
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

New Lunar HQ by Fleet Admiral

New Lunar HQ
Date: 24 July 2003, 1:53 AM

Chapter 1

0800 Hours September 8, 2552 ( Military Calendar ) /
Lunar System, Lunar UNSC Military Complex,
Planet Lunar, Main Command Center

Fleet Admiral Shay Kennedy looked on the command board at the progress. After Reach was lost the UNSC needed a new base of operations. Lunar was the perfect choice. It already had orbital space docks, ship yards, and ship repair facilities. It had originally had 10 orbital Mark V MAC platforms, but now has 20. The ship yards are producing ships at maximum rates, and Admiral Kennedy's Fleet of 30 ships is there.
Admiral Kennedy's flagship, Enterprise, is the first battle cruiser of 3 ships in the fleet. She supports 6 MAC guns, 50 oversized Archer Missile Pods that launch 50 missiles at once and can be reloaded from 4 huge armories that are stocked with missiles, and 100 fifty millimeter auto-cannons for point defense. She is 2 times the size of a Marathon class heavy cruiser and has a crew of 1000, 600 crew and 400 marines.
"Sir, all defenses are up and running", said the Lt. Commander in charge of defense.
"Thank you Commander, get my shuttle ready for transport to the Enterprise".
"Yes sir", he said.
He arrived on the ship 20 minutes later and went to the bridge. The lift doors opened on the bridge and he walked out. "Admiral on deck", someone shouted. Everyone jumped up and saluted him. He saluted them back and said, "at ease". Everyone returned to their tasks, he went to the small lift at the back of the bridge and went up to the second level of the bridge. The first level is ship operations, the second is fleet operations. He sat down in the admirals chair and turned on the main board. "Fleet status", he asked the fleet tactical officer, Commander Flaud. "Fleet is operational at 100% sir and at combat alert charlie". "Good, a fleet of 25 ships from the 25th Inner Fleet will arrive shortly to join our ranks. We will then make hit-and-run attacks on covenant targets."

1248 Hours September 8, 2552 ( Military Calendar ) /
Lunar System, Lunar UNSC Military Complex,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy walked onto the bridge from his ready room. "Sir, the 25 ships from the 25th Inner Fleet have arrived and are in position", said Lt. Commander Hally at the Fleet Comm. station. "Good. Assign them black squadrons." "Yes sir." A fleet of 55 ships was a good size fleet for the times. He turned on his board to look at the ships in his fleet. He had 25 frigates, 25 destroyers, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, and his flagship. Just getting one cruiser was hard enough these days , but he got two.
"Sir?" He looked away from his board and looked at the comm. officer. "Yes?" "Sir, all new ships have black squadrons." "Good, send them targets for covenant supply convoys, and..." "Sir, Alpha Priority Message from Lunar." "Put it through to my ready room." "Yes sir." He got up and walked into his ready room.
He sat down and turned on his computer. "PLEASE STATE YOUR COMMAND CODE" the computer said. "Fleet Admiral Shay Clayton Kennedy, command code Alpha Bravo Charlie 369, Fox 2 88." "VOICEPRINT CONFIRMED, COMMAND CODE CONFIRMED AND ACCEPTED." The file opened and read:

United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission
Encryption Code: Alpha
Public Key: N/A
From: Lunar Fleet Operations Headquarters, Planet Lunar
To: UNSC Fleet Admiral Shay Clayton Kennedy
Subject: Thyner System Threat, Imitate Action Required
Classification: Classified ( BGX Directive )

/start file/
Admiral Kennedy, eight to ten covenant ships detected at the edge of the Thyner System. Believed to be headed to Thyner 5. Move in and destroy covenant fleet.

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

He closed the file, and brought up a map of the Thyner System. "Sir, data coming from command for you." "Pach it through." The data came up to show the direction the covenant were coming into Thyner. "So, they are heading for Thyner 5." Thyner 5 has a weapons factory and cannot be lost. He got up and went to the bridge.
"Gentlemen, the covenant are heading for Thyner 5. Get 7 frigates, 8 destroyers, the Lancer, and the Enterprise ready for combat and in position." The bridge was silent for a minute, then they said, "sir, yes sir", and went to their tasks.

