Sangheili named Inhi 'Zzoadee - Chapter one
Posted By: Austin Buxton
Date: 7 March 2007, 7:42 pm
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"Your our last hope of salvation, your actions at home we honour, you tried to show us freedom from the prophets. US the Sangheili can live peacefully without war. We fought once….a very long time ago before coming to this planet, the armour that we hang remind ourselves of the sorrows during battle and the hatred that filled our hearts when battling the Prophets for one, they tried to kill us all, and they tried to convert us to think like them? And for this "great journey"? its all lies remember that, your home will await for your return in the mean time, battle with honour do not show mercy! After all we are only Sangheili….."
After the horrors that happened on Halo only one Sangheili remained from a squad of 5 Sangheili, the name was forgotten over the long, hard and tough battles they had to face, which put their honour at risk, their souls, their very essence of existence. You cannot name what has never existed, even if they were really there in front of you, you thought it was a vision, no it was not, it was the forgotten soldier's way of trying to be noticed. In the Sangheili's society you cannot name what isn't important.
A Phantom drifts off into deep space away from the destruction of Halo, inside the Phantom holds a unconscious Sangheili, his armour is of the minor domo type - primary colour blue, but the secondary colour represented the groups colour which was crimson, the last remaining Sangheili of his clan that fled the halo for its destruction.
In the vast "dark ocean" known as space an assault carrier known as "Scarred Union" drifts as many Phantoms and Seraph fighters scramble to get aboard the ship to await the next set of orders. On board the ship a Ultra Sangheili walks up to the Imperial Admiral Gzalzi " Commander we have picked up a Phantom drifting in space but it doesn't appear to be one of ours". The Gold Sangheili slowly turns around to listen to the Ultra Sangheili "have you tried to make contact with the pilot of the Phantom? ". The white Sangheili nods "yes we have, but no answer was made, what do you suspect we do?". The Gold Sangheili stands to think for a moment and then announces to the rest of the bridge "BRING THE UNION CLOSE TO THE PHANTOM AND PICK IT UP WITH THE GRAV LIFT, ORDER A GROUP OF SANGHEILI TO THE HANGER..". All the Sangheili's on the bridge start to steer the ship towards the direction of the Phantom. The Comm's officer announces the barracks of the ship " second patrol Sangheili's report to the hanger and wait for the in coming Phantom".
At the hanger the Sangheili mutter among themselves "why are we ordered to the hanger for the incoming Phantom, its not like a human will be able to fly our drop ships". another Sangheili starts to say "you never know what will happened, the humans fight with pride while we fight with honour they will use anything to survive that is what I have learnt while battling these humans". The force shield for the hanger shuts down and the battered drifting Phantom boards the ship and crashes to the ground. The patrol Sangheili gather around the Phantom and one boards it "Gzalzi there is no one on board…but wait a moment there is a downed Sangheili in here! We need medical over to the Phantom. The Gold Sangheili on the bridge looked amazed while everyone stares at him, Gzalzi replies "What rank is the Sangheili onboard the Phantom?" "Admiral he is a minor Domo!". Gzalzi looks more amazed, he turned around to the comm.'s officer "tell the patrol squad that I am coming down to the medical room, get that Sangheili over to there as quick as Sangheili possible!"
The Minor Sangheili was rushed to the medical rooms of the Scarred Union escorted by two Major domo Sangheili's, after the Sangheili's wounds were treated Gzalzi got to the medical room, luckily the downed Sangheili was awake "Greetings, my name is Gzalzi I am the commander of this ship, the ships name is Scarred Union, what is your name fellow Sangheili?" the Minor Domo sat up and said sadly " my name is Inhi 'Zzoadee" the commander franticly said "how did you escape? What happened to the rest of your group?". Zzoadee said with hesitation "my group….my group? They are all dead, killed by the horror of the "flood". I was lucky to escape, when I heard the announcement from the human ship of the self destruction I leapt from the ship fell down the sand hill and saw a damaged Phantom which I escaped in.."