
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Operation Payback by Charle Subketkaew

Operation Payback Part 1
Date: 11 September 2005, 3:35 am

Operation Payback Part 1

Location: Earth
Continent: United States
Stationed at : Forward Command Post Sigma
Status: Under attack
Battle Zone: Hot

"Return fire damn it!" barked Corporal Wes Adams. His team had been involved in at least 5 firefights since 6:00 a.m. Adams had command of Omega squadron and wasn't going to get off work until he snapped his troops back into reality. Adams had just graduated from the UNSC Naval Academy stationed on REACH II just a year ago, but was transferred to the front line for planetary defense. "Sergeant McNeil, get Baskowitz and Ramirez to cover our back. I'm going to send in a recon probe to check the area.
Omega team was pinned down at this point. A squad of 4 Elites pinned them down in their position, which was an abandoned building. "McNeil, get me a fortification on that forward wall." ordered Adams. "Yes sir!" said McNeil. With that said, McNeil grabbed some nearby empty crates and barricaded the northern entrance to the building. "Ok team, hold this perimeter until I can clear the very front of the building. Fire in the whole!" said Adams. After saying that, Adams tossed two frag grenades outside and took out 2 Elites. Purple blood was split on the walls. The remaining two Elites bellowed out their war cry of "wort wort wort!" "Omega team, stay here, I'm going to go check and figure out where the other two Elites are." said Adams. "Understood sir!" the ODSTs said in unison.
Adams peaked his head throughout a small opening in the wall, looking both ways. The area seemed clear, but Elites weren't known for giving up in the middle of a fight. "Stay here, I'm going to go outside and see exactly where they went." said Adams. The ODSTs acknowledged him by both nodding. Adams crept out quietly and slowly, taking caution. He noticed a slight motion. An energy sword glimmered and appeared. Adams withdrew his SMG's and fired.
The Elite appeared stunned, but then charged forward with his sword. The Elite slashed Adams' armor, but no minor injury yet. The sword took a slit of Adams' uniform. "You're going to pay for that!" barked Adams. Adams fired again with his SMG's aiming directly at the Elite's chest. The Elite charged again, but Adams jumped to the side in time for the attack. With it's back turned, Adams meleed the Elite in the back and it was knocked out. As a finishing blow, Adams stuck the SMG's to the Elite's back and pulled the trigger. Purple blood was spilt on the floor.
"One down, one to go" said Adams. Right after those words, the other Elite jumped from atop the building and fired with its dual plasma rifles. Adams took a direct hit in the chest. He was stunned for a moment, but then he leapt to the side to get out of the way. "AAAH! Baskowitz get out here!" barked Adams. He had a minor burn on his chest and needed medical attention. "I'm almost there sir. Hold on!" said Baskowitz. Baskowitz got out his battle rifle, laid down suppression fire to the Elite, grabbed the Corporal with one of his arms, while still firing. "Hold on sir, I'm going to take this Elite out. "remarked Baskowitz. Fear ran down his spine, like the water of a waterfall. He knew the chances of surviving against a battle-hungry Elite were low, but he was going to fight on. No matter what the cost.
