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Fan Fiction

Keeping Face: Prologue
Posted By: Sanus Compleo<ranger_shivsaurus@yahoo.com>
Date: 9 October 2007, 12:50 pm

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Well, I hope I do this right :P Anyways, this is a little idea of mine, and it's not done, and hopefully I might finish it! Yay... and such. Involves spiders, so Arachnaphobics, stray away, STRAY AWAY FOR THE LOVE OF BLARGLEFLARG. Njoy teh prologue.

Keeping Face

From the perspective of an observer, maybe from a different time, would find this scene very strange. This is because the view that they may, or may not have, would involve a very strange woman. Her hair, and body pigments, would be of a midnight black, and she would be radiating light from the nearby lights, shining off of the lake. She would be standing at the edge of the lake, her gaze, transfixed on a distant non-existent point. She was wearing nothing, which did not seem to bother her, but this wouldn't be unheard of in these warm temperatures. This would not be all that strange, if she was not eight feet tall, and her lower body was that of a spider's. Upon closer inspection, the observer might notice the spines on her back, which seemed to flex, and shiver as the observer's eyes drifted up the middle of her back. The observer might also notice the formation of her back, which would indicate that she had an internal skeleton. Also visible, would be the very fine hairs all over the girl's body, which can feel the movements in the air. The observer might try to get closer, maybe to examine her from the front, but would not dare to, because the air of danger filled the atmosphere around her, and the observer would have to be happy examining the amazing specimen from here, even if the observer was not a scientific mind.

A noise, what did it sound like? You are sure that it had been heard, not only by you, but by the spider too. Her head turns, her mouth slightly agape, but not in surprise, maybe as if she had been whispering to the wind. You notice that she had teeth in her mouth, and not the pincer like objects spiders would normally have, and feel guilty for not knowing the name of them. You see her eyes, are black orbs in their respective sockets, and not the multiple lensed eyes that you had assumed she would have. She even has a nose, and a pair of ears. She seems far too human, for her existence to even be scientifically possible. Your eyes drift out of curiosity down her shoulders, and to her hands. They had four fingers, and a thumb, which all seemed longer than a person's. She resumes looking back across the lake, to the beautiful and expansive landscape, and what would seem to be a road into the sky, you wonder about this for a moment, but would explore that more after your examination with the spider. You wonder what the rest of her would look like. As you begin mentally building her in your brain, you hear another noise, and the spider's gaze darts back to where it had been, just moments ago. You're eyes are fixed upon this mysterious wonder, and do not care about what may be there, you feel like a photographer of some sort, taking pictures of a doe in a forest somewhere. Flashes emit from the bushes to the spider's left, and you see red spurts erupt from her torso, fountains of crimson liquid bursting from their container, and watch, as she still remains, standing against the first few bursts, as her attacker pauses. She is bent over, but her lower half holds her up, with six powerful, spider legs. Blood flows freely from the holes, where the ammunition was deposited. You wish to do something, but you are merely an observer.

A final bursting sound, and a stream of blood erupts from the back of her head, and she finally falls, spasming with her death twitches. A group of men, wearing grey clothes and armor, which reminded you of fatigues calmly walked, strange guns in their hands, keeping an eye out for any other factors or anything, which would present an immediate danger to them. You quickly dart into hiding; you do not wish to be discovered. One of the men crouches to check for life signs, in the obviously lifeless creature. He looks back to the others, and says a few words, that your hearing cannot pick up. It seems like a long time, but they finally leave, allowing you to get a closer look at the woman. Your approach is silent, and you walk quickly, you do not want to be shot as well obviously. Finally, you reach your destination, and look upon the creature which had held your attention for only moments, but caught your imagination for much longer, than anything will in your entire life. Her eyes, once again transfixed, seemed to have a milky haze, and were spotted with blood. She fell, clumsily, and was sprawled out, and not curled up like you thought. You touch the 'skin' on her face, and feel that it is still slightly warm, but you know that feeling will vanish soon. Her skin feels slightly more like leather than yours, and has a fine, silken hair, all over her body. You shed a tear for her, and without a word, or gesture to the felled creature, you are on your way.

This is not the end of our story, no far from it, but it does give insight into what will be, and from now on, we will show what has already transpired at this point. The year, at this time, by human calculation, was 2938. Our little story had occurred, on a large artificial ring-world, which held in the large steel, and terra-formed structure, was the gas giant, Jupiter. The moons of Jupiter, flirted with the Jupiter Installation's outer, metal surface, threatening to end the goliath ring's existence. The gravitational repulsers on the ring's outer surface; ensured that they kept within the orbit of the planet, without touching the ring. The ring's purpose, was to eliminate all sentient life, registered in the galaxy, and had been created, after the termination of all the other rings within the Milky Way. It had been created by the combined forces of the UNSC, and the Sangheili controlled Covenant. The ring was merely a fail-safe, in case of another parasitic outbreak, like the ones, four hundred years in the past. The predecessors of the ring; were created with the same ability, to ensure that the spread of the parasite would be cut off. They were much smaller, and less potent, and this one, was powerful enough to accomplish their mission, by design, without the aid of other rings, unlike the previous issues. The Sangheili, occupied the ring, and stood as the ring's keepers, as the rest of the Covenant species, (And a large amount of Sangheili, to govern the remaining Covenant) were once again back at home, in their part of the galaxy: the Orion arm. Many years had past, since the last Great War, and many things have obviously changed since then. Peace seemed within reach. Although it would seem that the gods did not wish to grant peace upon the galaxy.

End of TEH PROLOGUE!!!!!!!1 ZOMG, what's gonna happenz?
