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Fan Fiction

The Rise and Fall of the Flood FINAL CHAPTER
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 21 October 2003, 7:59 PM

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Ty roared in defiance, and the two warriors leapt in unison, and their blades crashed into each other, sparks of holy energy flying in all directions. The impact knocked them both back, and they both pounced again, and the dance began. Ty spun like a whirlwind through all his strikes, slashing at his enemies sides, advancing. The flood parried easily with the two small energy blades, dancing backwards, and suddenly into a full backflip, gracefully landing atop a tree limb. Ty followed by flipping forward, landing on it just as the flood leapt down...firing a fan of white lightning from it's hands. Ty somehow managed to leapt straight up, into the canpoy of the trees, as the limb was incinerated. He came down from nowhere, behind the flood, making a fast jab with the long sword in his hand. The flood rolled forward, sending a paper thin wave of energy at Ty, who just barely leapt over it, and came crashing down atop the flood, who was kneeling to parry the blow, holding it mere inches from what was once the head of an acolyte.

Sparks flew, and the world seemed to fade to nothing but blackness as Ty pressed all the strength he had onto the blade. A sphere of energy began to expand from where the two powers had collided, and was getting larger faster. The sphere sorrounded them as they struggled to kill each other, the blades locked together, their muscules straining. And suddenly, everything went white, and Ty was falling, falling from what he didn't know...until he crashed down into something soft and cold. He opened his eyes, and a world of white was before his face. It took a few disoriented seconds to figure out that somehow, he had gone from fighting that infected acolyte to fields of snow...and then an explosion came from behind him. He turned around, and saw something very few men ever got to see. The fortress world's command shrine. The master weapon was controlled from here, the fate of the galaxy could be changed from here. Ty's sharp tactical mind worked fast. He was behind a charging pack of flood, and slightly above them, on a natural rock bridge. A line of forerunner special forces were some how holding them back, perched atop the third tier, rubble strewn about for cover, as well as a multitude of covenant. Elites were everywhere, using shade stationary gun chairs, but the flood were pressing harder, and more of them kept pouring out of doors and down a waterfall that had once been frozen, but they had blown open the ice to land in it safely.

Ty stood in the center of the natural bridge, and formulated a plan. A long beam ran at a slant from top to bottom of the shrine, ending where the observation tower was. Ty sized it up, and then leapt down onto it, balancing perfectly, grinding down it with his armored boots. Sparks flew, and the flood paused briefly to see what it was...this cost them a good fifty combat forms, and then Ty extended both arms to the sides, angled them down...and rained white lightning upon the ranks of the flood. The energy bolts vaporized them outright, punched fatal holes in their soft bodies, and set them aflame, and they were powerless to counter such a powerfull attack. Ty slid down into a crevice at the bottom, leapt out, and sprinted, as combat forms began to chase him. The long sword suddenly flashed into his hands, and he backflipped clean over their heads, then dove forward, bicsecting one with wide slash. The other two turned, but not fast enough, as Ty took the head and right torso with a diagonal slice, then spun a complete circle to his left to remove the head of a the third. With that, he leapt with all the strength his legs could musted, boosting the heighth with his holy powers, and landed gracefully atop the bridge again. The soldiers cheered as the Tide began to turn, and Ty leapt again, landing among their ranks. But even with all the kills he had just made...he knew the defenses wouldn't hold for much longer. ***

The overlord swung another massive tentacle at the cruiser, and it slammed into the shields, causing them to flare brightly. The vessels were closing to point blank range, holding their fire until the last instant, where nothing would save him. But the overlord had a way out, he had a way to escape...he had tried it earlier...and had nearly been killed by Ty Nectfist in the process...it was amazing what he could do with the dead body of an acolyte, that apparently had once been called Tri. A fighter was taken out by a Dragon, and plowed into his side at more than full throttle, a searing pain filled him as it detonated a few yards into his carapace. The range was close now, and would be point blank in minutes. His tentacles flashed out again and again, massive kinetic energy hammering the forerunner shields. Finally, one destoryer lost it's shileds, and the tentacle wrapped around it entirely, slowly sqeezing it, apparently trying to snap it in half. And slowly, it worked, the hull groaned, and the armor began to snap off. The captain somehow maintained his cool, and ordered all his pinpoint defense weapons to fire on the tentacle until it released or the weapons were melted to slag from overheating. Heavy particle cannons and long range beam lasers tore into tentacle, blowing meaty chunks off it, spraying flash frozen green gore into space. But that wasn't the overlords only defense. The tentacle suddenly sizzled with electricity, wich was conducted through the metals of the hull, electrocuting the crew instantly, killing every single living thing aboard the ship, and rendering it useless. But the range was point blank, and the ships opened up, heavy weapons chewing into the carapace of the overlord, who didn't hesitate one second, and transferred himself to the body of Tri Novaus. The fleet of vessels were surprised that the overlord stopped fighting, and cutloose entirely. The antiproton warheads launched, set for remote detonation, and sliced through the carapace armor of the once massive overlord, and blew chunks of flesh. Regular HE warheads hammered the body along with heavy beam lasers and heavy particle beam cannons, the main armament of any heavy ship in the forerunner fleet. Then, with a cheer of victory, the ships detonated the antiproton warheads inside the ungoldy creature, simply vaporizing the beast from within. They cheered and reported their victory. But on the ground, the battle was just beginning. ***

