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Fan Fiction

Out of Phase 4
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 22 January 2004, 8:39 PM

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John had always liked driving, but something was wrong with this car...he couldn't quite tell yet, but something was definitly wrong. There were to many buttons, and the inside was all...flashy...John had heard of such a thing, a dying art in his time, but in these times modifying vehicles to look and preform better was everywhere. And this car certianly had been modifyed. There was a little red button on either side of the steering wheel, and he was getting more and more curious to find out just WHAT it did. But now was not the time, considering he was moving at a high rate of speed and being fired upon, while dodging through light traffic of this hour. His vehicle was unfortunatly modified to be lighter...and the bullets being fired, though innacurate, were penetrating into the trunk and interior of the vehicle on occasion. He recognized the sound of another legendary weapon, the 9mm HK sub macine gun, often employed by paramillitary forces.

The chief knew that soon he would have to abandon this vehicle soon, as more and more vehicles were coming closer to cutting him off, forcing a wreck, and more were joining the chase. When helicopters joined the chase, he knew he would have to ditch soon. After a flat out acceleration on the road he was on, the city seemed to fade...and he saw a drawbridge...a drawbidge being raised. The chief instantly formed a plan. He would either make the jump, and loose the ground vehicles following him, only having to contend with unarmed helicopters, wich he could scare off. Or, he would miss and hit the river below, and swim to safety underwater. And about two seconds before he hit the upward slope, he decided to be bold, and smacked both little red buttons. He jerked in his safety harness as the car SHOT forward, the speedometer going all the way back around to the 50mph mark. The car hit the bridge and shot into the air...and the angle was too high, he might not make it. The chief double checked the safety harness, and prayed the small arms he had captured wouldn't be set off by the landing. When the car hit the road, the chief was rocked forward and up, smashing the top of his head against the top of the windshield.

Blood leaked down the sides of his face and a little was stuck on a now large crack in the windshield. The impact severly lowered his speed, forcing the chief to drop back to third gear before rapidly accelerating. The helicoptors continued to follow, and the chief made sure he was on a long straightaway, traffic non-existant, probablly due to radio warnings to the civillians. John grabbed the M4 carbine from the passenger seat, and made sure he was on a long straight away, before dropping the sniper's rifle onto the accelerator and jamming the steering wheel at the same time. Then, in an insane move, he opened the door, and gripping the frame of the car with one hand, he made ready. The helicoptors saw him, and hesitantly began to pull back. The cheif, however, was highly skilled with just about any kind of shot, and his aiming ahead of the choppers seemed to be stupid. Then, he opened fire, a full auto blast of bullets hammered into the nose of the first helicopter. Rounds penetrated the metal framing, and fuel began to leak out, and very soon, the pilot had lost control. The chief however, didn't take any chances that they might pull out, and kept firing. More slugs punched into the glass beneath the copilot's feet, shattering the glass onto poth pilot and copilot and giving the copilot a bullet wound in the knee, very painful.

There was no way to stop the chopper now. The copilot's screaming and flailing caused the pilot to release his controls, and the copter plowed straight into a building. At first, there was only silence...then the loudest explosion the chief had ever heard. He NEARLY lost his grip on the frame of the car. The clip ran dry, and he dropped the empty weapon onto the road before pulling himself back inside the car. He tossed the sniper's rifle aside and took control of the car again. But as he moved to put his foot back on the accelerator...he noticed the pedal had jammed. For now, it didn't matter, but soon it would. He just held the wheel, and let the car fly forward at close to 126 miles perhour. However, he would have no time to formulate a plan, as an obviously millitary jeep pulled out infront of him. A "Hummer" as they were called. There was a man manning a .50 calibur machine gun, and he knew at the angle and range, that he would not miss. John deperatly yanked the 9mm from his waistband, and took aim. He fired once, and the gunner recoiled, grabbing at his left shoulder. John swore aloud as he finished the aiming of the weapon, and opened fire. Heavy rounds punched into the engine, and John knew he had no choice. He kicked the door off and dove, hitting the street and rolling over and over, his head spinning.

When the rolling stopped, he was amaze to find himself uninjured. The vehicle had exploded, and the millitary jeep was turning around. It was here john thought of something...it didn't really seem possible, but somehow, the properties of his MJOLINR armor had transferred to him...atleast some of them, and it appeared that his shields was one of those properties...and from some of the things he had tried and succeded in earlier, it appeared that added speed and strength was another. John slowly got to his feet, as the jeep bore down on him. He stood his ground as it came straight at him. WHen it reached him, the driver skidded it to a stop infront of him and John could sense the passenger aiming a weapon at him, the gunner pointing the .50 cal machine gun at him. The chief slowly took aim, ignoring their shouts for him to drop his weapon. He fired once, and the gunner fell with a bullet nestled between his eyes, blood and small bits of bone flew as the man slumped dead. The passenger fired his rifle from the door, and the chief stood still. It was as he predicted. The bullet deflected off of his "shields", and the chief could see a nearly transparent distortion in the air around his body. His experiment complete, he dropped to one knee and fired again, spinning. The three shots he fired all connected with his two targets. The first one blasted into the passenger's right eye, spraying gore and dropping him dead, the second cathing him in his forehead as he fell backwards, and the third punching into the drivers skull.

The chief rose, and stepped forward, moving to the passenger. He stripped him of his weapon, an M16A2 rifle, and any ammo he was carrying. The driver was shoved into the street, as the chief commandeered the Hummer, speeding away into the night.