1255 Hours September 8, 2552 ( Military Calendar ) /
Lunar System, Heading to Rally Point Delta,
UNSC Modified Halcyon Cruiser Lancer

Captain Paul Ralston looked at his orders again. Fleet of 7 frigates, 8 destroyers, his ship, and the Enterprise were going to Thyner 5 to fight off a covenant fleet of 10 ships. "ETA to Rally Point Delta", he asked. "ETA 5 minutes sir", said Lt. Elizabeth McMahan at navigation. "Good. Lt. Latka.", at tactical. "Bring the ship to combat alert alpha. "Aye, aye sir." The alarm for general quarters sounded and the lights turned red. "We are now at combat alert alpha sir." "Thank you Lt.." "Sir, we are at Rally Point Delta", Lt. McMahan said.

1315 Hours September 8 2552 ( Military Calender ) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Delta,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"The fleet is in position and ready to go to slipstream sir." "Good, tell the fleet to jump." Green distortions appeared and the UNSC ships went to the Thyner System.

1500 Hours September 8, 2552 ( Military Calendar ) /
Thyner System, Above Thyner 5,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Sir, the fleet is in the spread out wall formation now." "Good. According to sensors the covenant fleet will be here soon." "Sir, what are we up against?" "It looks like 2 frigates, 5 destroyers, 2 cruisers, and a carrier." "Yes sir." "Launch all fighter squadrons." "Yes sir." "The weapons facility and training bases on this planet must be protected", Kennedy said. "Sir, covenant fleet coming out of slipstream!" "Give me fleet comm. channel." "Channel open sir." "Fleet, put all power into weapons and maneuvering thrusters. We are sending you firing coordinates. Kennedy out." The comm. went off. "Liz?" The female AI popped up. "Yes" "give the firing solutions to the fleet." "Yes sir. Sent." "Good. MAC capacitors?" "100% sir." "Fire!"
All the ships in the fleet fired. Two frigates and a destroyer went into flames. "Covenant fleet status?" "Admiral, 3 ships destroyed and 1 without shields." "Fleet MAC guns?" "At 100%." "Fire!"
The fleet fired again. A lot were mises, but 2 more covenant ships were destroyed. "Sir, they are firing pulse lasers." The blue beams lunged toward the UNSC fleet. "The Lancer has been hit sir, along with the frigates Lewis & Clark, Compaq, and Creative. The destroyers Reluctant and Varsity were hit too." "MAC guns?" "100% Admiral." 'Fire!"

