
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Jake Meents<superman13032001@yahoo.com>
Date: 5 October 2005, 3:02 am

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Zorona wrestled with the controls of his seraph the teardrop shaped fighter had gotten to close to the begotten angel. Zorona activated his thrusters and barley avoided a plasma turret. Zorona sighed with relief after he was ordered to circle one more time and come into a landing vector. He cut the engines just in time to avoid collision with the wall of the bay while his fighter screeched to a halt before a conduit. Zorona keyed a button on his console and the boarding ramp dropped, he keyed another button and the landing gear unfolded and the seraph rose a few feet of the deck.

Zorona kelwornay rose from his combat chair and walked toward the back of the ship were several spec ops elites stood among hunters, and groups of black clad chattering grunts. He wandered how long they could keep their mission shrouded in stealth, the brutes were sure to have seen the clumsy landing and would be on there way.

Zorona gave the signal for the squad to activate their active cammo and silently follow him off the ship before the dirty apes arrived. They filed off the ship and spread out Zorona brining up the rear. Zorona noticed a troop of approaching brutes he waved his hand in a circle pointed it at a pillar and made a motion of climbing and gestured for the hunters to hind behind a large pile of discarded fuel coils. The squad did as commanded and avoided confrontation for the moment.

After hours of ambling slowly through a labara than of corridors and passages where they reached the holding cells. Zorona pressed a button on his right arm and a small energy combat blade hissed to life out of the side of his gauntlet. He ran forward and slashed the blade across the door controls to the detention block and a high-pitched alarm blared. Zorona ran in slashed moor controls to let elites out and they mad there way back to the launch bay…

Aburma fought the controls for control of the ship, captain Rogan was thrown to the ground as the ship was hit by a comet and rolled to starboard. 'Baroot what the fuck is taking so long' rogan hissed. 'Nothing sir I'm just now getting engines back shields at 32% and rising fast' Aburma tapped the thrusters and straitened out there reentry burn.

The crew sighed with relief as the ship straightened out and gradually to slow, but then another sight caught their breaths in their throats they were staring at a 15-kilometer long human covenant hybrid destroyer. They relised frightfully that they weren't slowing down fast enough. 'Amburma over charge the reactor to 250%, dump all power to the shields and engines reverse thrust now make sure we go in belly down at an angle so we can absorb the shock'.

The crew sighed with relief Rogan seemed to know what he was doing. They all felt the sudden lurch as power was dumped to the shields and the thrusters kicked in full reverse pointed toward the land. There was a sudden screech as a wing and engine were torn from their mounts and the explosion put the long sward into a spin. The long sward struck the destroyer upside down the force of the thrusters magnified the collision, the long swards shields flared and died as the reactor over loaded and flood the cabin in static waves of emp. Rogans crash harness snapped and he fell on his head with a sickening thud. Rogan blacked out…

Captain Rogan awoke to Aburma standing above him lifting on to a stretcher. 'What happened Rogan croaked hoarsely', 'Sir Aburma growled 'we lost altitude very fast the emp from the blast took out our shields and thrusters we hit pretty hard lost to engines and a wing torn from there mounts.'

'Are there any survivors rogan asked weekly, 'yes Aburma nodded grimly no casualties but baroot was pretty damaged and is now off line for repairs.' 'Good now I need you to get me to a hospital station and bring me some portable stations sorry Aberma but this take off is to risky to give you the bridge.' 'Under stood sir this launch is of grave importance we need to get to the ring before the brutes.'

Rogan cringed from the pain as Aburma lifted a stretcher and loaded him on a near by pelican before boarding himself. The silence inside the pelican was absolute the glaring faces were grim. The pelican descended 50 feet and landed in a fighter bay. Wong activated his reentry thrusters and fired them in full reverse he sped toward the ship and decelerated. He wanted to land and find out what happened to the captain. Wong tapped the thrusters and sped along the surface of the 15 km long destroyer, He spotted the wreckage of the captain's fighter but it was empty. 'So Wong thought to himself the captain made it' his spirits brightened a little. A message appeared he opened the file and a nav mark pulsed blue on the screen and a message appeared on screen explaining to him that the captain was picked up and was safe in the ship. Sadie told Wong to dock in bay 13.

Wong put the fighter in a bank and docked in bay 13. As he lowered the boarding ramp and the marine's clambered out, A shrill screech filed the air as a seraph slammed into the deck. The marines leveled there modified MA5B assault rifles as a boarding ramp lowered and a combat blade hissed to life at gauntlet of a black clad elite…

Authors note pleas have patience because I will probably write these stories slowly because I put a lot of work an thought into them and have little time to write and im sorry about the low quality of the last story as I only had a half hour to write it.
