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Fan Fiction

From the Halo Diaries (Chapter 6)
Posted By: aussie_spartan<aussie_spartan@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 April 2007, 10:22 am

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      If you are reading this then you are witness to my first ever Pseudocoded version of a chapter on HBO. If you are reading my story then please give me some feedback on how you felt about my story, I have nothing against constructive critism. I realise that my passages are not perfect (as much as I wish them to be) and there are time, date and factual errors in my story and if you find one please contact me so that I may fix it in upcoming stories.

Halo Inspired Fan Fiction

Time unknown, (Before the fall of Reach) / Location Classified

       Six weeks? Had it really been six weeks? Lieutenant Carter thought to himself lamely. It seemed impossible, like he had been here a lifetime, a lifetime of hell. He had to give it to the Covenant; they didn't mess around when it came to torture. They were good, the best he'd ever seen, and it was amazing in a sick, sadistic sort of way. They had shocked, stabbed, poisoned, drowned, beaten, cut and maimed him. He could hardly see his right arm through all the blood but they kept him alive, so they could do it again and again and again. The shockers that they used were brutal; they seemed to have the interesting property of activating the pain receptors under his skin causing unbearable pain even hours after administration. The poisonings were just as bad; they left him then administered the anti-toxic just before it was too late. What really got to him though was the mental torture they put him through; they forced him to sit though their security tapes as they played his comrades deaths over and over again, laughing as his team died one by one. A tall alien in gold armor seemed to be in charge of all of this, he was the only one who did not laugh at the tapes, he seemed almost… human. As if he could understand what was happening to Carter, at first he was very aggressive commanding that he reveal the whereabouts of Earth but after a while it appeared that he thought the exercise worthless as he would always get the same answer. "I am Lieutenant Damien Carter. Service Number 72836-27492-DC. You are an ugly bitch."
       In fact the thought occurred to him that all of the aliens torturing him knew he was never going to talk, they were just doing it for the hell of it now. He started scratching under his left eye trying to calm down but it was useless, the thought made his blood boil but he was too exhausted to do anything about it right now. He had just been administered a poison, this one was familiar first he would feel his muscles weaken then came the uncontrollable vomiting… correct that here comes the uncontrollable vomiting.

       Ship Master 'Hynue watched in disgust as the human projectile vomited across his already disgusting cell. It was pointless, he knew this 'Damien Carter' would never reveal the whereabouts of his home world but the prophets insisted that they continue the torturing nonetheless. Whoever this soldier was he was good, he had resisted torture that made some of the lower Sangheili squirm just to watch. He had also restrained himself while they watched the images of his soldiers being slaughtered, personally 'Hynue would have been proud had his soldiers fallen so bravely in combat but the humans were different to them and 'Hynue could tell that watching them die was painful for him in a way that the poison in his body right now could never be. 'Again!' 'Hynue thought to himself annoyed. Again he felt sorry for his foe, this was defiantly not good for him, if anyone found out about his respect for the human then he would be killed on the spot. He should have requested to be given another mission and let another Sangheili take his place but he just had to see what became of this human, he had to. Though he might be finding out soon anyway, the prophets were getting impatient with their prisoner and had suggested a quite cruel form of torture to submit the human to which if not killing him instantly would push him very far down the road. The doors to the holding cell whooshed open and as his sub commander, a red Sangheili who's name 'Hynue could never remember walked in. "Is it time?" 'Hynue asked wearily.
       "It is time." The sub commander responded bluntly.
       "Then let's get this over with." 'Hynue said.

2035 hours, July 14, 2557 (Military Calendar) / Aboard the MAC platform Cairo, in orbit around Earth