More mises, but one or their cruisers went into flames. "Sir, they are readying plasma torpedoes." "All ships break and attack!" Just as the fleet started to break the covenant fleet fired its torpedoes. "Sir, enemy plasma torpedoes away!" "Prepare to vent atmosphere on all decks but the bridge", yelled captain Jim Mayfield of the Enterprise. The frigates Lewis & Clark, Compaq, and Creative blew into flames. "Fleet status?!" "Admiral, 3 frigates are gone, 3 disabled, and 1 barely operational. Two destroyers gone sir and 1 disabled." "Sir, the covenant fleet is breaking and attacking."
MAC rounds, archer missiles, pulse lasers, and plasma torpedoes launched at one another. "Fire our MAC guns." "Yes Admiral." Six MAC rounds launch from the Enterprise and hit the lead covenant cruiser and destroyed it. The Lancer destroyed the last. "Target the carrier." "Yes sir." Then a plasma torpedo hit the ship. "Venting atmosphere on decks 29 through 39. Done." "Decks 29 through 35 have been burned away, all 40 men on those decks are dead. Decks 36 through39 have been compromised, 20 out of 28 dead. Sections C through G have hull breaches, closing blast doors."
"MAC guns at 75% sir." "Lock onto the carrier with the MAC's and lock archer missiles A through G." "Locked sir. MAC guns ready." "Fire!" Four MAC rounds launch at the carrier along with 350 missiles. The MAC rounds hit and downed its shields, then the missiles hit. Explosions blew allover the hull, then the ship blew in half from the stress of all the missiles. He looked at the two pieces as they fell toward the planet. He looked over to see the Lancer take a plasma torpedo hit her fore bottom decks, she started to spin out of control, then she rightined her self . She started to back off, but a destroyer started to fallow. "MAC guns?" "60% and rising." "Lock on to that destroyer, they don't have much time till they fire again." "Ready sir." "Fire!" Three MAC rounds launched and hit the destroyer. It must have hit their reactor because the ship imploded. "Sir that was the last ship." "Good. Recall the fleet, start looking for survivors and getting damaged ships underway." "Yes sir."
For 2 hours they searched and made crude repairs to damaged ships. He lost 4 frigates, 4 destroyers, and 4 squadrons of fighters. Five ships were being towed back, 3 frigates and 2 destroyers. The Lancer and Enterprise would have to be repaired in space dock. "Sir, the fleet is moving out." "Good, were all nav. banks retrieved?" "Yes sir, just in case." "Good, take us home." The fleet jumped back to Lunar.

Fleet Admiral -Please make comments

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 2
Date: 14 August 2003, 11:52 PM

Chapter 2

0900 Hours September 9, 2552 ( Military Calendar ) /
Lunar System, Ship Repair Dock 7,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Admiral", the intercom asked from the bridge. He reached over and tapped it, "Yes." "Repairs are almost completed sir." "Good. When they are completed start the engine cycle and prepare to move out of the repair dock." "Aye, aye sir", and the comm. went off. He looked back at the fleet's status, with 8 capitol ships gone he would have to assign 8 ships extra duty. He looked at the Lancer's status, her bottom fore MAC gun was hit badly and would take 3 days to repair and be at 100%, 78 crewmen dead, and her bridge was hit and offline for 2 days for repairs. The intercom came on again, "Sir, the Commodore is calling sir." "Send it through." The commodore's ship is the Kencon, the Marathon class cruiser in his fleet.
The commodore came on his screen. "Admiral", he said and saluted. "At ease." He put his hand down, "Sir, the Kencon is ready for her first mission." "Good. I'll tell you what it is. The Kencon, frigates Macbeth and Hamilton, and the destroyer Greek will hit and destroy a small covenant force passing through the Highmith System. It is composed of 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, and 2 frigates. They are supposedly carrying weapons and war equipment to a near by fleet. Once that is done, call the fleet and we will attack this covenant fleet. It has about 15 ships in it, when the attack fleet gets their the Enterprise will take command, 20 ships will go in. Do you understand?" "Yes sir." "Good get ready."

1100 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Knox,
UNSC Marathon Cruiser Kencon, Commodore Lauber's Flagship

Commodore Keith Lauber stood on the bridge of his command ship. He looked at his board, his fleet was assembled. "Captain", he said. Captain Bruce Nichols looked at him and said, "Yes sir?" "Bring the ship and fleet to combat alert alpha." "Yes sir." "Initiate Cole Protocol." "Yes sir." "Contact Admiral Kennedy and tell him we are moving out." "Yes sir." The fleet went to slipstream space to the Highmith system.

1300 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Highmith System, Behind Highmith 3's Moon,
UNSC Marathon Cruiser Kencon, Commodore Lauber's Flagship

