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Starwars and Halo, chapter 2
Posted By: CSP499<Csp499@Yahoo.com>
Date: 18 October 2005, 4:10 am
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Chapter two: Touché
-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.
"Sir," Alexis said with a shaky voice to the captain, "We have an unknown and unclassified vessel approaching- with what we believe are hostile intentions." Williams gazed out of the bridge's window to see what looked like a white, triangular ship with a fine, bumpy surface with a control center on the top near the back. Obviously, it was smaller than the UNSC Persian Gulf. "It doesn't look like a Covenant ship," he said. "Let's see what they do to get a good idea how big a threat they pose and what weapons it's armed with."
Jacob was overenthusiastic to take down this behemoth of a ship. To his knowledge, it was not rebel, and most definitely not Imperial. It looked like a pair of stacked cylinders with layered sections on either end. On the side and bottom were a series of odd symbols that looked like this: U.N.S.C. PERSIAN GULF. And, separated from that was another set of symbols that looked like this: ID# UNSCMSSN5868459A. "Captain, are you sure of this?" a crewman said. "It could be Imperial, perhaps an experimental ship. Otherwise, if it IS an enemy, it's ten times our size, and who knows what weapons it houses? I'd say we rally in reinforcements in order to
" Jacob put his hand up. "Just fire at that thing, do YOU want to remain in service for eight years and get NO glory whatsoever? I'm taking my chances- fire all main cannons."
Suddenly, a volley of green beams pecked tumultuously at the Persian Gulf's advanced shielding system, lowering its integrity about one fourth. "So, that's how it is, eh?" Williams sneered. "Touché
As the heat from the Katana's blaster-cannons died off and the enemy ship's shields sparked, the long, thin shafts which covered its hull pointed ominously at the bridge. In the blink of an eye, a brilliant flash erupted from them all. "ALL HANDS, BRACE FOR IMPACT!" As he finished, 44 solid, high velocity explosive projectiles rammed right past the Katana's shield and punctured the main hull. "Sir, hull integrity has been breached! Sealing off all corridors linking to hull ruptures." Jacob, pulling his hair out all at once, gave the order: "Put ship on full combat alert, code red! Launch all Tie-squadrons and engage enemy ship."
As the hostile vessel lurched and tilted, bellowing black smoke like an 1800's steam locomotive, Williams observed a cloud of black dots emerging from under it. "The enemy ship must be launching fighters
how cute." He said with a sinister grin. "Try to identify them. In the meantime, scramble all Longsword interceptors."
"This is red flight, we are in range of the enemy ship, preparing to break shielding and engage." Red one was nervous. He saw what this giant had done to the Katana- now he, his flight and a few other wings were going to take it on. He knew what weapons it had- and he didn't even want to know what kind of fighters it housed. The Comms crackled to life. "We've got bandits at twelve o'clock! Prepare to engage!" Red 1 could see the enemy fighters. They were big, but looked aerodynamic and looked like wide, black V's with tail-fins. He keyed the radio. "Red flight, engage enemy wings now! Initiate alpha interception-formation. We're going in."
"Enemy fighters, twelve o'clock low. All flights engage." Major Dan Roberts braced for a dogfight. "Alright, boys," he said into the radio. "We're closing in on them. Ready all weapons and brace for one hell of a brawl." The enemy fighters looked threatening. They were comprised of a small, central sphere sandwiched between two vertical wings. "Okay- let's do this. All flights commence attack!"
Red one flinched as the noses of the enemy fighters began flashing- a telltale sign that those fighters were lobbing solid projectiles at him and his wingmen. "All fighters break formation!" The formation scattered as the solid rounds pinged off and pierced through his allies. In an immediate response, the hostiles quickly sped to follow his fellow pilots- quickly resulting in a fast paced, confusing mess. He watched in frustration as an enemy craft lined up behind Red three and unloaded a volley of red tracers at his Tie fighter, which quickly and silently burst into flaming pieces as a cry of agony echoed through the radio channel. The enemy fighters were big- but they were quick. The stalemate that followed seemed to last forever.
In the stalemate that ensued, a rupture opened in the time-space continuum, and a large, purple- colored ship emerged, with the bulbous head of a whale and a thin spine stretching down its dorsal section. Zura Koril'ee, its captain, righted himself from an exit out of slip-space. "Excellency," a crewman said. "Do you recall the large human ship we encountered over Threshold...
It's here."