Ty fired his beam rifle again, the precise sniper shot tearing through four heads, dropping four flood, and melting flesh off the chest of another. Somewhere, a carrier form exploded, and blew the bodies of several leaping flood up to the third tier. There were a good twelve flood in this group, and shot after shot missed them, until Ty raised his palm...and a fan of energy washed over them, dropping their sizling bodies atop other flood, rendering them immobile and helpless. Another volley of particle grenades landed among the tightly packed crowd of flood...and the next second, the troopers were being slimed in green gore, limbs flying through the air as they kept firing, but steadily, the flood advances pushed them back...the fourth tier, the fifth...the main platform, the observation tower was evacuated as the forerunner fled into the control room complex, sealing the doors, and locking what was for many their last energy pak into the beam rifles and particle rifles. The huge doors shook as the flood fought to get them open. Ty was literally soaked in green blood from the immeasurable amount of kills he had from his energy long sword. Quickly, a few elites ran to the where the doors opened, and laid a few of their most lethal plasma grenades, flipping some tiny switches to turn them into mines. Then, they all fled to the control room acess hallway, where there was little cover. The grenades could be heard detonating, and it didn't take long for the last few the elites had to blow up as the flood forced the second to last door. Soldiers in the small nooks off to either side of the hall that were used for lighting cut loose, under the command to "make every shot count" from Ty, who was now the ranking officer.

They mowed down the ranks of flood at first, then the door was fully open, and they poured through, overwhelming the soldiers, who were suddenly finding themselves fleeing into the control room itself. Ty was afraid he would have to carry out the orders the officers had given him should they fall...they had given him a most important object...what was called the "Index" the key to the ring's primary weapon. The doors shook as the flood pounded on it, the soldiers dropping useless weapons, and igniting energy kinves and bayonets. Only 11 men, including Ty were left, and they all knew it was going to be the end. Ty told them softly not to be afraid, and to fall back rapidly, to the other side of the ring around the massive holographic display. Out of nowhere, the pounding stopped, and there was a whistling in the room. The soldiers looked around, but it was far to late. The Overlord dropped down to the ground, and white lightning washed over the warriors, immoliating it. Ty somehow back backflipped down the long path to stand right infront of the control console.

So his nemesis was back, his enemy had come, only this time, it was weilding a gleaming white blade, that looked exactly like the one..that...Tri has used...and Ty howled with fury, his own weapon flashing into existence, as he charged. In the middle of the catwalk, the two warriors collided. Ty swung down hard, the Overlord parried and counter attacked. Sparks flew like a heavy rain storm, so fast and furious was the battle. Slowly, Ty retreated, backing up slowly, his long sword moving so fast that it would have damaged the nerves in a normal person's eyes. He backflipped as the Flood leapt forward, and they fought in midair as Ty rapidly descended towards the gaping hole in the middle of the catwalk. Tri's body suddenly broke off, and Ty extended his arms, catching the edge, and flipping up over it, his body spinning like a top as he landed, the blade in his hands making one solid light trail, like a ring around him as he spun through his slashes, leaping and flipping over his enemy's head, spinning the blade towards his back, when he was back kicked in the gut.

Ty staggered backwards, but recovered quickly, slashing down and to the right, nearly removing Tri's foot, and catching a fist in his jaw instead, losing his balance. To counter, he rolled forward gracefuly, mimicing what he had seen Tri do earlier, a paper thin wave of white energy shooting away from him. Tri easily hopped over, and this time, it was Ty who was on his knees, struggling to keep the blade from slicing through his face. But he knew, that he wasn't going to be able to hold him off for long, he was tired from long hours of fighting back the flood waves. He had one choice, and he had to do it. He rolled backwards, spraying fans of white lightning, and pulled the small spike that was the index from his belt. The Overlord/Tri saw it, and suddenly pressed the attack, full force, launching himself towards Ty, who quickly leapt sideways, arcing over the control console, where he threw the index towards the appropriate slot. But Tri followed, and Ty was suddenly short of one arm. He landed flat on his back, and Tri straddled him when he landed, tip of his blade against Ty's throat. Ty saw the index falling, knew that Tri hadn't seen it...and saw it land right in the slot...the slot that wasn't correct for its placement. Tri heard the thrum of power and turned to look. Ty took full advantage of this, grabbed an energy bayonet he had landed next to, and jabbed it into the back of Tri's throat. Blood splutred, and the once mighty acolyte fell forward. All around the ring, the flood grabbed at the back of their throats, and fell forward, dying. The forerunner cheered everywhere, but little did they know what was happening in the control room.

Ty was dying, he knew it, because he was halluconating. He was seeing something, a strange looking figure wearing green armor that had a golden face plate, walking down the catwalk weilding some kind of rifle, and heading for the control console. The figure pulled something from his helmet, and insterted it into the console. The world went to white, and Ty Nectfist finally slipped into his death.
But the ring was still charging. With the index in the wrong slot, the ring wouldn't send out its massive life ending energy pulse through the galaxy...it would fire upon its self. And only when the sky began to turn black did the forerunner grow curious...then, in a massive flash of blue light, all life was vaporized in one single moment.***

The Master Chief stepped up to the control console and inserted Cortana into it. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Never been better...the wealth of knowledge, so much, so fast...it's glorious" she said. The Chief didn't comment, and wasn't really paying attention, until Cortana said something with fear in her voice. "Get out of here, find Keys, STOP HIM!" she yelled. The Chief took off sprinting...little did he know, that the covenant weren't the only evil on the ring...there were things far worse...and their second chance was soon to be at hand...


Word from the Author
I truly want to thank all the readers of this series for supporting me in writing it, and giving me the motivation to continue. I'd like to express my utmost thanks to HBO for hosting my fiction. I hope you enjoyed the series, and don't worry, theres a brand new one to come! Thanks again