"Hurry up private! I'm dying over here!" complained Adams. "One second sir." said Baskowitz. Baskowitz planted two C-12 explosive charges on the left and right wall of the alleyway where he and Adams were pinned down. He set them on proximity mode so the Elite would get a surprise. " I have an idea" said Baskowitz. " Let's hear it private and hurry up!" said Adams. With that, Baskowitz ripped off his helmet, and yelled at the top of his lungs "Hey you stupid Covenant Elite! You are a loser! I bet it sucks to get your butt spanked by an inferior race doesn't it?" said Baskowitz. After that remark, a loud "WORT WORT WORT!" was heard from down the alleyway. It was the remaining Elite, charging full force at the two ODSTs location. "Showtime" said Baskowitz. Baskowitz got out his remote timer detonator and it reported to him how far the target was. 400 feet. 300 feet. 200 feet. 100 feet. 50 feet. As the numbers grew shorter, Baskowitz's heart raced. "Here we go!" said Baskowitz. With that instant, Baskowitz grabbed Adams and flew themselves about four feet from the crates of the C-12. He hit the detonator and the explosives went off. The Elite went flying in the air, approximately 50 feet. It fell down, twitched for a second, then purple blood oozed out from it's mouth.
"You son of a bitch! If you ever try anything like that again, I will have you kicked out of the UNSC and sent home!" said Adams. "Hey at least I got the job done." remarked Baskowitz. After they were done talking, Baskowitz holstered his weapon, then picked up the Corporal and headed back to the fallback point. "Get me a med pack this instant !" ordered Baskowitz. "Heads up Basko" said McNeil. McNeil tossed him a med pack to patch up the Corporal. "Sir this may sting a little." said Baskowitz. Baskowitz injected the Corporal with biofoam to sustain the injury he took while fighting the first Elite. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Said Corporal Adams. "Sir, please be quiet! We don't want to alert all the Covenant patrols over here". said Baskowitz. "McNeil, hold your hand over him to keep him quiet, but don't suffocate him." said Baskowitz. "Understood." acknowledged McNeil.
After patching up Adams, Omega team made their way down the empty streets of Chicago. The Covenant hit this area hard, sending a rough battalion of 1000 Elites. This wasn't going to be easy. Baskowitz was a rookie who enlisted in the UNSC after the Covenant glassed his home planet Oprimis VII. He had his thirst for battle ever since he watched his home be destroyed from one of the few escape pods that survived. "Sir, I got an incoming transmission from Highcom" reported Larry Baskowitz. "Patch it in marine." barked Adams.
"Come in Corporal Adams. This is Admiral Whitcomb. Be advised large presence of Covenant artillery is detected within your sector. I'd advise you to fall back to the rendezvous point, but we need to secure a forward command post in Chicago. It's your choice Corporal". said Admiral Whitcomb. "What the hell? Fall back! Fall back! Don't let them break through!" The com snapped off. Silence and a slight drench of fear ran down Adams' neck.
"Damn it." cursed Adams. He couldn't believe that Covenant had taken the field command center the UNSC had established only a day ago. It was located 5 miles north of where Omega team was investigating. "Well team, we have to fall back and rescue them. We have to hold off this mission to find the supplies that ONI dropped off from the Hive base in Australia five days ago." sad Adams.

