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Fan Fiction

Starwars and Halo Chapter 1
Posted By: CSP499<Csp499@Yahoo.com>
Date: 17 October 2005, 3:55 am

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Chapter one: Into the heart of darkness.

Outer rim of the Orion arm, unknown system- October 26th, 2552 AD

The UNSC Persian Gulf was most certainly not the fastest ship in the United Earth Space Corps' navy, but it most certainly was the largest. Its design was fairly new, but even ONI knew that this ship alone could obliterate an entire Covenant fleet, deploy several hundred thousand troops and house enough ships to lead a major naval attack. Not only was it big, but it was advanced- the first UNSC ship to be outfitted with the Johnson-Mercer type five energy-shielding system, an outboard shield with twice the integrity of even the greatest ships of the Covenant navy. The Persian Gulf was the first "Mother-ship" class vessel in the UNSC- to be followed by several more. Though expensive, this class of ship plays the role of a cruiser, a carrier, a star dock, an assault ship and an LST. It had a relatively simple design, with two long, cylindrical shafts- one atop the other- in the center. On either side of the upper cylinder were rectangular holes in which smaller ships entered through. There were several sections going off either end of the top shaft. Just below the nose of the ship, is the bridge. It is there where its captain- James T. Williams- commanded the Gulf's fine, but large crew into the heart of darkness- directly into the pinnacle of Covenant activity. Unbeknownst to Williams and the Gulf's crew, but this intrusion would send them on a journey unimaginable to any one of them.

"Exiting slip-space in 3…2…1." The screens in the bridge- which were formerly black in the void- blinked on and gradually revealed a matrix of stars as the UNSC Persian Gulf emerged from slip-space. Lieutenant Alexis Marks keyed the intercom again: "Slip-space exit successful. We have entered an uncharted region, gathering intelligence on area." In the main bridge-window, Williams could see an orange gas-giant, whose vicinity was littered with debris. In the left corner of his view, he could see a large planetoid, what ONI now recognized as the Covenant holey city of "High Charity." Surrounding the behemoth was a swarm of covenant ships. "Sir- we have multiple contacts coming our way." Lieutenant Daniels blurted suddenly. "Six Covenant Cruisers, followed by two carriers." The captain, secretly laughing at the covenant for sending in suicidal ships, slumped back into his chair. "Get all our super-MAC guns ready… We're taking them head on."

Zura Koril'ee was surprised at the humans. Usually, they sent in gigantic fleets and take massive suppression, or send in a small task-force and swiftly strike an enemy. As unpredictable and cunning as the human's tactics were, Zura never would have suspected this: 8 of the Covenant's greatest ships, against one, unclassified human vessel. At this- he was surprised. A crewman opened a channel on the speaker. "Excellency, we are closing in on a human ship, unknown classification. We're receiving its dimensions now." Zura looked at the ship through a screen. He couldn't come to conclude on how large it was, or how far away it was. The crewman opened the frequency again: "Captain, we have the dimensions of the human craft, showing on main screen on three." Three seconds later, the main screen displayed a HUGE human vessel, about twenty times the size of standard human ships. And from what Zura had seen in his studies on human weaponry, ships and vehicles, the vessel was bristled with Super-MAC guns: weapons that shot high velocity projectiles that could bore a hole right through Zura's carrier. "Pull all ships back to High Charity, return with the rest of the fleet." As soon as Zura finished his announcement, the carrier right next to his, the "Cleansing Light", seemed to simply pop into a hundred thousand pieces after a Magnetically-Accelerated round drilled straight through it. "This is Captain Zura Koril'ee, requesting assistance! Large, hostile ship has launched an attack."

Williams grinned as he watched the pieces of the carrier float into the great beyond, which immediately caused him to begin thinking of a 500 year old song: "Float on" by a band called "Modest mouse". The other ships scattered like roaches from the Persian Gulf as it began to slowly- but surely- made its way toward High Charity.

The prophet of truth was awestruck to see the human mammoth plow through his mighty fleet like so many annoying, tiny gnats. It is hopeless, he thought. The humans, evidently, have something greater than we do. The Prophet's mind raced furiously as he watched his once great fleet be slaughtered by the enormous human threat. Suddenly, the door to the council-chamber opened and a single Unggoy messenger waddled through the door. "Uh, Excellency? I just got more news from Regret's campaign… The demon is converging upon him. He says he could use your help." Truth came to his conclusion. "Attention all ships," he said "we are retreating through slip-space to assist the prophet of regret."

Suddenly all the ships the Persian Gulf was fighting suddenly became engulfed in a blue aura- slip-space entry ruptures. Before Williams knew it, the ships were gone- but the overwhelming punctures in the time-space continuum created a flux. Williams stood up and furiously stomped on the floor. Then, he saw the flux. "Alexis- where does that flux go?" he inquired. "If I analyze it correctly, it has an eighty-percent chance of taking us to the ships that went into Slip-space." Williams took it into consideration. "What about the other twenty percent?" he said. Alexis calculated the results. "If we don't go with them, we'll wind up in a randomized time and location. Williams, only concentrated on achieving the objective, gave the order to enter the flux. As it entered, the electronics aboard the Gulf powered down. It rumbled violently and- in the blink of an eye- it vanished.

Imperial Star-Destroyer "Katana", in close orbit around Tatooine.

Fleet admiral Jacob Astar was a very, very miserable person. Not only did he miss out on the ultimate chance to deliver HIS share of beating to the rebellion, but he had seen only one, small piece of battle action, which served no importance and its history document was then probably buried deep in a set of files. It was just when he started to contemplate his actual existence when the scanner started beeping like mad. The intercom crackled to life- "This is scanner control- we have a contact inbound. Repeat, contact inbound! Unknown classification or alignment. Larger than us, loaded with unidentified weaponry." Jacob, as eager to fight as he was, jumped to his decision without thinking: "Assume as hostile: commence attack."
