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Fan Fiction

Halo: Planet Down
Posted By: Pat Allen<patallen79@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 March 2006, 1:05 am

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Chapter One:

0900 Hours, April 2, 2554 (Military Calendar) /UNSC Whaler, Vorex System

“How long till we’re in orbit of Planet Vorex, Lieutenant?”
“One minute sir,” Lieutenant Vladmast replied.
Captain Claimerson was looking at the deep space outside the Whaler. It looked so dark, so unanimated, but he knew what was out there and it certainly was animated.
The Captain and his crew had been aboard the Whaler for four months without any action. The Captain was starting to get bored with all the system checks they had to do every day. It was the same thing over and over; fuel checks, weapon checks, crew counts, all the usual stuff a Captain and his crew would do to relieve their boredom. But the checks didn’t relieve Claimerson’s crew of boredom; it did quite the opposite. With all the months cooped up in there, the Captain had almost got away with skipping a week of checks. But the UNSC authorities had been watching and had made him catch up by having him do them all in a day. The Captain wasn’t very happy with that.
The Captain was finally about to start his last patrol orbit of Vorex. Then he would be able to go home and relax for a month or two. Vorex had one of the last of the UNSC Naval Yards on it and was a high priority to the remaining UNSC fleet. The Whaler was a newly built destroyer, which was built in Vorex and had been in the Vorex System in the whole four months of her life. Claimerson is her first and only Captain and she hasn’t been in a single battle yet. But when she does she’ll be sure to put up a big fight. The Whaler has three Mac guns installed on her; one on her prow, one on her starboard and one on her port. She also has two hundred missile pods and six nuclear warheads, one at each main missile section. Her battle-plate is four meters thick (many times thicker than other destroyer battle-plate) and she has five large engines for great speeds.
“Sir, we are now in orbit of the planet.” Lieutenant Vladmast reported.
“Okay then, you know the routine. Begin Slipspace scans and sorting of data.”
“Aye sir.” His crew answered in unison.
The Captain walked back over to his chair and sat down. He took a sip of coffee and then opened up the data file.
Not many new reports had come in, only three. He read through them all and found nothing interesting except for a report of a large asteroid spotted in the last hour. The report said that its trajectory was right at the planet. The asteroid was small though. About fifty meters in diameter. This didn’t seem a problem to Claimerson but he still sent it down to Command Station Beta along with the other reports.
“Captain! There’s a small silouhette coming in system. The computer says it’s an Asteroid.”
“There’s no need for alarm. It will hit the planet, not us, and it will hit somewhere in the Sarft Desert. No where near civilians.” Captain Claimerson said.
“May I ask how you know all this sir?” said Lieutenant Joygart.
“ I read it on a report Lieutenant. Apparently it’s has been on that same trajectory for a day now. I’ve sent the report down to Command Station Beta. Everything will be just fine unless it suddenly changes its trajectory and hits us, but I doubt it.”
“Sir, I think it may be changing course.” Lieutenant Vladmast announced.
“What?! How?!” the Captain cried.
“There must be some sort of magnetic field out there sir.” Vladmast replied.
The Asteroid certainly had changed course and was heading right at the Whaler. IT would have been only four hundred kilometers away when it suddenly veered off to the left. It narrowly missed the Whaler’s prow and flew down to the planet’s surface. There was a small explosion on the ground.
“That was lucky. What did it hit?” the Captain said as he got up to have a closer look at the view screen
“A small power station on the edge of the Pardle plains, sir.” Lieutenant Vladmast answered.
What just happened then? Why didn’t it hit us?” asked Vladmast.
“I wish I knew, sir.” the Lieutenant said.

Chapter 2:

0910 Hours, April 2, 2554 (Military Calendar) / small power station, Planet Vorex

“Hurry up and get me the paperwork, damn it!”
“Yes sir, sorry sir.”
“I’ll be outside ok.”
“No worries, sir.”
“I need the fresh air. God it stinks in here.”
“Boss I got the papers. Boss, boss. Hello in there.”
“What Newton!”
“What were you lookin’ at sir?” asked Newton.
“ Not that it’s any of your god damn business! I was looking at that star thingy in the sky. Don’t you think that’s a bit unusual, a star at lunchtime. It seems to be getting bigger too.”
“I don’t know sir, is it unusual?” replied Newton.
‘Don’t play dumbass with me Newton! Give me your opinion!” the boss yelled.
“Well I spose so sir, if you think…”
“I’m not asking you what I think! I’m bloody asking you what you god damn think!”
“Yes! It is unusual.”
“Now that’s more like it son.”
Newton was now looking at the star now, “Umm sir, I think that star is getting a bit too close.”
“What do you mean, Newton?”
“I mean..”
Suddenly a great streak of fire came down and hit the Station right in the middle.
A gigantuous mushroom cloud rose into the air and a great ring of energy flew over the ground. The two men jumped onto the ground and covered their heads with their hands. The shock wave weakened and disappeared and all that was left was a crater the size of a small city. The Boss and Newton were no where to be seen. They could of either been vaporized by the blaze or swept out into the Great Plains all around. It would have been highly unlikely that they survived the blast but amazingly they did. They were both under a bush in awkward positions, and covered with debris. But they were still alive.
Newton slowly got up and dusted himself off. He then helped his boss up onto his feet.
“What happened?” the boss mumbled.
“I think… I think that star crashed down on us sir.” Newton replied.
“But how?”
“I don’t know sir.”
The boss’s eyes narrowed.
“What is it, boss?”
‘I saw something move in the rubble. Something… something small.”
“Well sir, you do know that anyone or anything inside the station could not have survived such a blast. I mean even we…”
“”There it is look, quick!” The boss pointed.
Newton turned around.
“I can’t see anything. Maybe it was just your imagination, sir.” Said Newton turning back to face his boss.
“Maybe you should look again. Closely this time.” Said the boss.
“Okay sir but…. What the hell is that thing.” Newton gasped as he looked at a strange little blob like creature.
More of the creatures appeared out of the rubble and before long there were about ten of them.
The Boss and Newton backed away from the creatures. They were too shocked to do anything but walk. The creatures followed them until they were all about two meters away. Then, suddenly, they jumped, almost pounced onto the men. After a few seconds the men fell to the ground. They were dead. Two of the creatures imbedded themselves into the men’s bodies, one in each, and began to release spores into them. Before long the bodies began to mutate. The flesh turned into a green colour and the hands began to grow long whip like features. The greenish flesh built up in areas and soon the mutation was complete. The two bodies were now alive again but they were not human anymore they were the soldiers of the Flood.

Chapter 3:

0920 Hours, April 2, 2554 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Whaler, in orbit with Planet Vorex

“How much longer do we have to go, Lieutenant?” moaned Captain Claimerson.
“It will take us approximately one hour to complete the orbit, sir.” Lieutenant Vladmast replied.
"I hate this job."
