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Fan Fiction

Helljumping 101 Prologue/Class1
Posted By: Col. Knadan<majis5@msn.com>
Date: 5 August 2008, 5:18 pm

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Date: Nov 3 2552, current with storyline of, Halo Ghosts of Onyx.

Hi there! My name is First Lieutenant Spartan-109 Kip Morgan. I'm in the Reserve 503 Shock Division commanding the 9th battalions 1st Company. I was born in 2511 in Sioux Falls South Dakota, on Earth, one of the few Spartan-II's that was born there, and in 2517 was conscripted into the Spartan-II's. Technically I'm the 9 Battalions 2nd in Command even though I basically run the unit because the official CO does pretty much nothing at all. Originally I was one of the Spartans that was crippled by the augmentations but somehow my body managed to fix itself afterward and the end result was that I had 115% more speed, strength, and eyesight of a normal Spartan. I have used all UNSC weapons and some of my favorites are the MA5C assault rifle and M90 Mk II shotgun and the Covenant Carbine. I currently live Songnam Korea by Maria-062 and her family; I visit them and Cassandra who is only a few days away from being done with her rehabilitation. Me and Maria have also set up an apartment for Cassandra when she is done with Rehab. Well that's all you need to know for now. See ya!

Class Dismissed! End Prologue

Class 1
Date: Nov 4 2552

Kip woke up in his apartment room and saw it was still pretty dark outside, so he looked at his clock and saw it was only 5:30 A.M. He sat up looking around and decided to work out for an hour or two before he had breakfast. As he was finishing up he glanced over to the clock as he heard the doorbell and saw it was 7:00. He opened up the door and a UPS guy pushing a crate asked him, "Are you Kip Morgan?" He answered, "Yes, that's me." The UPS guy informed him, "I've got a heavy crate for you from the UNSC, marked 'MJLR MKVI,' what do you want me to do with it?" He Replied "Stick it in the living room, I'll open it later." After the UPS guy had left he wondered what it was, while he had started making breakfast the doorbell rang again this time it was Master Gunny Sgt. MacRory, Kip's Second in Command of 1st Company, "Hey Kip, are you ready to get started on the Panzer Blitz game?" Rick MacRory asked him, he answered "No, I was just starting breakfast if you'd care to join me." "Sure I'll join you breakfast, thanks alot, I haven't had breakfast either." Rick replied as he stepped into the apartment. As Kip was finishing making breakfast MacRory asked, "Hey Kip, what's this thing in the living room?" "I don't know but I think it's a Mjolnir Mk VI." Kip answered with. "A Mark VI? Nice." MacRory muttered. Kip asked, "Hey Rick could ya set the table, breakfast is almost done, scrambled eggs and sausages." Just before Rick had finished setting the table the doorbell rang one last time and this time to no great surprise it was Sgt. McManus, 1st Company, 2nd Platoon's Commander. "Hey Rick, set an extra place at the table! Come on in Pat, we're just sitting down for breakfast." Kip told his friend standing outside the door.

Before I go any further in this story, I just want to explain something real fast. Neither Kip, or the other guys are homos, they live in same apartment block and they take turns having breakfast at each others places and doing old board games like Panzer Blitz or Risk.

As the three of them finished eating breakfast the Police band radio clicked on saying, "All available SWAT units there's been a Insurrectionist attack on the local YMCA, they are heavily armed, repeat all..." the trio looked at each other as the radio repeated the message, "Hey Kip now might be a good time to check what's in the crate." MacRory said to Kip. "Ya know Rick, I think you're right, you guys get to your apartments and get your helljumping armor on." Kip ordered the two of them. Just so the reader knows the three of them are part of SWAT. 10 minutes later the three of the them were in the garage wearing their armors and carrying MA5C Assault Rifles and M6D Sidearms. "MacRory, you drive the 'Hog, McManus you get shotgun, I'll take the L.A.A.G., any questions?" Kip told them over the com in his new Mjolnir Mark VI armor. "Yeah, how come you always get the chain gun?" McManus asked jokingly. "Because I actually know how to use the thing unlike someone I could mention." Kip answered in the same tone. "All right now every body in!" Kip said now in a no joking manner.

Class dismissed! End Class 1.
