
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Team Spartan by De

Team Spartan Part 1
Date: 18 August 2006, 7:30 pm

Series Introductory.

Spartan-117 'Master Chief'
Spartan-034 'Silence' or 'Silence Abandoned'
Sgt. Jhonson
Dr. Will Hatchkens
Commander West
Pvt. Rendy
Dr. Joe Menderstrom

Location: On a planet somewhere. Crash landing. Survivor camp. Spartan installation.

Deep in Space a human armada of ships carrying the Master Chief, Spartan-117, were attacked by a Covenant fleet. The survivors of the attack crash landed on a planet they thought was uninhabited.
The Master Chief walked out of the ship carrying him along with some marines. The chief and the marines engaged combat with all Covenant that had landed to destroy them. After quite a battle, the group managed to find other survivors along with Sgt.Jhonson, they then built a temporary base to hold out in and wait.
About a few weeks later a group of marines found an old Spartan installation and found something strange in it. The rest of the survivors quickly moved in and inhabited the installation.

The Master Chief is awakened and was taken into a room for repairs, after repairs he exits the room and is Greeted by Sgt.Jhonson.
"Mornin' Chief!" he says, "how's it goin? Geuss what. Were assigning you a newbie"
"Great..." the chief replies.
Jhonson continues, "... and here he is. Introducing, Spartan-034!" a Spartan in white and yellow armor walks out of a nearby room.
"well aren't you gonna say something boy?" says Jhonson. Dr. Hatchkens, Dr. Menderstrom, and Commander West walk out of the same room.
"He never said anything since we found him except 'who are you' and 'where am I.' I geuss we should nickname him 'Silence'" said Hatchkens.
Jhonson replies,
"did you find any records about where he's from or his real Spartan name?"
"no... but we did find this in a helmet cam left behind" replied Hatchkens as he handed Sgt. Jhonson a helmet cam disk. The four humans leave the room to go watch the cam recording, the Chief walks up to Silence and is about to knock on Silence's helmet.
"you alive in---" says chief as he tries to knock on Silence's helmet but gets flipped onto his back rather guickly by Silence.
"don't touch..." says Silence.
In another room the Commander, docters, and Jhonson start watching the tape.

On the recording it shows Silence on a table, some humans stand around him, the camera spins around to show someone entering the room.
"you done with him yet?" he says.
"no were almost done, just give us an hour or two..." says someone else.

It shows Silence still on the table where the survivors found him.

"were finished. get him into the crio" someone says.
Alarms start ringing and sirens start going off.
"attention all personell! A ship crash landed nearby! Life forms are exiting but we cannot tell if their friendly or hostile, so get ready!" says someone on the radio.


People are screaming as gunfire and explosions sound everywhere.
"Gah! what are these things?? gah, get it off!" someone says.
"Man down man do---" says another"
...The screen goes blank.

"Someone want to explain to me what just happened?" says Jhonson.
"I don't think that was the Covenant... but I'm not sure" west said.
A marine walks into the room.
"my apologies for eavesdropping, sir, but I heard you were watching a movie so I decided to watch it to." the marine said.
"So what's your point marine?" asked West.
"Well I think i know what attacked... I've been on a halo before... And I recognized those sounds the enemies made in that movie..." said the marine.
"So then what is it?" asked Menderstrom.
"Flood, sir..."

"So you've been through quite much have you?" asked Silence.
"yeah... flood and fighting Covenant all the time." replied Master Chief.

"So if there's flood on this planet... there probably gonna come back for us..." said Hatchkens.
"I believe so. well, we sure as hell are gonna be ready! Marine. What's your name?" asked West.
"Rendy, sir, Pvt.Rendy"replied the marine.
"well private Rendy, go warn the other marines."ordered West, "it's gonna be hell..."

Commander West walks out of the room and steps up to the Master Chief.
"well chief," he says,"your gonna have to train that boy. We did some tests and he's tough and has a good understanding of combat, and he appears to be more durable than you."
"yeah so? I'll train him..." replies the Chief.
"Good! I'll see you around chief. Good Luck" West said as he walked away, "and watch our for flood. We checked this place. It's pretty big, it might be forerunner."

END of part 1
The story was just begining, this was just introductory.

