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Fan Fiction

Enzan part 1: Beginnings
Posted By: Dokkir<Saharit_dokkir77@hotmail.com>
Date: 29 December 2005, 6:09 am

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If you want more details about this story, read the Introduction. It might not be good, but it will cover some background information, but if you DON'T want boring facts then please don't read it.

Lt. Daniel Burton's headset burst to life as static cracked through the signal "Lt.Burton of the Enzan squad do you copy? This is commander Perron, do you copy?" a weak as if far away voice spoke into Daniel's headset.
Daniel keyed his headset "I copy sir." Daniel hand signaled to his three teammates: Thomas, Tony and Ittimai to receive the transmission.
"Good, ok just to brief you on the current situation. The Covenant fleet just arrived 10 hours ago; 8 hours ago we evacuated you on this Pelican. I was hoping to get you to command center, but there had been a…slight change of plans-" Daniel sat up in his seat anticipating on what the commander might say next "-9 hours after the covenant appeared they sent a task force, consisting of a few ships headed for Italy. The orbital guns managed to destroy the entire force at a cost of two frigates-" two frigates? how will we win if soldiers died at this rate? Daniel wondered out loud in his mind "-how ever, hundreds of drop ships, carrying thousands of covenants penetrated the defense perimeter and landed in Rome. The UNSC forces stationed there managed to corner the covenant into the National Museum of Europe."
"And you want the Enzans, to infiltrate the museum and find out what's going on, right sir?" Daniel blurted out.
"Yes, and you are approaching Rome as we speak, this is a perfect opportunity we could uncover their technology and finally find out what the hell is going on and how did the bastards found out about earth." Commander Wolf answered with such enthusiasm; Daniel could have sworn he heard the way the commander talked exactly identical to a boy talking about his new game system.
"Any intels?" Daniel said, in an attempt to break the commander's trance. "And when do my team and I land?"
"Right about… now, your team will be using parasail, which obviously the Covenant will not detect you on their scanners. I can't risk having your team landing with the pelican; the damn aliens will suspect what is up with a single pelican floating near their hideout, and they might wonder if we are preparing to send in spies, they will purge their Data before you can say "Italy". The Intel is covered; you will meet with your contact. He will fill you in on the current situation, his name is Commander Lokesh, he's in charge of guarding the east entrance of the Museum."
"Roger that sir" Daniel quickly spoke into the microphone while checking Thomas' parasail. "Oh Lieutenant one more thing, reinforcements be arriving in 3 hours sharp, good luck, over and out."

Daniel turned around to look upon his team, "Ok Enzans, power up your tactical goggles!" as Daniel spoke, his goggle also flashed, revealing numbers and symbols. HUDs appeared, transparent displays danced across the screen from compasses to shield meter, although this amour's shield system is weaker and less complex than the MOJOLNIR's and covers only the torso and head, it can make a difference between life and death.
"I am very proud to have everyone in my team and I wish you all good luck. Buckle up and remember: everyone must come home" Daniel spoke as he scanned the interior of the pelican while looking into Ittimai's, Thomas' and Tony's eyes. The back door of the pelican opened. The cool air from the darkness of dawn rushed into the pelican, familiar sounds of the thruster engines flooded the passenger room. "I never imagined that one day I will be in Italy by leaping off aircrafts!" Tony yelled over the roaring of the pelican's engine. Everyone smiled at Tony's half joke, half sarcasm and one by one The Enzan team leaped off the pelican, diving through the clouds of Italy. The Enzans quickly regrouped midair, while falling through the sky at killing speed, forming a circle formation, hanging on to each other for a while until they finally broke formation and made sure each of them are at least 20 meters away from each other so they could pull their parasail.

Private first class Jeff was taking a break and cleaning his battle rifle when he saw four figures slowly gliding down to earth with parasail. Jeff was staring at the floating figures when his friend, Nick, finally shouted, "Who the hell are they?" Jeff rushed towards his Warthog with Nick following suit "I don't know maybe they are Spartans!" Jeff yelled over his shoulders, recalling the countless moments when the Spartans saved his life a few years ago, during a covenant ground invasion. Jeff hopped on the driver seat while Nick settles on the passenger seat. The young marines sped off on their Warthog just when the figures started to land on the hard concrete road of Rome.

Daniel was done packing away his parasail when he heard the sound of a warthog coming to a halt. Daniel turned around to see two young marines, jumping from their warthog. The one with a scar across his face walked closer to get a better look but when he finally got a full view of the Enzans he became disappointed "I never saw these uniforms before, are you some sort of Spartan?" Daniel was about to answer when Ittimai cut in " well enough to kick three ODST's a-" then Tom cut in "Well lets just say we are better than the one O fives."
Daniel just ignored the chatter and continued, "Where is your CO?", asked Daniel "Hm…get on the Warthog, we'll take you to where the troops are stationed, but we've really got the situation under control" answered Jeff. The Enzans hopped into the Warthog, and they were off speeding towards the museum.

The Coliseum, an ancient historical site, was on the verge of crumbling to nothing but rubble during the early 2300's, until a group of historians decided to put a large glass dome around it that protects it from any damage and erosion. Now, one of the largest museums on earth had been built over and around the Coliseum and what's left of it is the national museum of Europe.

The Warthog pulled up in a camp, next to one of the biggest tents around the area. The tent had a dull brown color, with two guards standing at the doorway. Daniel got off with the others, and walked towards the tent. "Halt, show identification" said one of the guards. Daniel quickly took a quick look at the marine, and showed his identification. "You may go in," said the guard. The Enzans walked in, surprised by the sudden brightness of the light. "Welcome, men. I am Commander Lokesh, from India, if you don't know" said Commander Lokesh cheerfully. The Enzans saluted stiffly and then listened to what the commander had to say. "Well, as you see, we are currently next to the museum, where one of our vital objects are located. Now, I cannot tell you what that is, for it is classified information, but I will load up the information that I have on your current mission" briefed Lokesh. "Ok prepare to receive data, I will transfer it to you in no time" Lokesh walked over to his laptop and start tapping a few buttons. A message on Daniel's goggle flashed up saying: message from Commander Lokesh eyes only. "There you go, that should tell you all you need to know about the mission," said Lokesh. Daniel opened the message on his Tactical Goggles, and said "Whoa!" when the sudden information flew right passed him, as he forgot to stop it and organize it. After arranging everything correctly, Daniel looked at his teammates. Tony still going "whoa whoa", Ittimai was standing and observing the information, smiling and frowning, while Thomas was sitting and observing the info too. After checking everything, the Enzans saluted commander Lokesh, and walked out of the tent. "Alright Enzans, listen up. I don't want any mess ups and misunderstandings, so lets get clear on the mission. We are to infiltrate the museum, grab some data, observe Covenant activity, and high tail it out of there. Any questions?" said Daniel. No hands were up. "Well then, shall we go?" said Daniel with a smile.

Many thanks to Ittimai, for editing the grammar mistakes and giving good feedbacks.