       "Shoot to kill boys! Let's show them why you don't fuck with marines!" Brown yelled at the top of his voice. Longatano emptied a magazine full of SMG into the on coming rush of Covenant instantly killing several Grunts and weakening an Elites shields. Sampson was right there to back him up when Longatano needed to reload firing her pistol (her battle rifle being out of ammo) at anyone who tried to return fire at Longatano. "Thanks, but that shitty little thing is gunna be as effective as throwing air at them."
       "Well at least my air is hitting some of them asswipe." Sampson retorted.
       "Oooo! Feisty today! What's the matter, having a little bout of PMS?"
       That cut deep. "Yea I got PMS! Putting up with Men's SHIT!" She screamed the last word into Longatano's ear nearly setting him off balance.
      He looked like he was going to yell something back but they were interrupted by Brown who yelled at them both. "You two can compare sizes all you want but only after you fucking kill the asshole's trying to kill us!"
      It was a smart idea and Sampson had to agree, they could worry about their argument when they weren't fighting for their lives. So she raised her gun and started firing into the oncoming crowd but she realized she might as well have been throwing air at them her shots just didn't seem to be doing anything to them. The pistol was a good weapon but it just didn't cut it in swarms this big. "We're going to need back up soon." She muttered to Longatano as the Covenant grew closer and closer.
       "Yea, I know." Was all Longatano said back.
       Then 'thud!' something hit the ground hard behind them. Sampson spun around to face with a black armor clad Elite… holding an energy sword. "DUCK!" Sampson screamed and the Elite swung.
       Sampson ducked but Longatano had kept facing the rushing Covenant and wasn't aware of the danger he was in. The blade that missed Sampson cut through Longatano splattering his blood on the wall next to him, painting the wall red. Sampson screamed and fired until her pistol was empty then drew her knife but it was useless. Her rage had blurred her vision making it hard to hit the Elite so its shields were still up when she came running at it. All it had to do was let her bounce off its shielding then finish her off with his blade. Sampson did bounce off the shield but when she landed she landed right next to Longatano's blood splattered SMG, picking it up she fired what was left of it into the Elite downing his shields and giving Sampson time to get onto her feet. The Elite looked stunned and seeing her chance Sampson sprung her entire weight onto the fucker knocking him onto the ground. They rolled for a few minutes until Sampson was sure she had enough leverage to push her blade into the Elite's head. The Elite however knew what was coming and also knew that no matter how much leverage this creature had it couldn't beat him in pure strength, which was a pity it seemed like a good fighter. Just as the Elite had predicted Sampson couldn't overpower the black armored Elite and was soon forced to go onto the defensive as his energy blade started inching its way closer to her head. It was all over very quickly, Sampson died yelling at the pain that seemed to radiate from her neck as her blood covered them both. Then she stopped struggling and her body fell limp next to Longatano's as the battle continued to rage on without them.

1254 hours, July 14, 2557 (Military Calendar) / Old Mombassa, Earth

       They had started fighting to get to the bridge then they started fighting for their lives. The moment they dropped in the Covenant hit them, hard. Less than fifty had survived until this point, they were constantly on the run and Captain Murphy had never seen so much blood in his entire professional career. The scarab had wiped a lot of them out, it was just too damn strong, and nothing they did seemed to have any effect on the bloody thing. It was like trying to kill a lion with your bare hands and none of them were up to that. Then they had started trying to fall back but that didn't help either, the Covenant weren't here to take land and hold it, they were here to move until they had all the land and they didn't mind spending a couple of hundred units to get it. The strange thing was that whenever the Covenant thought they weren't being watched they started digging, but for what? The few snipers that were left reported in that whatever it was they were desperate to get to it as they would start the moment they had peace. Even going as far as leaving themselves out in the open with no cover to search for it, which was in fact a great help to the ODST surprise attacks that they had sprung. Now Fox Company was hiding out in the suburban areas of Old Mombassa reduced to hiding in abandoned homes to cover themselves. They weren't licked yet though and Captain Murphy still had some tricks up his sleeve, good ones too. Right now they were waiting for Intel to come back from three scouts they had sent out to poke around the city centre.
       Lance Corporal Silvia Russell had her back to the wall as she peeked around the corner and using her standard issue binoculars zoomed in on the area just outside the Old Mombassa National bank. Outside was a large contingence of grunts, jackals and a red Elite or two. "Shit." She muttered to herself but Private First Class Ian Powell heard her through the ODST helmet.
       "What's wrong? Covenant?" He whispered.
       Silvia gave the positive hand signal then motioned him to be quiet. If they were heard then it was real bad news for them, they were miles from any help and their radioman Brian Flores said their communications wouldn't work too good from this distance. It didn't matter anyway because any signal they sent up now would be heard by the Covenant as well and then they were in for it. She signaled for them to move back and put some distance between them and the bank. Ian checked their map for the next stop on their trip through the city for Captain Murphy. "We're going to the museum of war history next." He said in a dejected voice.
       She could understand everywhere they had gone so far was swarming with those alien bastards; they seemed to be everywhere at once it was amazing how quickly they had taken the entire city. They were waiting at a train stop now, the Covenant hadn't bothered to cut the power and the trains were still running on time and on schedule which bothered Silvia. They seemed more occupied in their searching than they were in anything else, it made them sloppy which was a good thing; she had never seen the Covenant take such foolhardy risks in battle. All they had to do was shoot at them when they charged but the sheer numbers at which they came and that scarab was nothing to laugh at. "Here it comes." Muttered Brian.
       There it was then next express train that would take them closest to the museum. It was of course unmanned as was everything else still running in this city. It was funny in a way that some of the city's day to day business hadn't stopped even for a total invasion. In another way it was unnerving to know that this train, like every other one would be completely devoid of life, throughout their entire journey the closest they had come to find life was… well finding death. It was everywhere; all the brave marines that had given their lives for this city were still here out in the streets. The Covenant hadn't bothered to clean them up and who could blame them? What did it matter if Earth was going to be glassed anyway? The train stopped at the station and a cool sounding computerized voice came over the station loudspeakers: "All aboard train 352 bound for station 4."
       They got on and quickly secured their compartment but it was pointless, the compartment and most likely the entire train were empty except for them. Nonetheless they still kept up with traditional room securing tactics and covered all windows and doors as best as they could, keeping their eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble.