Team Spartan: Pt.2: The Covenant
Date: 30 August 2006, 6:20 pm

Dr. Menderstrom
Dr. Hatchkens
Commander West
(Elite) 'Roshand
(Elite) 'HeirGrand
Gold elite
Brute Captain
Elites 1-2

Spartan Installation
Covenant ship 'Honor and Salvation'

Back on the survivor planet Menderstrom is fiddling with a radio signal system they found in the Spartan Installation. trying to establish contact with other Humans.
"The umm... communications are hard to establish. The atmosphere is too thick to establish radio contact with any UNSC forces outside of this world... but I have been able to get radio signals from this planet, I can't pinpoint them though..." Dr. Menderstrom said.
"I geuss it's not just us and the flood... unless the flood have control of radio signals" replied Hatchkens.
"Shut the radio off!" ordered West, "you want to attract the flood faster to our position?!"
"Yes sir... no sir..." sighed Menderstrom.

On a Covenant ship a bit far from the planet the Master Chief is on, Elites are in combat with Brutes.
      "the Hunters are on their way to aid us, brothers! We have to clear the area for them" said an elite, "we must clear this bay and await for the Hunters, then we can crush the Brutes and take the ship!" The Brutes give the Elites heavy resistance and more reinforcements to take back the bay.
      "hold them back!" says another Elite. A grunt waddles behind him with a plasma pistol screaming "more enemies here!"
      "Stay back pathetic one!" says the elite, but the grunt waddles behind a crate and gets stepped on by a Brute.
      "heh heh heh, pathetic being. The prophets have always favored us over you and the elites!" said the Elite.
      "The prophet's are making a big mistake, Brute. It is not for salvation, but for containment" said an Elite named 'Roshand
Another Elite runs up to 'Roshand, "'Roshand," he says, "the Hunters have arrived, but the Brutes are holding them back at the bay."
The group of Elites and Grunts finish off the rest of the Brutes and Jakals. "Alright, 'HeirGrand. We will go help the Hunters." replied 'Roshand. 'Roshand, 'HeirGrand, and two other Elites go and free the Hunters from the Brutes. After they kill off the Brutes a gold elite walks up to 'Roshand.
      "Thank you, brother. Now, we shall go take the ship!"
The Elites and Hunters start heading towards the bridge, taking out any resistance along the way. The group of Hunters and Elites arrive at the bridge only to see that it is heavily guarded. A Captain walks out from the block and starts to speak.
      "Your feets are brave, I'm surprised you've made it this far."
      "Don't waste our time with talk, Brute. We shall slay you, and this battle will be over" replied the Gold Elite.
'Roshand readies his Plasma Rifle, The Gold Elite pushes his arm back.
      "Step back brother... let the Hunters do what they do."
The Hunters ready their Fuel Rod Cannons begin to fire and the Captain falls back.
      "you fools!" he shouts, "this attack will be your own demise!"
A blast from one of the Hunters Fuel Rod Cannons hit a vital ship reactor.
      "I told you fools! Because of what you just did, this ship is doomed!"says the Brute captain as he runs out of the bridge.
      "What do we do?" asks 'HeirGrand.
      "we need to escape," replies the Gold Elite, "follow me to the escape pod, brothers, we must get to it before that Brute does!"
The Brute Captain starts brodcasting throughout the ship. "those fools, the Elites. Their Hunters have damaged the ships reactors! Brutes of this ship, take down all the Elites. Make sure they don't escape!"
      "Obviosly their won't be room for all of us in the escape pod. two elites, or just one Brute." the Gold Elite gestures to 'Roshand and 'HeirGrand, "You two shall take the pod, your strong, young. You will make fine warriors. The rest of us will take out the Brute Captain, you two escape in the pod. Good luck, brothers."
The Elites salute and 'Roshand and 'HeirGrand run to the escape pod.
      "Good luck..." the gold elite whispers.
The two Elites encouter little resistance except when they get to the pod. The Brute captain walks infront of the pod carrying the Gold Elites body. He drops it.
      "I have slain your friend. Hah. Easy victory. You will not make it out of here alive!" the ship starts imploding, the Captain continues, "Do not doubt the prophets, 'Roshand"
      "You will not make it out, Brute! If we have to die in the process, no Brute shall leave this ship!" 'Roshand shouts back.
      "Ha!" replies the Captain"
'Roshand takes out an Energy Sword, but an explosion knocks out The captain, killing him.
      "'Roshand, brother, we have to leave now!" shouts 'HeirGrand
      "Yes..." replies 'Roshand.
The two elites enter the pod and escape the 'Honor and Salvation', barely making it out, the ship explodes two seconds after they escape, heavily damaging the excape pod.
      "The pod is heavily damaged!" shouts 'HeirGrand.
      "We will make it, but the nearest planet is still a bit far..." replies 'Roshand.
The heavily damaged pod flies through space, looking for a place to land. A small glowing ball follows it, it speaks, "Oh my, this is not good, I should've never left the installation, not good indeed..." as it follows the pod.

