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Fan Fiction

Counter Reach
Posted By: Dylan Lee<dylan_villain@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 October 2007, 12:25 pm

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0622 hours, August 29, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Planet Reach, Epsilon Eridani system
Near Reach Orbital MAC Gun Generator.

The Squad of marines rounded the dirt track in a group of M12 LRV Warthogs. The heavy assault vehicles churned the dirt through their all terrain tyres as they rounded the bend. Their destination: the pulse generator that powered the orbital Magnetic Accelerator Guns. They knew the price of failure, Captain Jacob Keyes had spotted hundreds of Covenant dropships entering Reaches' atmosphere and he knew they were trying to take the MAC guns offline.
The Warthogs pulled up the grassy bank and the Marines rushed out into formation along the walls of the pulse generator. Off in the distance the marines could see a Pelican class dropship on the horizon, when it suddenly crashed into one of the high mountain ranges and flared into flame, trailing smoke down into the forest gully spreading out before them.
"Marines, it looks like the Covenant are here to take this pulse generator offline, giving their Ships a straight shot at Reach, and we cannot afford to lose." Shouted Sgt. Mezes.
In the distance, the squadron of marines could see the Covenant dropships land across the huge forest and saw the sun glare off of the many armoured warriors pouring out of the vehicles.
"Sir! Can you hear that?" One of the marines shouted.
"…Banshee flyers. Ok Marines lets liven up, the Covenant are inbound and we have to protect this generator if we have any hope of saving Reach." The Sergeant barked.
Two of the Marines saddled up in the Warthogs LAAG gun and took aim at the oncoming Banshees. The pilots of the flyers noticed the squad and banked toward them. The LAAG gun opened up on the Banshees, spewing 12.7mm rounds and impacting on the front wave. Blue plasma streaks emitted from the Banshees powerful gun turrets and raked the ground around the marines with plasma.
"God damnit, fire Marines FIRE!" yelled the Sergeant.
MA5B Assault rifles opened up around them, on full automatic. The lead Banshees stuttered then exploded in a burst of blue flame under the pressure of the combined bullets from the LAAG and the Assault Rifles. A stray plasma bullet cut a Marine down and burned through his chest blackening his skin with the heat.
"Arrrghhh!" The Marine screamed.
"Marines fall back!" Sgt. Mezes yelled.
The group of Marines ran behind the cover of rocks, trees anything that could provide a measure of cover before the ground where they had been previously standing was torn apart by a well placed fuel rod cannon blast. Dirt blasted into the air, showering the marines.
One of the Rocket Jockeys unslung his SSR MAV/AW Rocket launcher and took aim. The 102mm rocket shot out of the launcher and curved toward an incoming Banshee. The rocket impacted with a devastating blast and blew the flyer into flaming chunks, which rained down on the other Banshees. The other Rocket wielders opened up and soon the fleet of Banshees were reduced to smouldering wreckage. A victory cry went up among the Marines.
"Hoo-rah!" shouted one of the rocket jockeys.
"Stay sharp Marines". The Sargent said. "This is just the beginning, the Covenant have a lot more up their sleeves and I feel we are gonna get the worst of it".

Through the forest, quick flashes of green darted from tree to tree. On the edge of the clearing they could see the group of Marines preparing for another assault up by the Generator. One of the Marines happened to notice, and walked over to investigate, gun up at the ready.
In a flash, the Marines' gun was plucked from his hands and strewn across the ground. An M6D pistol in his face. When the assailant realised that he meant no harm, the pistol was holstered and the armoured giant entered the clearing leading up to the generator. The marine gasped in astonishment. He had heard of the SPARTAN II program but had never seen an actual Spartan up close before. It was huge. Easily over seven feet tall, and encased in full MJOLNIR body armour. The Spartan had superhuman strength, enhanced senses and reactions, its bones were virtually unbreakable, and with the armours' inbuilt shield system, the Spartan was almost invincible. The helmets reflective visor played back the marines startled look.
"Relax, we are here to help, who is your commanding officer?"
"S-sergeant Mezes, Sir!" The marine stuttered.
Without a sound, more of the green armoured giants entered the clearing, guns at the ready. They fanned out into position with hand signals that seemed foreign to the marine. The squad of Spartans moved up to the main structure, where the marines were bunkered down.
Sgt. Mezes came out from behind a boulder.
"Wow, when they said reinforcements I didn't think they meant Spartans". The Sarge explained.
The super-soldier saluted. As did the rest of his squad.
"This is SPARTAN-104, we were sent down to help but we suffered an air attack on our way down in our Pelican and had to make our way on foot through the forest. The Covenant are on their way, we ran into a few recon teams on our travel here." The Spartan reported.
"Well we are happy to have your support, make yourself at home before the party begins." The sarge said.
"Will do, Sir." The Spartan said, and his team spread out through the defences, helping the marines stabilise their makeshift blockade.
The sergeant counted 12 Spartan warriors in amongst the others. They helped the marines digging fire pits and putting up temporary defences with ease.