"Sir our MAC guns are now at 100%." "Good." "Sir, covenant fleet coming out of slipstream." "Hold position. We'll come out just as they start to pass the moon."
The covenant fleet moved in system, the 2 frigates at the lead, the carrier in the middle, and the 2 destroyers at the rear. They moved in system slowly, not knowing of the trap laid for them. "Sir, they will be coming up on the 3 nuclear mines we laid." "Good. Transfer detonation to my board." "Aye, aye sir." He went to the tactical console and transferred it to the command board. "Detonation control has been transferred to your board sir." "Have the frigates go right to get behind the covenant fleet, and the Greek and Kencon go left to get in front of the covenant fleet. Then fire MAC's and missiles, but after detonation of course." "Yes sir."
He looked at his board and saw the covenant fleet was almost on top of the nukes. He waited until the carrier was right on it, he hit the detonation buttons and the mines exploded.
The 4 ships moved from around the moon. "Get us into position to fire our guns Lt." "Aye, aye sir." "Put 3 heavy rounds in that carrier." "Yes sir." The ship came about and lined up with the carrier. Three thumps shuttered the ship as the MAC rounds shot out toward the carrier. The carrier started opening the force fields to its hangars. But before its craft could launch the MAC rounds hit. Its silver shields engulfed the ship, they flickered, then faded. Then the last round hit the center bubble and it exploded, internal explosions busted through the hull. It blew in half from the strain. One piece hit 1 of the destroyers, and the other blew up. The damaged destroyer had no shields and now had no power. The gravity of the moon pulled it in and it would hit and explode in minutes.
Lauber looked back at his board. The 2 frigates were burning along with the destroyer. The covenant weren't even able to get a shot off, not even pulse lasers. "Call Kennedy, tell him, fleet destroyed, no casualties, and no damage. We are moving to the rally point."

1326 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Outside Dubany System, Rally Point Victor,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Kennedy looked at his fleet of 16 ships. Lauber is late he thought. "Sir, message coming in for you sir. I think it's from Commodore Lauber." "Put it on my board." "Aye, aye sir. Patching through now." It came up on his board:

United Nations Space Command Transmission
Encryption Code: Delta
Public Key: N/A
From: Commodore Keith Lauber, Commanding Officer UNSC Kencon/ XO Sector Four Fleet/
(UNSC Service Number: 09361-74290-BL)
To: Fleet Admiral Kennedy, Commanding Officer UNSC Enterprise/ Sector Four Commander/
(UNSC Service Number: 07429-25747-SK)
Subject: Battle Report on Highmith
Classification: Classified (BGX Directive)

/start file/
Admiral Kennedy, all 5 covenant ships destroyed. No casualties. No damage. Enroute to rally point victor. Be there in 1 hour. Should arrive a little after you receive this message.
Commodore Lauber

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

He closed the file. "Sir, we've picked up the Commodore's fleet on long range sensors, they are moving in system, ETA 40 minutes." "Good. Get the fleet ready for combat. Go to combat alert alpha and initiate Cole Protocol." "Aye, aye sir."

1410 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calander) /
Outside Dubany System, Rally Point Victor,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

His fleet was assembled and ready to attack this enemy fleet. "All 20 ships are ready sir. All ships are at combat alert alpha and have initiated the Cole Protocol." "Good. Signal all ships to go to slipstream." Green disturbances appeared and the fleet went into the Dubany System.

1600 Hours September 9, (Military Calander) /
Dubany System, Heading Toward Covenant Fleet
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

