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Fan Fiction

Dangerous Voyages [Part 4]
Posted By: Elizar<kopaka2219@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 May 2006, 8:51 pm

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      Teya'kreleyee stood by the control room, looking over the group of eight able elites, large group of grunts and the hunters he had done a special order for from Tanka Kerntee. A Hunter and his bond brother with no fuel rod gun or shield attachment, instead they each had two slender metallic gloves with three razor sharp claws attached to it, and in the center a wicked looking energy blades extended in a graceful manner and sloped into a hock, it was a deep white-blue color and was just as powerful as the normal energy sword making the two Lekgolo a ferocious pair.
      The six of the elites were each armed differently, to provide enough diversity to scare the humans into fleeing, and give the elites enough time to kill them. Two of the elites had jetpacks, and were to man the turrets fastened on the horizontal ceiling beams. Two of the grunts were fast asleep, much to Teya's dislike. He barked quickly at them, ordering them to put up the turrets. The humans were inside, and they had to be ready.
      Teya activated his plasma sword, gave a loud dominating growl, and went back to the console, tracking down the human's movements. Much to his dismay, the humans had split in three, and he didn't know which one of the humans was the commander he had been ordered to kill. But that wouldn't be much of a problem. The humans were just humans. How hard could it get to kill that one? Or all of them?
       "Are you sure about this strategy?" One of the elites, wielding two battle rifles, asked Teya.
       "Yes, there is no question of it. The humans will be confused, and with that lower their guards. We are trailing them, and when I give the order, we will strike true and hard. Even though they would disable the groups trailing them, there are still more ahead, ready to slaughter humans for the Forerunners!" Teya said loud, allowing all to hear and boost their morals. Any other day, a simple human was nothing, but since Olma seemed worried, he knew that he had to do something. That the human had destroyed a cruiser of same class, and at the same moment killed a Prophet, was too much for Teya to tolerate. That human had to die.

      Darius didn't hear anything but his and the others' footsteps as they walked after the narrow corridors. He wondered for a second how the hunters would actually maneuver in the corridors. But what worried him the most was that there had been no enemy contact at his team or the other two teams. It was like the ship had been abandoned, it was derelict.
      Darius remembered few of the stories about how people had found ships in slipspace, which was to be impossible. The ships had been devoid of any lifeforms, even basic bacteria. And those who came into it were to have gone mad and killed everyone around them. Those stories were though just for kids, and there was no recorded event of anything like that.
      After a minute walk more, he was face to face with quite normal door, but it wouldn't open. To reach the destination ONI had detailed, he had to get through those doors, there was no detour around them.
       "Milstone!" He called to one of the hackers in the team. "These doors, I want them open."
       "Yes sir!" A Shock Trooper with heavy Texan accent answered, and produced one of his premade hack tools from his backpack. He quickly opened the circuit panel in the doors, and put the hack tool over it. The interface conjured up, and after few commands, the doors opened. Milstone's was though frozen in the moment. His face reflected shock and fright, though not noticeable as he had the standard ODST helmet on.
      Darius noticed Milstone's pause. "What is the matter, you got those doors open."
       "I didn't!" He called loud, as Darius' words was what had gotten him out of the shock.
       "Everyone! Train your weapons!" He called. A moment later a plasma sword seemed to appear out of the thin air, and sliced at Milstone, cutting him clean to two parts.
      Milstone was still alive, the plasma sword had burned the injury before too much blood left the body. He yelled in shock and hysteria, as seeing his torso just out of his reach. The elite who had sliced him had perhaps found the yelling annoying, and under fire from the rest of the team, the next slice went directly in Milstone's head. A moment later the shields died on the elite. The elite then charged the group of marines, ready to slash the sword into the nearest one, but before he could have the opportunity, a burst from a battle rifle had homed in directly in his right eye. Without the protection from the shielding system, it penetrated his eye and pierced the brain, killing him before he fell on the floor backwards.
      Darius quickly looked around, but saw no enemy or shimmer in the air. "This is Captain Striker, we have had positive contact, one down. Report!"
       "This is York, we had a group of jackals attacking us, two down, one injured."
       "Central here, nothing happened, but we are now on high alert. Thanks for the warning. Whoops, spoke too soon."
      Darius closed the contacts, and figured that the casualty in York's team had been because of they hadn't been on alert. 'This is new for me. And I am sure there is nothing like this in the reports.' He thought to himself, then trained his weapon forward. The doors were open, and he had to continue. He stopped though first by Milstone's body, and collected his dog-tags. Now he was ready to continue.

