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Fan Fiction

Helljumping 101 Class 2: Operation Stop the Clock
Posted By: Col. Knadan<majis5@msn.com>
Date: 4 November 2008, 8:00 pm

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Operation: Stop the Clock

Author Note: I know that in the last class I said they had MA5Cs, but that was before I knew they were pieces of junk, so now it's the BR55HB SR Battle Rifle instead. Also, thanks to everyone posted for the previous class.

Nov 4, 0820 Hours,
Songnam Korea.

The day was all nice and dandy until the men in the Warthog saw the rocket headed at their faces. The two ODST's and one Spartan dived out of the Warthog as they arrived in front of the YMCA. Kip Morgan looked up at the Rebel soldier who had fired the rocket and shouted, "Communist!" and then muttered, "It never fails, and I just got this thing waxed." As the trio finished picking themselves up, they noticed an Officer walking over. They snapped to attention.
"At ease. How goes it Lt. Morgan, what?" asked Captain Rudyard Browning of the Songnam Police. It was easy to tell by his accent that he was of British decent; he had an ancestor who had been in Operation Market Garden of WWII.
"Fine, Sir." Kip replied promptly. "May I ask what's going on?".

"A mess. A bloody mess, that's what. At about 0745 Hours the Rebels took over the building and said they would set an outdated A-bomb to go off at 0900 Hours and they would start the timer at 0830," the Captain finished.

"I guess me and Rainbow Two-five should get started, then. Get tactical, Two-five!" Kip said to the Captain, and then Rainbow Two-five.

Team Rainbow Two-five consisted of Kip Morgan, as the team leader, Rick MacRory, as the demo expert, and Pat McManus, as the recon/sniping expert. As the trio chose their weapons and ammo vests, Kip and Rick each chose a shotgun as Pat got out his sniper rifle. "Hold up, Two-five. You're not going in solo. Teams Two-seven and Two-eight are going with you," the Captain told them.

"We wouldn't mind some other company. Rebels have a tendency to be very inhospitable hosts." Pat McManus smiled inside his helmet. Then MacRory punched him in the shoulder as they both burst laughing. "Guys, this isn't a joking matter. Even if it is true." Kip insisted, attempting to curb their amusement.

"A-ha! You admit it!" MacRory said, grinning his head off.

"Well, now that that is sorted out, there's something else you need to know," the Captain informed Lt. Morgan. "Before you arrived, we sent a sniper team into the Holiday Inn across the street, and we haven't heard a peep from them since. We need you to go check on them, as well."

"Sir, Yes, Sir!" Kip agreed. "Alright Marines, wipe those grins off your faces. Looks like I need to go run some errands. You stay here and help out. Understood?" Kip shouted, in the normal Drill Sergeant manner. "Understood, Sir!" the ODST's replied, no longer joking around.

The Spartan started racing towards the hotel across from the YMCA, dodging from side to side to avoid rebel snipers. When he got through the doors he dove to the side, just as a long burst from an enemy chain gun turned the doors into a pile of broken glass.

He slowly stood up. Still avoiding the door, he walked over to the main desk and saw that, surprisingly, an employee was still behind the desk. "What are you still doing here?" he asked the employee warily, with his weapon half-way raised. The employee replied, "Someone has to provide information for our guests."

"Well, alright but could you tell me where the Police sniper team is?" Kip asked him.

"Sure, they went upstairs to the 8th floor. Gee this is exciting! Will I have to go to jail?"

"No. Why would I arrest you?" Kip asked him, "You don't have anything to hide do you?" He stepped back, the rifle almost completely raised now. "No, sorry they're upstairs." the man at the desk said. "Alright, but I'd suggest getting out of here." Kip replied.

As Kip started heading upstairs the one dot on his motion tracker changed from friendly to enemy as the desk man pulled out a M6J Carbine and started shooting at him while shouting, "Long live the rebellion!" As the rebel in disguise started shooting at him, he spun around and started falling backwards just before he hit the ground he capped him in the head. He realized he was in for more work than he thought.

An empty Battle Rifle magazine, 4 shotgun shells, 3 pistol rounds, and 16 dead rebels later he stood in front of the room the sniper team was in. He quietly slid one end of a snake cam under the door and the other end he attached the other to his helmet, from what he could tell, one sniper was dead and the other was pretty bad off the two rebels standing over him were too for the shotgun. Kip brought out his two M6D pistols prepared to kick down the door.

Class dismissed! End Class Two.
