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Fan Fiction

Lan Battle Introduction-Chapter1: Turak's Defense
Posted By: Blue Angel<Me_Jesse@msn.com>
Date: 17 November 2003, 12:44 PM

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This would probably be my other story to write to you all. As all who reads the fanfic. I have written already two series stories to a much larger story. As for this one it will be a sort of telling you about the nature of my brothers battle strategies, and patience of heart. As for the story itself it is mostly just fiction, and not the true story at all. This story will be about Turak, my first youngest brother. In this story he and his men (a group of five boys aging from 7 to 12) shall take on the the odds of twelve older people in a match of oddball. Here is their story of valor.

Chapter 1

I guess i all started when my brother jesse asked all of us if we wanted to have lan party on halo next week. As for being his brother i diffently said yes. Everyone else thought it over for about five minutes. Then all at the same time said,'hell yeah!!!'.
All that week my brother spent hours planning and buying gear to play the game. We had to move things around, and set up the tv, the cords, and the box's that everyone brought.
That day on a Saturday started like any other day. Jesse was snug in his bed. I was up practicing and preparing a battle plan, with my forces of course. Jesse and I agreed(or as i say he tricked me and our cousins into making the teams, young vs. old) that was the teams would be that particular day. That morning my mom spent an hour trying to awake the greates teacher of all strategy and battle tatics my brother jesse. That's what i call him since he taught me everything about strategy and ground tatics so i wont freeze up like most in a game.
When Jesse awoke from his slumber, he immediately started setting up the days battles. First he set up the game types which were at the time very impossible since this was our first time having a lan party in our neighborhood. The games were a such: ctf/15 points/single flag/10min. defense/100%hp/instant respawn/all weapons/all vehicles/nav points/no radar/friend indicator on. Oddball/one ball/damage resistant/fastmode/15min. to defend/300%hp(this is the gravest mistake my brother has ever made in the history of warfare.)/instant respawn/shields/nav points/no radar/friend indictator on/all weapons/all vehicles.
Afte he was satisfied with his works of art, he demanded that our poor mother make him breakfast. After eating he started calling everyone around town that we knew, to come and play 'Halo Combat Evolved.' The first to show up was collin and zach reuter. Collin was on my team and Zach on 'his' team. The next arrive was Jesse's Right hand man Marcus Johnson. Then was Jesse's Counter Offensive Force:Scott Joseph,Drome Johnson,Matt Evnas,Jordon And Isiah,and Horace Smoke III.
My men were as followed: Collin Reuter, Doug Green JR.,Floyd Green,their cousin Jack,Henry "the Bear"Wiehl III. Collin was my right hand just as Marcus was Jesse's;Doug and Jack were my Defensive force gaurding Floyd who would be in controll of the ball in the last game;Bear was our special force just as Scott was Jesse's Special Force. This is how i thouhgt of our plan. Before we started playing we made plans with our teams. My plan was simple and sound. On team CTF we would immediately put our tank at the top of the red base hill. Then quickly leave Floyd and Jack to defend the base. After we would take one warthog and one ghost to the blue base cuase problems for them and their team. then quickly retreat to base and reload and defend the flag for the last eight mins.. Then when the time was up we would attack their base. The tank being our most greatest asset of all, we left it where it was with our driver in it. and attacked with one hog and two ghosts. Our tank would supress their forces into a cork screw hold them down giving us enough time to get the flag and run like hell back to base. This theory was sound but had one flaw, Jesse's force was much larger and he had 11 men under him to counter our every move. At the end of that game we lost miserably and horribly by 5 to 15.
My team had doubts abut the next game. I a the other hand knew exactly what to do. The game was oddball and my defense in this battle was very good for we were playing at sidewinder;the same place i mad my strategy for that game.
The strategy was this. We would race to the ball with only two people and grab it as fast as we could. Then immediately would run to the northern most cliff on the map, and set up our defense. It was decided that Floyd would hold the ball and win the game for us. Second we would put a ghost in the portal to the right of our position,and keep anyone from entering or defensive point. Third we would get at least two rocket shockers and two ball defenders with needlers and what ever nades we had. Fourth we would stay away from the edges since Jesse would have both tanks and all vehicles. Fifth we would put another ghost of over the portal which connected to the red base. and would keep any who tried to climb to the top and take the ball from us. This was my plan,and me and my mens victory.

In the next story:
Jesse's Plans and Downfall