END of part 2

Team Spartan Pt3 Pt1: the Marines
Date: 12 September 2006, 4:02 am

      We were in a Pelican, somewhere on Earth, sometime, but no one knows, not one.
It had been a while since the Covenant came to Earth, tore the place up, but that was not the worst.
Rebel armys that had been once allied with each other and the real armies to defeat the Covenant invadors, had broken off their alliances, and were in the midst of battle with each other, but for what? They were in war for the earth, well, what was left of it anyway, but this cause was not worth the deaths. Many deaths.
      We were in a Pelican, flying over the deserted war land called Earth, we were headed for the evac point, like every last soldier on Earth. My name is Ace Alexander, Pvt. Alexander, on a Pelican with the last surviving marines of SU force in this area, now claimed to be the most dangerous place on Earth. What gave it this name? Five of the ten Rebel Armies are in war here, all fighting each other at the same time, that is why this area (a very large section of Earth) is the most dangerous. The SU in our force stands for suicidal, and I'm sure less of us would be here if we knew that before.
      On one side of the Pelican was me, some soldier(we were a mixed squad, but three soldiers and me are in the same squad) and Sgt.Ranker, the other side had three other guys in my squad. Six guys plus two pilots, survivors of this turmoil, out of thousands, millions even, survived. This war is pointless, but if it is what they want, then the UNSC want's no part of this madness.
      The guys of my squad were old friends of mine, there was Pvt. James Winston, an edgy guy, always shooting at everything that moves, Cprl.Ryan Brooke, a real tough guy but sensitive, and Pvt.Joe (no one knows his last name.) About Joe, well theres nothing about Joe, he's just one of those 'faceless soldiers,' you know, following orders, not messing around, nothing special. Well we were on a Pelican, it had been a few hours when we left the main warzone, the launch zone was not to far away.
      Things had been quiet since we had got on the Pelican, two guy's were killed before getting on the Pelican. Joe was looking down on the flaming earth, watching random rebels run towards the warzone, I started to pretend to aim my gun and shoot them, James laughed a bit then continued to be quiet. The two pilots were chatting between themselves and the Sarge was taking a nap. Ryan was fiddling around with his fingers when we said something to me, I didn't hear exactly what he said and I replied with a "huh?"
      "I said what the hell was that back there?" he said.
      "what was what?" I asked
      "That whole damn thing!" Ryan shouted in response, waking up the Sarge.
      "Marine, what the hell was that for?" shouted the Sarge.
      It went on like this until Ryan finally said it was the hell-hole people were calling a war.
      we finally made it to the launch zone, the speakers were very loud with announcments of large groups of rebels heading toward the area and we didn't have much time to leave. I and the other soldiers in my Pelican were lighned up infront of a ship. Other marines were lined up infront of other ships about to enter, I looked at a group of marines about to go in another ship and saw a female with them. We had been briefed before the lining about everyone on everyship in the fleet, the girl's name was Karina, her last name was unknown.
      it was time to enter the ships, and we did. The ships started up and and we entered space through the atmosphere.
      Meanwhile, somewhere in space....
      "hmm, not very good, not very good indeed!" said a glowing ball, floating after an extremely damaged excape pod. Also back on the Spartan Installation on the planet the survivors call 'Neherato IV' which that had learned was a gas planet and they were on a 'continent' like land. Scans had revealed that there are two of this 'continents' both of them, however, are unexplored and nobody knows what is lurking around them. Humans? or something hostile?

      End of Pt3 Pt1.
