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Fan Fiction

The Helljumper Story PT,2
Posted By: Herbert Markwirth<>
Date: 21 December 2007, 12:54 am

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      The three cadets, all of them as young as 18, moved cautiously trough the dim training arena. It was a warehouse with movable walls, to set up endless configurations, for the ODST training sessions.
This was the last test in the Helljumper initiation. Only three cadets were left after the difficult tests they were put through through the last week. To Frost, this was the most exhausting, and hardest week of his life. The tests were specially planned to see if they had what it takes to wear the Helljumper patch. Cadet Frost looked back at his two men, Cadet O'Malley and Cadet Malone. In this training exercise they had to save "mock" hostages from training instructors, which were posing as rebels. He looked down the long corridor, Turing around corner to the hostage room. It had multiples ways of escape, two entrances, and windows. He primed his stun rifle. "Marines move up to the corner." The three man team moved effortlessly around the corner. Frost whispered into the helmet-mic, "You guys, keep your eyes on that door. I'll be right back." Frost ran around another corner of the room, the back entrance was closed. Just in case they tried to escape, he set up a trip wire. As soon as the enemy came in contact with the wire, he would be shocked with ten-thousand volts, temporarily paralyzing him.
      He ran back to his teammates, who were nervously standing by the door. "Get the snake-cam ready." Malone kneeled over and slid a fiber-optic cable under the door. Malone spied two trainers, a dummy with the white decal stating "Hostage." There was a small desk cluttered with random papers and trash, alongside a tipped over waste-basket. "Two bogies, one with a assault rife, the other has a stun-prod. Hostage is tied up in the back-left corner." Frost, yet again, whispered, "prepare to breach, toss flash bangs and file in. I'll take target 1, you take target two. O'Malley, go secure the hostage." O'Malley placed a charge on the door handle. Frost strained to wash away the fatigue from his eyes, and the worry from his mind.
      An earsplitting cracking noise burst through the air accompanied by a quick flash. The door fell to the ground with a crash. Flash bangs slid into the room. The two Trainers turned away and shielded their eyes. The flash-bangs hardly affected the trainers at all. As the cadets filed in one trainer ran for the back door. He stumbled over, shrieking with pain, as blue lighting flashed through him. The other grabbed the hostage and ran for a window. Frost quickly fired a burst of stun rounds into the man's leg. The trainer felt a shock of pain burning through his body, as the rubber pellets impacted on his leg, bursting and bouncing back. He stumbled over and ran into the wall, banging his head. His motionless body slid down the wall and fell onto the ground. A bloody cut across his forehead left a smear of red.
      As O'Malley lifted the Hostage, Frost radioed in, "Frost reporting, the Hostage is secure. Heading to finish. See you in a few." "This is command, proceed to finish, you passed the Hell jumper Initiation. Congratulations"

