
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Tamir Klein<BaldEagles7@earthlink.net>
Date: 17 October 2005, 1:48 am

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I heard the alarms go off on the Pillar of Autumn. Everyone in my cyro tubes woke up. The openings to them opened up. Cold steam came out of them, and the floor became a mist of clouds. We all where alarmed and scared even thought everyone didn't show it.
My name is Mason Rockwell. I'm 20 years old. Most of the men in my battalion where in there mid 30 early 40. One person aside from me was in his 20. His name was Thomson Williams. I just called him Thom. We all ran over to our gun rakes about 10 feet away from the cyro tubes. We grabbed our MA5B assault rifles and our pistol. Then grabbed as many rounds as we could carry. Then grabbed out battle helmets. We all ran out the door in unison. There where 20 of us. We where like brothers. We would die for each other; risk our live for each other just to see each other's faces another day.
All of a sudden while we where making our way to the bridge and explosion erupted from the left side of the hallway. Then when the smoke cleared we saw fellow marines bodies blasted and torn up. Then we saw 4 Jackals and 2 Elites. We loaded our guns double time. We where piercing rounds into the Covenant so fast some of us got a little carried away and kept shooting even after they where dead. Two of our men where wounded badly. One was shot in the leg and another was shot in the torso. We couldn't leave them to die. First we tried patching the wounds as quick as we could. Then two of our men took one each and singed them over their shoulders. This meant 4 of our men could not fight. We kept proceeding to the bridge. Passing the body's lane on the ground I almost heaved. Explosions where coming in from all directions. Luckily we weren't getting attacked. But that luck was soon going to run out.
I put up the map of the ship in my HUD. We where close to the bridge. I'd say we would be there in about 3 minutes. All of a sudden the lights went out. Their where wires that where hanging out of places which only gave us hardly any light. We all turned on our light on our assault rifles. We maneuvered our way through the hallways. We heard men screaming and the sound of cracking bones. An explosion went off right in front of us. The wires caught fire. Now we had to worry about not just the Covenant but also the risk of us getting burned.
" Come on men, you don't want to die now!" Commander Rolins barked. It seemed to him we where moving to slow. But this was the fastest we could go in these conditions. The scorching heat of the fires made me sweat. When we got to the next turn in the hall we heard some Grunts talking. Their where about 20 of them. It seemed like they where speaking English. But from there small voices it was hard to tell. We hide on the side of the walls with our weapons at the ready. We new it would by pretty hard to defeat all of them. On of our men, Markus had picked up some frag grenades. Then Commander Rolins gave the command. Markus rolled it into the hallway where the Grunts where. Grunts have very bad hearing we where taught in the mission briefing room. So when it rolled down the hallway the didn't hear nor notice. The commander whispered, telling us to duck and cover our bodies over the wounded the explosion was loud. I saw blue-purplish mist covering the halls. We picked up the wounded and kept moving. When we passed what was once a group of Grunts I saw their blue blood splashed all over the walls. Some parts of their bodies where still there. I saw near one of the Grunts arms a plasma rifle. I picked it up.
" Come on Mason lets get going." One of my men yelled.
As we made our way to the bridge in almost complete darkness a signal on our HUD started to flash.
"To all aboard…get to an escape pod as quickly as possible. The Pillar of Autumn we soon to be no more. So get the hell out of here and god speed." Then the transmission went dead. Now we all new our new objective, to get off the ship alive.
We heard huge explosions coming from the outside of the ship. The ship started to shake. Some of us almost lost our balance. When we came to the next hallway there where two paths we could take. We needed to know which one would get us the escape pods the quickest. Samuel, one of our teammates checked on his HUD.
" We need to take the right path." He said, he sounded very unease. We made our way to the pods when we saw 10 men fly across our path. We peered around the corner and we saw 5 Elites.
" K…. men make your way to those damn pods as fast as you can we can't take all five you know that. We just have to take a risk. Damn…I don't know how else to say this but for the ones who don't make it…god speed." The commander said. We started to run. The Elites shot us with there plasma rifles. The two men carrying the two wounded went down. I wanted to peer back but if I did I would sheer die. So I kept running. I saw a pod that was open and I went for it.
" Thom, get over here now." Thom saw me and started to turn in my direction. Thom and I where good friends, almost like a brother to me. Samuel ran to my pod. Someone was already in the pilots seat and there where 4 seats left. The 3 of use quickly strapped in. One more of our men quickly got in. Then the pod extracted from the Pillar of Autumn.

