals is or who is broadcasting them, but with more equipment and time we could probably find out."

After hearing this, the Captain's face crinkled into a puzzled frown. He reluctantly decided to call for help out-system, as this wasn't his area of expertise. It was ONI's...

The Office of Naval Intelligence had a legendary reputation throughout the fleet. It was rumoured that anyone could be an ONI spook, they were that good at hiding themselves. Reports of black-ops were rife in the wider population, though no-one dared to voice their opinions openly. They had heard rumours of their own about certain loudmouthed soldiers going missing...

The Captain discarded all his reluctance about getting ONI involved, and decided to do his duty. It didn't matter to him that ONI would take over the operation at the station and shut out the original discovery team, that wasn't his concern. He motioned to the man next to him.

"Private, give UNSC HighCom a call on the long range radio and see if they can't give us a hand here. Explain the situation as you see fit, but remember to tell them we've got civilians in very close proximity to the station, and we don't want to start a panic. Send minimal specialist teams but make it fast, I want this to attract as little attention as possible. Do you understand?

"Yes sir," the Private replied, before hurrying off to the task.

0730 hours, 4 May 2552 (Military Calendar), on UNSC Sensor Station "Pythagoras", Epsilon Lapis system.

True to its namesake, Sensor Station Pythagoras held a wealth of knowledge and expertise within its walls. The crew, however, had never seen anything like this, the incessant thump that hammered into their ears and seemed to vibrate the deck around them. All eyes were on Corporal Roundtree's monitor for signs of change.

Roundtree himself was undertaking the very delicate operation of sorting through the radio frequencies and selecting the right one to record and broadcast on the wall-mounted speakers. He was also monitoring the beat itself, the prime numbers that the Lieutenant had noticed earlier.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, so suddenly that everyone in the room jumped. "The signal stopped... at 101."

"What?" McGall exclaimed, before taking a look himself. The frequency was now silent, with only the recordings showing it ever existed at all. It seemed that their unknown broadcaster had decided they'd heard enough...

He wondered why it had stopped at 101... but it didn't matter now. He had to give this new piece of information to Captain Tell and find out what the hell was being done about his problem. He tore his gaze away from the screen and gave new orders to his men. With luck, they'd find something soon that would allow them to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Li-Mang, get on the blower to the Captain again, we need to notify him of this new development. Scanning, continue to monitor surrounding space. Radio..."

His voice trailed off.

"Sir?" Hay asked, confused. "What's wrong?"

McGall didn't answer. He was staring fixedly out the large bridge window at a large shuttle that was rapidly exiting Slipspace near Epsilon Lapis.

He shrugged and continued to issue orders to his crew. It was probably just a civilian entourage on its way to the planet. They got them all the time now that the Inner Colonies were under siege. Refugees were escaping from all directions, most heading to Earth, where the main fleet was, some heading to the other Colonies with the hope of starting a new, peaceful life.

Little did he know, ONI were on their way...
