
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Chapter five
Posted By: Ordinary Kronos
Date: 30 May 2007, 2:00 am

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'Zurree Was the second aboard the craft, the other was a focused and determined veteran pilot, named Leas 'Tabasee. He was toying with the Spirit's older and more complicated systems, apparently unused to flying one of the older craft.
"So, you're being sent to the Human Base? Let me tell you Excellency, the rocks are going to be drenched with human blood, and their screams will feed our souls with glory!"
The other Elite said with a throaty chuckle, opening and closing the troop hatches, pretending that he didn't hear the loud whine of the hydraulics as they strained to lift the weight.
'Zurree clacked his upper and lower mandibles at the same time- meaning boredom.
".... 'Putumee will get them all killed, his tactics are unorthodox and dangerous for the welfare of the Covenant. He will most likely die in this battle."
'Zurree retaliated with a sigh, playing with his plasma rifle's energy core. The spite for 'Putumee wasn't evident in his voice, but it was there, if you were really observant you could tell.
The other elite nodded, opening the doors one last time, then reclined in his chair, propping his digitrate feet onto the control console. He placed his hands behind his head, and stared up at the ceiling.
The two remained silent for about twenty units, until the Pilot awoke with a jump, nearly falling out of his chair. He rubbed his eyes, and turned back to 'Zurree, who was half asleep.
"Field Master, I nearly forgot to inform you, that the Prophet has ordered two bodyguards to be under your command; They shouldn't be too hard to miss...They'll find you Excellency, trust me.."
He turned back to his console, examining the composite count; in the time they spent alone, the troop holds were full, and in the cargo bay, a few elites and two pair of Lekgolo were waiting. The pilot strapped himself, in, and grinned.
"Well, looks like, we'll be fighting for our honor in only a few hours! Hold on!"
The launch door opened, and the shield deactivated, the dropship turned slowly, rose up to the third level's height, and zoomed sluggishly out of the depths of the mighty warship.
'Zurree strapped himself into his crash seat, and stared out the small cockpit window, watching the image of the Truth and Reconciliation Become smaller, and smaller, then fade into the horizon, just like the ring did behind them...
He leant back, and took off his helmet, trying to fix the ding the form had caused.
It would be a long time 'till they would get to the human designated base, so he might be able to fix it...He hoped he could anyway, or else another blow to the head could kill him...

The human owned Forerunner building came into view, with a very heated battle taking place apparently. The humans were well prepared for the invasion. The dropship was taking heavy fire, shells from the massive cannons fixed on their ship, causing the Spirit to rock violently. It didn't even get close enough to return fire when a shell slammed into the left stabilizer and imploded. The whole left half of the dropship was taken out in a fiery blue after explosion caused by the reactors blowing. The ship when into a tumbling decent, and it was picking up speed.
'Zurree felt the explosion, it rattled his bones. He looked over to the Pilot, who was in hysterics, yelling incoherent things and fighting for control of his crippled vessel. The entire cockpit turned red as the ship slammed into the ground which was over one thousand feet below.
'Zurree's head slammed back, knocking him unconscious.
"By the rings! I just fixed my helmet..."
Was his last thought before blacking out...

Pain! His head ached! He groaned, his entire body sore.
"That was one fall...by the Prophets...were am I?"
'Zurree heard voices, but he couldn't see were they were coming from; in fact, he couldn't see at all. The fall must have temporarily blinded him.
"..What was the death count?"
"All of the passengers, except for three your Excellency, The Field Master survived also."
"Hmm? He did? How unfortunate.."
He recognized that voice; 'Putumee!
"See to it that he is fine; then send him to me when you are done with him."
"Of course Excellency."
he was able to open his eyes, seeing nothing but blurry figures at first. He focused in, and could then see that the figures were merely a few medics.
He tried to sit up, but was stopped immediately by a few Unggoy sitting on his chest.
"Excellency, stay still; you wounded."
He noticed that the field team had hooked up a small blood transfusion machine...He must have lost quite a bit of blood then. He reached up, feeling his aching head, and felt a sizeable lump on his head, now bandaged.
One of the Unggoy chuckled, holding up a crushed gold and green helmet; His helmet!
"This saved your life, Excellency, take it!"
'Zurree shrugged it off, taking the helmet, and grinned...But felt his mouth not responding. He tried it again. Still no response. His reached up, and felt his mandibles. Only he didn't have them.
"What...My mouth! What happened to my mouth!"
He wanted to say, but all that came out was a strangled gurgle.
"Relax, brother. The numbing agent should wear off soon, and you can do all the talking you need to."
One of the green armored medics said, unhooking the transfusion machine from 'Zurree with zeal.
"Field Master 'Putumee requested your presence on the front line to meet him, you should go."
'Zurree nodded slowly, being careful with his head's wound, He stood up, scattering the grunts. He felt a little light headed, but he headed to the front lines; dodging human projectiles, passing by hundreds of bodies, and snipers.
It was then that he spotted the gold elite right next to an active Wraith mortar tank, with two other Sangheili with him; one in the green armor of a medic, and one with the pink armor of a mechanic. He got closer, and 'Putumee turned around.
"Welcome to my front 'Zurree."
'Putumee said with a cold grin.
"I see you are fine; good, we need all the solidiers we can get to throw at the primates."
Behind the other field master, 'Zurree noted that there was a large and rather chaotic battle going on, and he found himself staring at the Forerunner structure, now far above him, onto the butte.
"These two fine warriors are your new body guards;"
'Putumee stated, pointing the large one in pink armor.
"This is Xxja 'Xamutee, and this one is Ksara 'Mijuree; and they shall accompany you wherever you go. It's a pity about your face though."
He chuckled, turning around, and literally running into battle already screaming orders to his troops, and had gathered a large force, and was heading to the butte; to storm the base. Two dropship followed them, providing air support.
The words stung 'Zurree's pride, but he made no visible sign of his crestfallen pride.
"That fool...what a nimrod, an arrogant..."
He continued to watch the slow charge...when suddenly human battle tanks popped out of the earth! It only took a few of the human artillery shells to send the party retreating, minus one 'Putumee.
He couldn't help but smile.
The two Sangheili standing in front of him bowed.
"Excellency, what do you order us to do?"
'Xamutee asked, drawing his energy sword, and igniting it.
"We will obey, Excellency."
'Mijuree said, igniting his as well. 'Zurree was flattered, and since the numbing had finally worn off, he said.
"I do believe it is time for us to leave; this assault has become risky enough. A full on retreat, regroup and then a counter offensive is in order."
The two nodded, and turned around.
"There is a Spirit about a unit back; the humans have not reached it yet, so that's good."
"Yes, perhaps we will escape there!"
'Zurree nodded, and all three of them full on sprinted to the dropship, actually resting a few feet off the ground, and guarded in a similar fashion the Phantom in the swamps had been.
But the roar of a human vehicle was drawing closer... 'warthogs' the called them. It intercepted the trio's path, with four humans packed insider.
They jumped out at the guttural call from the lead human, and opened fire.
