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Fan Fiction

Starwars & Halo chapter 5
Posted By: CSP499<Csp499@Yahoo.com>
Date: 25 February 2006, 10:24 pm

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Chapter 5: This Exosphere Ain't Big Enough For the Two of Us…

-In Orbit over Tatooine, unknown date.

Williams was relatively unimpressed, but he was aware of the threat that was posed onto him. There were about twenty of them- like twenty pieces of triangular, bumpy clay, each with a completely random tower upon the top. He addressed Lieutenant Marks: "Is this all they've got?" Marks made a secondary scan. "Yes sir, that's 'all they've got'." She said. "If you would like to see all the data concerning this, you can see it here." Williams reclined in his chair. "Not necessary, I'll pull it up myself." He said as he relaxed. He's growing arrogant…, Alexis thought to herself. Pompous naval commanders are never a good sign: even for those commanding the UNSC's largest ship. She looked back at Williams- whose hubris was like a stench that surrounded him- as he pulled up the files on a holographic panel. As he reached the current logbooks of recent events, he frowned. He looked around the gleaming, translucent sheet at Alexis. "Lieutenant, where would the files concerning the enemy ships be?" He inquired in a calm, reserved tone. Alexis looked back to him with her common bland expression. "Sir, that's my point." She explained in the same tone. "I need to forward the information to your personal computer in order for you to view it. I haven't done that yet." He sighed, and then turned off the hologram. Williams let out a frustrated huff as he put his forehead in his hands. As Alexis viewed the scanner, she couldn't help but notice the seven little red dots streaking toward their ship. "Uh, Captain Williams, Sir? We have a problem. It appears we have boarding craft inbound." She reported somewhat nervously. Williams, apparently intrigued by what was going on, left the comfort of his commander's chair and went up to see the screen. There they were, plain as day: seven red dots heading toward the center of the circular screen. "Do we have any guns to fend them off?" He asked, his voice still noticeably hubristic. "Yes," Alexis responded, "but they are controlled by the ship's A.I." Williams cocked an eyebrow at Marks. "What A.I?" Still not remembering being told of an installed artificial intelligence, he reacted: "Wait- this ship DOES have an A.I? I was never told." Alexis put in some commands on the computer. "Yes, sir. I thought you'd expect the UNSC's largest vessel to have an onboard A.I." On the hologram pedestal, a detailed hologram of a teenager- wearing camouflaged pants, combat boots and a Che Guevara t-shirt materialized out of thin air. Williams looked at it. "Our A.I…" he started, "Yes, I know," Marks responded as she sighed, "I too find Connor to be relatively farfetched." Connor turned to Williams. "What's the word, boss?" He asked in a subtlety southern accented, deep voice. Williams faced him. "We have seven boarding craft…" Connor shook his head. "Naw, I'd say twenty five. Something's jamming the primary scanner." Williams looked about the bridge, then corrected himself "…twenty five boarding craft, inbound. We need you to…" Connor put his hand up and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know what you're going to say: I've only heard it about a million times before. 'Concentrate on the inbound targets', I'm on it." Connor disappeared. "And you say I'M arrogant…" Williams whispered to Marks.

One of the Storm Troopers in Vader's pod looked out the window to see one of the other craft vaporize, and another simply shatter as a solid slug hit its cockpit. "We've lost two of our pods," the pilot said over the comm.-link, "Delta 5 and Delta 18 have been destroyed by the enemy ship's defense systems." Another three pods vanished in an explosion, and the pod careened and rumbled violently as a round scraped the side, destroying a pod behind them. Suddenly, the pod stopped and shuddered. "Everyone, get ready!" The pilot shouted. Vader's light saber gave a hiss as the beam extruded from the hilt, bathing the darkened pod in an eerie red glow. A sudden pop, and the hatch flew open, revealing the inside of the gargantuan vessel. The minutes that ensued was a noisy, bloody stalemate in the hall. The enemy's firepower was too constant for Vader to simply move in, thus having him take evasive action. Finally, he dashed down the aisle, waving his saber like a shield and finally reaching the defenders' cover. As the blade pierced the armor of one of the soldiers, another tried to come from behind- having his head severed shortly afterward. The blasters from down the hall continued to suppress the defenders before they retreated.

Connor's figure appeared on the pedestal. "What is it?" Williams inquired. "Bad news, boss. Looks a couple boarding craft made it, and their deliveries wiped out the Marines in Beta Corridor 2." Williams' fist hit the arm rest of his chair. "Woah, settle down, Hercules! I'VE got things covered...." he dematerialized and vanished.

A hulking, hairy creature dragged Red one across the reflective purple-blue floor of one of the alien ships' cramped corridors. "What is to be of this one?" It said to one of the blue armored monsters behind it. "You speak to me as though I knew, I say we throw him out the airlock." Another one looked at him. "HA! I say we spare the time and effort and kill him now! The Kig'Yar and deal with the body." "Rubbish," the hairy thing growled, "this human is bound to create a stench here. He's a human, but against the humans as well. I say the council decides on this." "Why?" one of the following aliens commented, "I don't see how this runt can be permitted in the holy presence of our guiding light, nor do I see why it needs to be put on trial." "I still say we kill him now." The other said. The beast dragging him huffed, then let Red one drop to the floor, and the alien aimed his weapon at his forehead…