Part 2,

I saw 100's of pods flying across space in all directions. I couldn't stop thinking about my fellow teammates. Where they dead? Where they alive? They feeling of uncertainty made me shiver. I just gripped my gun and thought to myself, those bastards are going to pay.
I set my assault rifle up on the rifle rake above me. I just couldn't set my mind clear of thoughts. Every thing that went on today just filled my mind with thoughts. I sighed. I didn't even know where we where going. I mean we where out in the middle of space. I sighed again and lade my head down on the mildly cushioned seat. Then I drifted off into a sleep.
I was looking over the yellow meadows on earth. My brothers and I where playing war. My brother Daniel where on one side and my brothers Greg and Edward where on the other side. Daniel and I where in the trees hiding. We saw our brothers running towards me.
" Hey Dan I think they see us lets get moving." I said whispering to him. We climbed down the tree very quietly. We started to head towards the barn. I didn't see a root out of the ground. I tripped.
" Come on Mason get up!" He yelled to me. When I turned my face the other way I was peering into Greg's eyes.
A loud noise woke me up. It must have been at least an hours worth of sleep I had gotten in.
" All aboard, where going down!" The pilot said to us very nervously. What happened the pod was flying fine? Alarms went off in the ship they where very loud. It seemed like where about to collide with another pod.
" The steer isn't working I cant hold!" The pilot said.
"Oh shi…" I said. Just then the bottom of our pod it the top of another pod. Sparks flew all over the place. Luckily they didn't catch fire to the pod. I was almost projected out of my seat. When we got past the pod we flipped. I gripped onto the side rails so I wouldn't fall out of my seat. I turned my head and looked out of the windshield of the ship. We where going to collide with the planet of Halo.

Part 3,

We where like a fire bolt. Blasting through space. Good thing these pods could withstand 20,000 F or else we would be burnt to a crisp. And this wasn't even the bad part. We had to worry if we would make the crash.
I couldn't to really much anything but wait. I gripped the side rails. I was sweating a great deal. I was grinding my teeth. I watched the monitor at the pilots seat. It read; 80,000 ft, 60,000 ft, 40,000, etc. When we got to 20,000 ft I could see the terrain of the planet very clearly. I saw plains, mountains, oceans, streams, and deserts. All the features earth has.
" Where coming in for impact!" The pilot yelled.
The pod hit the ground and that's all I felt. It made a very loud crash. And that's the only thing I could remember before I went out.
When I woke up the ship was wreaked. Med packs, bullet boxes where scattered all over the place. Samuel looked beat up and Thom was all right. The pilot wasn't moving and I didn't hear him breathing. One other person marine was up and the rest where knocked cold.
" Hey Thom, Samuel you alright?" I said.
" Ya where fine." They both said.
" Good…" I said. I nudged the marine on my right. He woke up with some hesitation. Samuel nudged the marine on his left. The marine didn't wake up. Samuel checked the marines pulse, he was dead. Thom nudged the marine on his left, he woke up. So there where six of us alive and two dead. The door lock was open. I got out of my strap, took my assault rifle, put my pistol and my plasma rifle in my holsters and walked outside. Our pod crashed right on a hill. The grass was green the sky was blue. I could see to my left a river. I walked back inside of the pod.
" Hey its alright to come outside. Gather supplies and weapons. Will never know what we need. Lets start moving double time." I said to the surviving marines. The all came outside within a few seconds. We had MA5B's pistols, and one plasma rifle for protection. Four med kits. And enough nutrient packs to last us for about a few weeks because we had extras because of the two people that died.
We couldn't bury the dead. A we didn't have the tools and B we needed to find others if there where any. That was our first priority.
All of a sudden a Covenant drop ship flew overhead. Then another followed it.
" Everyone get back inside the pod now, double time!" I yelled to the marines and we ran back inside. I don't know if they saw us or not, well just have to see and find out.
" Is it okay with all of you if I take command of this group?" I said to the marines with some hesitation. I was the youngest one here but I thought I had enough will and guts to do it. Everyone nodded their heads. Then it was settled I was either going to be taking these men to safety or to there deaths.