      Central quickly looked back as the lights went out. If anything, she was not ready for an assault on their six. After a second look, she turned forward and saw that most of the ODST on the perimeter were turning on their flashlights, and Anne, the sibling who trained herself with Covenant weapons, had her S2 shouldered and skimmed the area in front of them, checking for any enemy. She was on her knee, in a position where the recoil from the sniper would be minimal.
      Anne saw nothing through the night vision of the scope. She just saw bright light beams originating from her behind, which she deemed to be of flashlights from the friends behind her. After few seconds of silence, and nothing moving in front of her, she was about to drop her S2 and stand up, but a bright beam of light directly in front of her shone directly into the scope.
      Anne recoiled in shock and pain, dropping her S2 and covered her eyes. It felt they were burning, and even though they were closed, she saw spots. The invisible elite had though revealed its location for a split second, and that was all the ODST troops needed to fire. There was short returning fire from the elite, but only managed to graze one marine on the shoulder. It was dead within seconds.
      Anne was slowly recovering, but saw her brother near her, checking if she had sustained any greater injury than the temporarily blindness. Without a word, he handed her one of his plasma pistols, which she accepted. She gave a slight frown, but clipped it onto her belt. Though she was not a big fan of the plasma pistol, she knew that in such narrow space, she might need one. And that her bro would defiantly no approve her rejecting such a gift easily.
       "They're behind us!" Someone called. Before the enemy was even identified, a fragmentation grenade flew to where it was last seen. A shrill, yet rough shriek was heard as the grenade detonated. It had been a jackal. A second one appeared, the shield raised up to protect it, and it proceeded to fire on the marines.
      Before Central could pull the pin on her frag grenade, a charged plasma shot homed in to the jackal's shield. It promptly died from the charged shot, leaving the jackal shocked, but vulnerable to any attack. Central hurried towards it and let a shotgun blast on it, killing it in one blow even before it could react to her.
      There was a silence for few seconds, then Central deemed it clear. She opened up a com to Striker. "No casualties, but they are much more organized than ever. There is something fishy about this."
      Darius heard the message, and answered: "You are not the only one to think that. Proceed to the objective, over and out." He closed the link between them.

      York's team had been so far lucky. It was like the other teams were the ones who were the most threatening. He had though encountered two pairs of jackals and half dozen grunts, accompanied by a cobalt colored elite.
      James looked around quickly, holding his battle rifle up to his chest. He had volunteered for the mission, but now, he was getting scared. He was still relatively young for a soldier, but he had some experience on the battle field, including getting pierced by a plasma sword. He had to get his lung flash-cloned in order to save his life.
      Unlike Central's team, they still had the lights on and working. York led on the group, and James was at the six, occasionally looking back to check if the covies were trying to sneak up to them. York halted for a moment, in the believe he had heard something. As he was ready to brush it off as a field stress, a sizzling blue orb landed just in front of him.
       "Nade!" He yelled in warning and jumped out of the way. He was not caught in the splash damage, but one of his troops were. He quickly stood up and held up his battle rifle, checking out the corridor in front of him, which ten meters ahead had a sharp turn to the right.
       "Frag out!" One in his team yelled as he let a grenade fly straight and true to the edge of the corridor. But as it detonated, only one yell from a grunt was heard. That was not as satisfying as it could, since they knew that grunt never traveled alone, and was most of the time, if not always, commanded by a nearby elite. He motioned two of his troops to head forwards silently to check who was around that bend.
      As they approached the bend, one of them made a quick lean but then withdrew quickly as if he had recoiled in pain. "Black squid!" He yelled as taking out a frag grenade. But the elite had other ideas. It ran forward to the bend, holding up a carbine. York knew that the weapon, with precise aim, would instantly kill a marine. The two marines had quickly gone back to the team as they had heard the elite run to them. One of them, the one who had yelled, was hit in the back.
      York didn't have time to check on him, but released his grenade and let it fly to the black elite. The elite ran forward to avoid the damage from the grenade, and fired his weapon at the same time. One of the shot hit a soldier behind York to the right, but York rose up his shotgun, barely managed to dodge a shot, and pressed the trigger.
      The damage from the shotgun at that close range was enough to kill the shields, and with assisted firing from the rest of the team, the elite died quickly. York checked both of those who had been shot but they were both dead. The one shot in the back had gotten it directly in his spine, killing the nerves connecting to the heart and lungs. The other one had been shot in the head, the carbine ammo had penetrated the helmet.
      York collected their dog-tags, and motioned the rest of the marines to continue. They were not far from their objective. The storage bay which held all the weapons and ammo the covenants fighting may be getting.