2310 hours, July 14, 2557 (Military Calendar) / Australia, Victorian Otways (Forests), Earth

       They'd had a quick rest then were lugging it again through the forest. Captain Taylor and Sergeant Moore had seen a rough couple of hours in these forests but nothing they couldn't handle. Moore was armed with his trusty battle rifle but Taylor had only landed with his pathetic pistol which only had one positive, it had a silencer so they could try to use some sort of stealth while creeping up on the downed frigate. They pushed through some underbrush and then came to a clearing; they didn't immediately jump into the clearing and just waited on the edge. It was lucky they did the moment they looked at the clearing the saw a horrible battlefield. The Covenant here engaged in some battle with… well Moore had no idea what they were. It looked like something from a horror movie, they seemed to be Covenant bodies but it looked like the ones Moore had seen after days of decomposition. That wasn't it either, something seemed seriously wrong with these creatures too, like they had something growing inside them and it had started poking out of the body it was inhabiting. There was more still, little blob like things were jumping across the space as well; they would attach themselves to whoever they could. Moore could see one attaching itself to an Elite nearby, at first the Elite was turned so that the blob couldn't be seen but then it's struggles brought it around facing them. "Son of a bitch!" Moore whispered a little too loudly for comfort.
       The blob had some sort of long rod like extension which it had inserted into the back of the Elites neck. After watching the sick sight for a few minutes the Elite convulsed and then fell to the ground but the battle continued to rage around them. Moore kept his eyes onto the Elites body transfixed at what will happen next, he was rewarded for his diligence when the body convulsed again and got up off the ground. Moore realized what was going on, he had heard tales of these… things from what happened on Halo but they were told as completely wiped out. What were they doing all the way out here? Then Moore realized why the Covenant weren't too keen on keeping that thing in the air, they just wanted to get rid of the infection that could have been spread. "Those asswipes! They led the Flood here and now we're in the shiter!" This time Moore was too loud.
       A jackal turned around and saw them then it yelled to its comrades. "You fucking idiot." Taylor said to Moore as they were forced to duck under a barrage of needles and plasma.
       "It's the Flood you fucker! They led the Flood here! HERE!" Moore answered before he returned fire.
       They were easily outnumbered but luckily the Flood seemed too interested in the closer Covenant host rather than the distant human hosts on the other side of the clearing. So with the Flood keeping the Covenant busy they were able to hold their own against what little firepower the Covenant could spare against them. "This is going to be a long and pointless engagement." Taylor said to Moore "Even if we kill all the Covenant it'll only end up with the Flood coming after us instead."
       It made sense, Moore wasn't some idealistic idiot. He wanted to make it through this, see his wife and kids again. "Yea, sure. What did you have in mind?"
       Taylor seemed to be thinking it over for a while then he said "I don't think I want to go to the Frigate, I'm pretty sure I already know what we'll find there and we have to get back to HQ so we can let the brass know what's happening here."
       "You know what?" Moore replied. "That's the best thing I've heard all day."