His fleet came out of slipstream an hour ago and have been moving in system for the last hour. The covenant probably detected them when they returned to normal space. So they would be coming in hot. Now he wished he had 10 more ships, 15 covenant ships against 20 UNSC ships was not the best situation. He might have made a mistake, and would have to pay for it. "Launch all longsword squadrons. We have 2 carriers in the covenant fleet." "Aye, aye sir." In 10 minutes they would reach the covenant fleet in a spread out wall formation, just like last time. It looks like the covenant fleet is in a packed delta formation. Not good for them, if 1 ship went, it would take another. Good odds for him.
"Sir, our MAC guns are at 100%, all Archer Missiles ready and missile crews standing by." "Good. Remove the safeties from 1 of our Shiva's and tell the Kencon to do the same." "Yes sir." "Sir, we'll come up on the covenant fleet in 3 minutes", Captain Mayfield said. "Good order the Kencon to put her Shiva in the tube and prepare to fire when I say. Put ours in the tube also and prepare to fire." "Yes sir."
"Kencon reports that Shiva is hot and in the tube." "Good, prepare to launch them in the middle of the covenant fleet. Have the rest of the fleet prepare to fire MAC guns. Liz?" The woman AI came up. "Yes Admiral?" "Give firing coordinates to the fleet." "Yes sir." Her figure faded and then disappeared. "Sir 1 minute till we reach the covenant fleet." "Fire the Shivas." The missiles launched and accelerated toward the covenant fleet.
They arrived and 2 huge white flashes formed in the middle of the fleet. When they died 1 of the carriers was gone, and the other without shields. It launched its smaller craft. "Fire our guns!" The fleet fired at the covenant fleet. The first round that hit the carrier did not get through the shields, but the next 2 did. The first hit the bow and made the massive ship start to spine out of control, but when it got itself under control the 3 round hit the engines and the back of the ship blew off. The ship finally exploded, but it had already launched half of its fighters. "Liz, take point defenses." "Yes sir." The covenant fleet launched its plasma torpedoes. "All ships break and attack." This time they weren't that close to the covenant fleet, but even though they weren't 4 frigates and 2 destroyers blew into flames.
"MAC guns?" "98... 99... 100% sir." "Captain, I want that cruiser off my screen." "Yes sir. You all heard him, come about 456.8 mark 5. Ready 4 heavy rounds for that cruiser and 2 heavy for the frigate that's guarding it. Ready missile pod A through D and get me a firing solution on that escorting frigate." The crew jumped to their tasks. They looked tense, but focused. "Firing solution online and MAC's ready sir." "Send them to hell Lt." "With pleasure."
Six thumps shook the ship as the MAC guns fired. Then 200 Archer Missiles streaked toward the covenant ships. The 4 rounds that hit the cruiser, first hit and the shield held, the next 2 hit and the shield skimered, flickered, then died, the last round hit and went strait through and into the middle of the ship and exploded. The ship's hull buckled and the ship exploded.
The 2 rounds that hit the frigate and the shields grew hot, skimered, and died. Then 200 Archer Missiles hit and the ship, the hull was rittiled with explosions. Then the ship's power went out. The ship drifted, dead in space, then she exploded into a ball of fire.
He looked back at his screen and saw nothing but covenant seraphs, 14 UNSC ships, and longsword fighters. The fighters dog fighted with the covenant fighters, and any that came near the capitol ships were blasted by the 50mm auto cannons on point defense.
"Sir, all covenant ships destroyed." "Good, start salvage and recovery operations. Make temporary repairs to the ships that need it.
In an hour and a half all lifepods and bodies were recovered and all the ships that needed it had temporary repairs. Six ships were destroyed, and 4 disabled. Two ships would be in space dock for a few days. The fleet jumped out of the system on a randomized vector for an hour, then went back to Lunar.

Fleet Admiral- Please Post Comments

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 3
Date: 23 October 2003, 3:15 AM

0900 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Lunar Military Complex,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Kennedy looked at the reports on his fleets' condition. His cruisers were out on patrol, and the shipyards are working hard to put more ships in the fleet. His intercom rang and he answered it.

"Admiral, a transmission has just come in from Fleet Command. It is a Priority Alpha." "Put it through", he said. "Coming through now", and the comm went off.

The message came up on his board. "PLEASE STATE YOUR COMMAND CODE", the computer asked. "Fleet Admiral Shay Clayton Kennedy, command code Alpha Bravo Charlie 369, Fox 2 88", he stated. "VOICE PRINT CONFIRMED, COMMAND CODE CONFIRMED AND ACCEPTED." The file opened and read:

United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission
Encryption Code: Alpha
Public Key: N/A
From: Lunar Fleet Operations Headquarters, Planet Lunar
To: UNSC Fleet Admiral Shay Kennedy, Commanding Officer UNSC Enterprise/ Sector Four Commander/ (UNSC Service Number: 07429-25747- SK)
Subject: Herimbal Offensive
Classification: Classified (BGX Directive)

