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Fan Fiction

Retaliation: Chapter Three
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazyMadSh33p@netscape.net>
Date: 24 September 2003, 10:17 PM

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Fort Royal, ATLAS September 21, (0918)

Reina stood in the control tower of the main landing pad at Fort Royal.

"Yankee 719 cleared to land, approach from the north, land at pad L8 through 29."

"Roger Tower, Yankee flight cleared to land."

Reina watched as a flight of gull winged transports came in to land. The Eagle transports slowed down as they approached the landing pads, separated, and landed in unison. Reina stepped out of the control tower and headed walked down the stairs toward the tarmac. She watched as the troops dismounted from the dropships with full gear and walked onto the tarmac. They formed at the north end and formed up. A man walked up to Ketechi and saluted. "Major Samson, 219th Archer Battalion, reporting as ordered ma'am!"

"All right Major, have your men report to barracks and report in, there will be an officer meeting at 1000 hours in the officers' lounge."

The major saluted, and the turned around and began shouting orders to his men. Reina walked off the tarmac and went back to her quarters.

BHHP Reach September 21, (0930)

"Now that we are in peace again, we can continue the briefing. Yesterday's raid was a failure, as usual. But I believe the Hegemony may be preparing a major strike against us." Hawkins spoke.

"This is going to cause serious problems, especially if the Covenant are going to prepare a strike as well. If anyone has any suggestions as to how to get the Hegemony to believe our story, please speak forth." Lasok added.

"I personally think that we should attack the Hegemony, if we can eliminate their striking force, we won't have to worry about them attacking us when the Covenant do." An officer added.

"Brother, I have no doubt the Hegemony will attack us once they realize the Covenant have. But we are not in any position to launch an offensive. Nearly our entire fleet is gathered here, and some systems, like Kyralis Alpha are completely unprotected right now. If we were to attack now, they would easily defeat us and then take the rest of our Brotherhood." Lasok replied, silencing his theory.

"I must agree with Head Father Lasok, while our ships are larger and superior to the Hegemony, they have far too many for us to deal with." Hawkins said, reinforcing Lasok's claim. "I would like to throw out a suggestion of my own however. If we can deceive the Covenant into attacking Atlas, it could be a huge advantage to us, I realize that this would be a difficult operation, but we could bring both the Covenant and the Hegemony to its knees."

The rest of the group thought through his suggestion, most nodded with approval.

"All right, I motion to move forth with Prime Chief Hawkins suggestion." Brother Nehrek spoke.

"I concur with Brother Nehrek. I second that motion." Lasok added.

"All right, all members enter your vote." Hawkins said to the rest of the group.

Behind him a screen appeared listing the percentage who voted yes.

"One hundred percent, we shall deceive the Covenant into attacking the Hegemony and defeat them both. This meeting is adjourned. We will begin briefings for the operation in two days."

The members filed out of the room, but Hawkins stopped Lasok before he exited.

"Brother Lasok, meet me in my quarters in thirty minutes please." Hawkins whispered to Lasok, knowing that any exchange of information between the two without any witnesses members knowledge was strictly illegal.

Lasok nodded and then left the room.

Kataramee, Small Magellanic Cloud, September 21, (0941)ATLAS Central Time-ACT

Yara'a stepped off of his personal dropship and looked at the troops before him. 500 of his best warriors stood at attention and bowed in his presence. One of the soldiers stepped forward, bowed and then yelled for the rest to rise. Yara'a bowed back and then walked up to the warrior who had stepped forward, Regiment Commander Kiiva Ramee.

"I am impressed Commander Ramee, how long have you been training?"

"Since the last new moon Supreme Commander."

Yara'a was impressed, in just three weeks this regiment had become the top fighting force in his army.

"Keep up the good work, I will be giving you new armor in a few days, I want this group to be the finest unit in the entire army!"

"Yes your righteousness!" Ramee shouted back.

"Good, I wish to see the troops in action, when is your next exercise?"

"In two hours your righteousness, but we can delay it if you wish"

"No need to delay, I will return after my review of the other troops."

Yara'a turned and stepped back onto the dropship, to head for another base on the planet.

Fort Royal, ATLAS September 21, (1001)

"I have good news, but bad news as well." Ketechi said.

"Well shoot, no point in delaying." Major Jin Hueng replied.

"The bad news is, we are transferring to a new base. The good news is, we will be all alone at the base, and can train in secrecy."

"When are we moving?" Major Samson asked.

"Dropships are coming to pick us up in 1 hour, we will be going to a base designated Kilo Alfa Alfa. The exact location I cannot give at this time."

"I guess we better pack up then." Jin replied.

"Yeah that might be a good idea, sorry about the complications Major Samson, we should be at the new base permanently until we have finished training."

"My men are ready for anything ma'am." He replied.

"All right, we have debriefing on the trip there instead. Dismissed."
