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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 1: Fatigued Arrival...
Posted By: Blanchette<ron0704@msn.com>
Date: 29 August 2004, 5:40 PM

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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 1: Fatigued Arrival...

2375 Hours, September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Cruiser: Truth and Reconciliation / Halo Installation 004/
Canyon Environment Area 012/ Banshee Flier

The air was cold in the night atmosphere of Installation 004, a strong breeze continuously cooling his nerves through the open ends of the Banshee, it wouldn't be long until they reached the vessel. Wort once again contacted his supporting dropship to make sure he was still on the designated path, a grough voice echoed in the small cabin space of the flight control area in front of him, informing him that he was still on the correct path. He watched the animated purple view-screen for it's coordinates, he nudged the flight control sticks a little to his right, creating a soft 'whooshing' noise from the tail-fins in the back. He relaxed his body a little, letting the machine cradle his body into a moment of pure peace and silence; then took a deep breath and opened his eyes, he could now see the vessel's dark structure forming in the distance, a small NAV Reticle highlighted two bright purple rectangles at the lower end of the ship; the docking bays, where he now needed to go. He focused the Banshee's automatic flight control pattern to interlock with the vessel's automated docking system, letting the machine do the rest of the work and landing. Wort then turned the view-screen to the current drive-area in front of the Banshee; showing the bays again, he then typed a command in to zoom the screen in more, it squared-in on the docking bays, there was a lot of activity going on, he could see fire from life forms, but he couldn't make out their species, maybe another type of human? He was thoroughly briefed for the mission, but not even the Commanders knew what exactly to expect, there was a sudden flash of red in the tiny view-screen, someone was sending a message to him, he pressed the little glowing button off to the side and a voice came over the sound units, it was a Grunt; Wort wasn't supposed to take orders from lower class Covenant Species, but it seemed to be important, so he listened anyway; hearing it's shrill, fearful voice from miles away. It informed him of hostile in their LZ, and to be prepared for enemy fire has soon as they drop in. Wort powered the Banshee's Plasmic Weaponry with it's Armorment Superconductors; ready to take some of the those "things" down before he landed; he knowingly realized that the LZ was already a tight squeeze, and he wouldn't be able to circle the entire bay and take them all out with the Banshee before the dropship deployed and took up half the landing space in there, so he'd just be ready to do whatever he could. The Banshee then reanimated itself, bold purple Covenant calligraphy poured down holographically over the screen; telling him that he was now approaching the target-zone. Wort was ready.

The other Banshee beside him took to his rear; letting him take point, the machine turned slightly, matching up with the bay's opening as it got closer, and closer, until finally Wort gripped the weapons' triggering clutches and squeezed, bright bursts of blue painting the night sky as they pierced and sizzled into a foreign body; an enemy he had never encountered, nor seen before, but his awe was short; he snapped back to focus and continued to repeatedly squeeze the triggering nubs again, sending the bursts of blue all throughout the bay. And then the whole Banshee began to turn sharply, making Wort roll to one side as it was coming in to land, but then there was a violent jolt that shook the small purple craft, and a distorted hiss could be heard over-head; a hostile had jumped onto the Banshee!

Wort tried to eject himself from the endangered vehicle, but before he knew it the Banshee had landed and was sliding him out the back, the hostile was still on the roof of the Banshee when he got to his feet. It's whole color was a moldy and scummy green-yellow; bulging with small infections, in what looked to be the shape of a human figure, but it's arm-like appendages were flailing in every direction; even though the humans were low, they were still intelligent enough to wield weapons, and have thorough mental stability, besides; this thing had dove from the upper platform of the bay, and landed directly on top of the Banshee; something a normal human could never do. It then looked at him, but before it could act a thick purple blade sliced through it; it was the wing of the second Banshee! And out hopped the second Spec Ops Elite, Wort turned, looking up into the levels of the bay, plasma and human weaponry fire burst everywhere, their muzzle-fire flashing erratically, producing loud roaring sounds that echoed off all the bay's walls, Wort jumped back to the Banshee and pulled out a Plasma Rifle from it's storage rack, immediately turning around, just in time to see his comrade fall to the floor by another of the foreign species, he opened fire on the disgusting thing, green pints of bloody slime spewed everywhere, and finally bringing it down. Wort ran to his downed partner, but to his dismay he was dead, dark-purple pools of blood enveloped his body, Wort reached over him and obtained a second Plasma Rifle, using the pair in a dual-action manor of combat. Just then a rain of blue fire washed over him from above, someone, or thing, was shooting at him, and disrupting his shielding too, Wort ran to the nearest bay doors; trying to find cover from the constant strain of fire up-above, he made it just as the dropship entered the bay, it's Shade-Class Cannons firing non-stop at the hostile things. Wort continued to run up the small purple metallic ramp, small patterns of texture providing his legs with better traction. He listened to his head as he started remembering his first task; secure the Command Deck of all Vital Covenant Information; to make sure the Homeworld stayed safely away from the enemy, then the ship's complete destruction; starting with the reactors, unless this foreign race could be contained, but that was highly unlikely, Wort had already witnessed their brute manor of combat, these things couldn't be negotiated with...