Part 4,

I told my men told hold position. I wanted to check something out. I walked over to the river. I scanned the water with my HUD to see if it was safe. It was. I took off my helmet. I splashed some water in my face. When I opened my eyes. I saw the Covenant drop ship ahead of me. Its guns where right in my direction.
I picked up my helmet as fast as I could then started to run. Its guns where shooting right at me. The streams of plasma where inches away from hitting me.
" Men start for the hills!" I said to my men. When I caught up to them I saw overhead I saw Banshees flying all over the place. I saw a shining blue building over the hill. We had to make our way to the building for cover.
" Men get over to that building try to find some cover and well take it from there!" I yelled to my men. Just then another stream of plasma shot at me. It hit the ground but little specks of it hit me. It burned like crazy, but I had to tough it out. I kept running. We where over the hill when I spotted something. It looked like a marine. I zoomed in on my HUD and it was a marine. I told my men to run to him.
It was a group of marines and some mechanics that crashed on impact on Halo. We hid for cover with them.
" Mason you're still alive I see." A man said behind me. He rests his hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Commander Rolins.
" What the hell is going on?" I asked the commander.
" Well… when some of our pods crashed the Covenant saw us go down. They've been sending out these search parties all over the place looking for us. We heard your ship go down but it would've been too risky to check and see what was up. So now where here talking with you guys." The commander said. We had to come up with a plan to fight back we had 11 men enough to fight back for a while. We had to make our way up the stairs so we could get clearer shots at the Covenant ships. Samuel checked to see if the coast was clear. It was, and then we started to run for the stairs.
We where on the top level. Two of Rolins men had Sniper rifles. We waited then we saw the drop ships and banshees come in. Covenant Elites, Grunts and Jackals where coming for us. Rolins men and mine where shooting at the ground unites and Rolins snipers where shooting at the drop ships and banshees.
Bullets and plasma where flying all over the place. One of my men was shot in the head with scolding hot plasma; he was sure to be dead. My gun was gammed. I took my dead marines assault rifle. I fired at an Elites head. It hit him right in the skull. He went down. A stream of plasma came flying right next to me, it hit the wall. I kept firing. Samuel was shot. His left arm and his shoulder where hit.
" Someone get this marine some medical attention right away!" I barked at one of my men. He came rushing over with a med kit and stared to treat his wounds while I covered them both. I reloaded my assault rifle. Just when I was about to put in the magazine a stream of plasma hit the gun knocking it out of my hand. I couldn't use that weapon anymore. I took my pistol out of my holster. The problem with the pistol was it wasn't an automatic weapon but I could zoom in with it my 2x.
I Grunt through a plasma grenade up top. I picked it up and through it back down before it went off. Covenant where flying through the air. I looked down at Samuel quickly.
" Hang in there Samuel everything's going to be alright." I said.
" Hey Mason through me a magazine." Markus said. I took a magazine from my belt and through it to him. I grunt shot plasma at Markus, it hit him in the left arm. Markus dropped his assault rifle and fell to the ground holding his burnt arm in pain.
" Markus snap it together and use your pistol!" I yelled over the firing of weapons to Markus. He took out his pistol and started shooting. He was cussing like crazy. Just shooting down the Covenant. I turned my head and checked on the snipers. One of them was wounded but kept on fighting. I turned my head back.
Two rounds of plasma went into Markus's chest.
" Markus!" I yelled over to him. He turned to me. He had a smile on his face. Blood was coming out of his mouth, and then he fell to the ground. Now Commander Rolins and I where the only people standing in the Covenants way of making their way up the stairs. The banshees and the drop ships where taken down. I looked over the hill. Their where more Covenant coming over it.

Part 5,

The snipers where picking off the Elites since they where harder to kill just by randomly shooting at them, you had to shot at there head to kill them quicker. Samuel was patched up so now we had two more men who could fight.
" Hey Commander do you have any grenades?" I asked Commander Rolins. Rolins rolled me for. I pulled the pin on two, through them, and then did the same to more. Explosions came up all over the place. Big chucks of grass and dirt went flying. Blue blood splattered against the walls. They're where 15 Covenants left. Then there where 12.
A stream of plasma came flying at me. It hit me in the left rib. I coughed up blood. I fell to the ground. I was in so much pain. Just then my HUD started to blink. A marine came on.
"Who ever where getting a single where coming to pick you up. Where 5 miles away from you. Where coming." Then the transmission went off. I closed my eyes.

Part 6,

When I woke up I was being carried onto a Pelican. I was being carried onto a stretcher. I looked at my rib. There was medical take all around my middle and lower torso. There was some dry blood where I had been hit.
" What happened?" I said to one of the medics inside the ship.
" Well…you where out when we got you. Where sorry we hadn't come sooner. Well be heading out in a few minutes. The medic said.
" What about Samuel, or the Commander, and the three other marines.
" Private Samuel is being taken care of. Commander Rolins is wounded in the right shoulder. Private Gibson, Private Stanforth and Private Jackson are all fine."
" Ok thanks." I said to the man then coughed. I new the ones that died where being taken care of. But Markus, my closest comrade I couldn't get it through my mind that he was actually dead.
" Private Mason these are for you." The medic said. He gave me Markus's dog tags. I felt them up and down with the ridges engraved with his name. As we lifted off I couldn't help wonder what mine or let alone the whole human races fate was. But I new one thing. We where going to win.