Ten Years Later

      The troopers watched the jungle melt to savannah as it blurred by below them. A squad of ODST's glared out of the troop bay of the pelican dropship, the moon's shimmering reflection washing over their expressionless visors. Few minutes passed and they were finally flying high above the forward command outpost. The carnage was horrible. The outpost lay in ruins, wreckage of warthogs, scorpion tanks, mongooses and pelicans lay strewn across the air field. Small arms fire from surviving marines and Elites would periodically emerge from the destruction which had no effect on the large figure in the distance. That figure. Frost had seen somewhere before. Now, he remembered. That was a scarab, a large covenant walker vehicle, with a large crew tending to the power core. The large covenant monstrosity, towering stories above the ground, cast an eerie silhouette against the night sky.
      A lone scorpion tank crept from a destroyed building and fired a shell at the scarab. The shell impacted a joint, almost destroying it. The scarab let out a mechanical moan. The large robotic spider turned around, and the giant green "eye" started to glow a bright green. A horizontal column of green fire bathed the entire outpost in a lime-green glow, as the scorpion tank erupted in an explosion. The burning tank flipped through the air. A group of marines, huddled behind a combat barrier, were right in the path of the flaming hulk of metal. "move, Move, MOVE!!!" The marines scattered hoping not to be crushed. One moved to late. The mass of armor, metal, and slag landed atop the unlucky marine. There was a blood-curdling scream, and soldier was no more. Frost winced at the sound.
      Frost walked to the cock-pit. Talking to the pilot, the sergeant said, " I've got a plan. Tell any available ground troops to direct all fire at that damaged joint. To my knowledge, the scarab should collapse, They always stop to repair any major damage. You do the same, fire all missiles at the leg. When it's down, fly above it. Get as close as you can to the top deck. That's where we will get off. Trust me it will work."
      The pilot turned on his radio and spoke into the mic as frost stepped back into the troop bay. He reached up and removed a battle rifle from a weapons rack and slung it around his back. The pelican trembled as volleys of missiles left its launchers. A loud alarm rang through the night air. The scarab's alarm for when it needs repair. It was down. As the pelican rocketed forward, Frost reached down below a seat and pulled out a box. Flipping it open, Frost pulled out a flamethrower. Slinging the massive weapon around his shoulder, he felt off balance, struggling to support a weapon that weighed over hundred pounds. Who knows what lurked within the control room of the scarab.


      "Get ready, this is going to be rough." The pilot could not believe he was doing this. The pelican lowered inches above the scarab's deck. The crew fired non-stop at the human ship. "go, go, go!"
      The ODST's ran out the troop cabin firing at the brutes. Frost turned back and yelled, " When the engine goes critical, be ready to leave!" The Troopers rushed past the dying brutes. They had to get the third lowest level, the control room, of the scarab to deactivate the shield protecting the engine. Frost ran into a startled grunt. He squeezed the flamethrower's trigger and let forth a billowing burst of fire, incinerating the Grunt, causing the methane tank to erupt. The tank spewed electric-blue fire sending the grunt flying off the purple behemoth. The ODST's kept moving unscaved. Surprisingly, no one was guarding the engine. They couldn't destroy it now, there was a force-field protecting it. They moved down to final floor. The control room.
      Jackals stood guard. Behind them a crew of grunts were sitting at all the control panels. Three brutes stood in the center, two directing the grunts, and a captain sitting in chair. "Toss flash-bangs, I'll take out the jackals. Everybody else, hit the brutes. The grunts shouldn't be too hard to kill afterwards." Two men moved to point, both with a primed flash-bang grenade. They tossed them around the corner, and white flash quickly came and left. Frost jumped around the corner and blew a fiery plume into the Jackal ranks. They scattered and ran separate directions, shrieking as they burned into roasted corpses. The Troopers all simultaneously fired rounds into the three brutes, the two collapsing in their own blood, the commander, sulking into a pile of his own remains, as he slid off the chair. The terrified grunts were frozen in fear, letting the soldiers kill them easily.
      The tech specialist sat down and started hacking the scarab's control console. "got it, the shields are down." "good," Frost turned to his men, "get to the pelican, I'll take care off the engine." He held up a unit of C4. The troopers left in one direction and Frost in the other. Sgt. Frost stopped a foot in front of the power core. He placed the C4 and armed it to go off in 30 seconds, its display screen flashed red three times ARMED. The pelican lifted off, flying to the back end of the mechanical spider. Frost ran and jumped, clearing a meter of empty space, and landed in the Pelican's troop bay. The pelican jetted forward into the night. Frost looked back. After a few moments the scarab exploded into a blue ball of fire, sending the legs toppling over. Frost walked back into the cockpit. "So where do we go now." "To the Atlas."


      The Atlas, a powerful UNSC frigate, hovered over a large structure, a forunner structure called the Ark. A large bluish black portal hovered over the large circle of glowing blue technology. The Pelican docked into the Frigate. Frost walked down the landing ramp. Soldiers ran zigzags, engineers repaired vehicles, and crewmen manned their vehicles. A Soldier walked up to Frost. "get ready, gather weapons, and get on board a pelican. Were going through the portal."