To be continued!

Operation Payback Part 2
Date: 24 September 2005, 4:49 am

Operation Payback Part II

Finishing his briefing, a loud explosion echoed from the west. "What the hell was that?" said McNeil. "I'm not sure marine, but whatever it is, we're going to meet it first" commented Adams. Omega team double timed to the west, and gradually slowed down for caution. "Ok, McNeil, take this sniper rifle and post up on that building over there. You cover our back while I send Baskowitz to flank the right. I'm going to come up from the left. Questions?" said Adams. All the ODSTs shook their heads. "Ok, let's get ready to party then."
McNeil was the sharpest eye amongst the group. The last battle he was in was when Reach began to fall. He was stationed guarding a bunker near an orbital defense cannon generator. He had to pick off the Elites with his modified e.m.p. shells that ONI had spent months researching on. They were low on resources, but McNeil had proven himself to be the best sharpshooter among the trainees at the academy. Well, the best besides an actual Spartan. At this point, the Spartans were leading a black op on Jericho VIII. They had to rescue a fleet commander who thought it was smart to check the area out without recon. What a dumbass.
The explosion turned out to be coming from a downed Pelican. Apparently, it was hit in a firefight from the plasma scars on the side. "Is anyone hurt?" said Baskowitz. There was no answer. "Wait, I can hear someone in pain" said Adams. He was speaking the truth. There was someone yelling "AAAAAAH! It hurts!!!!". "Hold your pants marine. Santa Claus and his happy elves are coming to bring you Christmas presents." said Adams. The ODST's laughed. "Get to work boys." ordered Adams.
"What's your name son?" demanded Adams. "Private Zach Miller sir. I'm a member of the 120th air division." informed Miller. "Are you ok son?" said Adams. "Well, I think after the explosion, because I blacked out, I caught my leg underneath the wing of the pelican. When I was hit, the wing thrusted inwards and caught my leg. I could use some help to get it off." said Miller.
"Baskowitz, get the automatic saw to get Miller out of here. We'll get you patched up and out of this zone." said Adams. "No sir, I want to stay and fight." remarked Miller. "I admire your courage son, but you need to get your leg checked out. We need all our marines at full strength against these Covenant bastards." said Adams. "Understood sir." said Miller.
"Ok team, here's what the game plan is. Baskowitz, contact Forward Command Center Delta and have them evac Miller. We need to get him medical attention because this medical tape would sustain this wound for long. McNeil, you go check out that building to my right. You have your orders, move out!" commanded Adams. With that command, the ODSTs got to work.
"One more thing" said Adams. "Keep your squad link channel on 5. The Covenant have been intercepting a lot of our communication transmissions and that's the only one that I know of is protected." said Adams. "Understood sir" said the ODSTs in unison. They got about to their tasks swiftly. Baskowitz, McNeil, and Adams advanced forward to their objectives. Baskowitz got out his communication gear and attempted to patch through to Forward Command Center Delta. McNeil scouted the building to the right of their current location. Adams stayed with Miller to make sure he would hold out until reinforcements arrived.
The sun was beginning to fade away. Darkness engulfed the region quickly, as the bugs and insects of the night began to chirp. Omega team was scattered out still within the region, unaware of the night surprises that may take place. Whatever came their way, Omega team would be ready.
Not even 5 minutes after McNeil posted at his station, he spotted a dozen of shadowy figures looming below him. McNeil loaded his modified Sniper Rifle and activated the zoom feature to x20. He could see the monstrous creatures clicking in their native tongue to each other. McNeil wondered if they were just a leading advance force. McNeil switched his zoom feature to night vision. He targeted the leading shadowy figure going west from his position. McNeil fired a round in one shadowy figures' head. The figure immediately fell. Purple blood oozed out from the lifeless carcass. Turns out that the figure was a lead Elite patrolling this area. McNeil smiled. Now the real fun was about to start.
The remaining 11 Elites, shocked to what happened, spreaded out to find the source of the threat. McNeil had to act fast or this game of cat and mouse was going to end in the Covenant's favor. McNeil went over to the eastern edge, got out a grappling hook, latched it from the side of the wall, and repelled himself down. He withdrew his Battle Rifle and holstered his Sniper Rifle.
After reaching ground level, McNeil went up to the corner and peaked around. He spotted two Elites talking to each other. McNeil took out a grenade and tossed it near the pair of unsuspecting Elites. One moment later, the grenade detonated and the Elites went flying through the air. After they fell, purple blood surrounded their carcasses.
McNeil was feeling very modest upon himself. This was his first actual battle that he took with extreme caution. This battle was nothing like the simulations he had participated in back on Reach II. They used stun rounds in the skirmishes, but here was the real deal. Real weapons, real ammo, and real enemies.
McNeil's com pack blinked. It was a transmission. McNeil activated the receptor and ran to a secure spot. He got out his magnum and slapped in a fresh clip. " This is Corporal Adams to all available Omega Squadron members. Fallback point has been breached. I repeat, fallback point has been breached. Uploading coordinates to new rendezvous point." said Adams. A pair of coordinates reading A5 popped up in McNeil's HUD. "This is Sniper McNeil reporting in" responded McNeil. "I have spotted a squad of 10 Elites searching this area. Be advised they are armed and are activated with their cloaking devices." continued McNeil.
"Ok McNeil". said Adams. "I'll keep an eye out for those bastards. Adams out". The com snapped off. McNeil continued to move down the street to the right after reporting in with Adams. In this case, a breached fallback point meant two things. Either the men defending that point were obliterated, or Adams found some other fallen marines and needed support bringing them to the evac point. McNeil had to decide which one was this one.
A loud crunching sound was heard in the distance. McNeil readied his Battle Rifle. He switched his night vision on. The FOF tag read Baskowitz. McNeil took a deep sigh of relief. Baskowitz approached McNeil. "Damn, am I glad to see another brother around here." remarked Baskowitz. At that instant, plasma fire approached them from the front. McNeil shoved Baskowitz out of the way and fell to the floor. He blacked out.

To be continued…..
