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Fan Fiction

Squad 024 by D4 514y3r

Squad 024 Part 1: Serenity Forgotten
Date: 14 October 2004, 6:56 PM

Squad 024 Part 1: Serenity Forgotten

Private Desta Zemthel of Squad 024 made his way out of the musty cave into what seemed like a blinding world. His near hoofed feet padded into the fresh packed snow and he clicked on his shield and stared at it for a moment as it pulsed. Security protocols provide that he do this. He didn't argue either; he was used to plenty of ambushes from marines, or any other threat. Although, they were usually minor casualties, a grunt or two, nothing serious, accept for yesterday.

Desta ventured on further outside of the cave and noticed a few Elites and a Grunt or two roaming about. Some checked supplies, while others merely stared off into the distance. The cave was housed by a huge canyon wall towering above. The wall showed a dark, almost blood red, color. The Covenant squad slowly rose out of the cave and into the canyon.

Squad Master Trayim Kotre rose from the side of the rough cave wall. It had been a long night. He couldn't sleep with so many thoughts on his mind. Yesterday had been a busy day. With the ambush of a marine platoon and the loss of his best soldier, Mayka Barlo, yesterday was overall a failure. So far, on their mission to activate the newest Halo's control room, they were failing miserably. Not even the slightest of hints as to where it might be. But today was a new day, so hopefully new clues would be found.

Trayim trudged his way out of the cave and acknowledged many salutes as he came out into the white, snowy world tinged with crimson red from the canyon walls. He shielded his eyes from the incredibly luminescent sun. Trayim breathed in the crisp cool air of a new day and made his way out. He looked over and noticed a familiar Jackal. The Elite remembered him. Desta Zemthel, he wasn't too sure why he remembered this Jackal in particular. He guessed he sensed some potential in the young, but loyal, soldier. He pushed that thought aside for now; he had more important matters to attend to.

Trayim made his way over to his second-in-command soldier, Grem Stexzor, well built; he was gold armored and was a veteran for the Covenant Armada. He carried his energy sword in one hand; it always somewhat worried Trayim that Grem ordered the troops around with the sword. It was not unlikely for a day-dreaming Grunt to lose an arm or a leg while he was waving it around. "Grem, let's talk!" Trayim shouted over the sounds of Covenant chatter. "Yes sir!" Grem yelled. He trudged his way over to the Squad Master. There was a reason Grem had been appointed to second-in-command. Grem was big, real big. He was rarely challenged by anyone in the Squad. The only person that could control Grem was Trayim. Not to say Trayim couldn't take him. "Grem, any luck on finding more information about where the control room might be?" Trayim asked. "Well sir, there was something..."

Desta trotted around the camp, there was nothing to do, until the Squad Master gave them orders of course... He watched as Grunts tossed snowballs at each other meekly and Elite's stood chatting and practicing their swordsmanship. Hunter's hunched over and stood in place. Not doing much of anything, they stared dully into nothingness. Desta continued on and stopped to notice the Squads' second-in-command officer, Grem Stexzor talking with the Squad Master. The Jackal listened in on the conversation with his keen sense of hearing. "Sir, it's only something I heard, I'm not sure..." "We have to take advantage of this, even if it is a rumor! What if this lead to the discovery of the-" Desta stopped, dropped the conversation. He smelled something. He tilted his head upwards and inhaled the air through his nostrils. What was that smell? *Click* "Everybody, AMBUSH!!!" Desta shrieked. Rounds went off firing all over. Desta narrowly dodged a bullet as he rolled behind a rock. He switched his shield back on and pulled his plasma pistol out. He dove into the mass of marines and Covenant yelling an ear-piercing battle cry "RAAAARRRGGHHH!!!"


Trayim quickly tore his energy sword from his belt. The energy sword extended with a buzz and Trayim darted towards the mass of Marines. Grem followed close behind with a plasma rifle in one hand and an energy sword in the other. Both vicious Elite's tore through the Marines. Trayim sent Marines flying left and right as they screamed in pain. He sliced his energy sword through a Marines leg and delivered a crushing blow to it's gut.


Desta wrenched his plasma pistol from the mouth of the human and wiped off the blood on the cold dead carcass of the Marine. He turned around and picked up a needler. He rammed the barrel of it into a Marines throat. He didn't even have to pull the trigger and the Marine fell, lifeless to the ground. "ARRGGHH!!!" Desta heard the scream of his Second-In-Command Squad Leader from behind him. Desta made a round-about and sighted his greatest fear. There, standing over Grem's body, was a Spartan.
