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Fan Fiction

As Fire Turns To Ash
Posted By: SystemFailure<thecolemanfactor@yahoo.com>
Date: 14 September 2007, 8:15 pm

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As fire turns to ash,
all that is becomes what was,
the life you were given,
is yours no longer.

As fire turns to ash,
the turmoil will finally subside,
cannon's retort less frequent,
and the silence will become stronger.

As fire turns to ash,
the day turns into tusk,
the weary eyed, lay themselves down,
the few standing, are alone.

As fire turns to ash,
the damage can be seen,
what was once so majestic,
is gone, dead, forgotten now barer than a bone.

As fire turns to ash,
the hands of death draw near,
to embrace those who do surrender,
those who stand, know all is not well.

As fire turns to ash,
the gates to inferno slide open
now those many who gave up,
can learn to fight in hell.

As fire turns to ash,
all that hope no longer seems for naught,
because in all its destructive glory,
the fire still can go out.