/start file/
Admiral Kennedy, the entire Seventh Sector will be engaging in an offensive to destroy a Covenant Fleet that is thought to be the one to advance into the rest of UNSC space and find the Sol System. The Fourth Sector Fleet will not get involved unless ordered or engaged by the covenant. ONI believes that this victory might devastate the covenant war machine. As you know, their fleets are smaller than usual, ONI thinks that the covenant are starting to come to their losses. The only thing command wants you to do is to attack a covenant fleet in the Seminal System, which is in former UNSC space, hopefully this will make the covenant look in that direction and not toward the area the fleet will actually be coming from. You have your new orders, you will not participate in the Herimbal Offensive in any other way.

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

He closed the file. Admiral Harris commands the Seventh Sector, he is a good commander and he has a good bulk of the fleet. He hoped that they are successful. Maybe they could turn the tide of the war after all. He turned to his screen, he needed to pick ships for the attack on the covenant fleet in the Seminal System. The Kencon and Lancer are on patrol, so there will be no other cruisers going on this attack, but the Enterprise. He looked at the list of ships available, the carrier Avenger is at Lunar, along with 11 destroyers and 21 frigates. Not exactly the ships that he would use without more cruiser support. The Enterprise, Avenger, 8 destroyers, and 12 frigates. He would choose more, but he didn't want to leave Lunar undefended.

1100 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Knox,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Captain Mayfield have the Avenger launch her fighters as soon as we reenter normal space", Kennedy said. "Aye, aye sir", he said and went to the comm station and contact the Avenger. "Is the fleet ready to jump to Seminal?"

"Yes sir. Should we go into slipstream now sir", asked the fleet navigation officer, Lt. Commander Sole said.

"Lets go kick some covenant ass", Kennedy said.

The fleet went into slipstream, and into covenant space.

1400 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Seminal System, In Route to Seminal 7,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy's fleet of 21 ships and the Enterprise moved toward Seminal 7. He looked at his board, 18 covenant ships and 6 freighters were there. The freighters looked like they were delivering supplies to the fleet. So, command wanted me to destroy this fleet to make sure they didn't re-supply the fleet in Herimbal System and to make the covenant look this way, he thought.

"The fleet is in formation sir," Commander Flaud said.

"Good. Have the fleet go to flank speed for 8 minutes. Liz?" He asked.

The AI came up in front of him. "Yes," she asked.

"Get firing solutions for the fleet and give them to the fleet. Once we stop we'll fire, I hope, 2 volleys. Then break and attack."

"Aye, aye sir," she said, and went to her task.

He felt the ship accelerate. "ETA 8 minutes till in firing range," he heard the ship navigation officer say.

"Captain, have 2 of our nukes in the tubes and ready to fire," Kennedy said.

"Aye, aye," he replied.

The ship came to a halt, and so did the rest of the fleet. The covenant fleet started to turn, to engage the UNSC fleet. "Firing now," Liz said.

The UNSC fleet fired, the MAC rounds hit the covenant fleet, their shields shimmered and turned silver. The Enterprise's 6 MAC rounds hit the covenant carrier in the middle of their fleet. She exploded into a ball of fire and disintegrated.

The Avenger's 3 MAC rounds hit the lead covenant cruiser, the first round hit and its shields held, then came the second, her shields overloaded and failed. The last round went into the nose and through the top of the vessel.

"Fleet ready to fire in 30 seconds," Liz said.

"Captain," Kennedy said, "fire our first nuke."

"Yes sir." Captain Mayfield launched the first missile. It flew into the covenant battle cruiser near the center of the fleet, still in a near circle formation, and detonated. The white flash engulfed the covenant fleet. When it cleared the battle cruiser was gone, along with 8 unshielded ships.

"Admiral, MAC guns ready to fire," Liz said.

"Fire!" the fleet fired at the covenant fleet. Three of the Enterprise's rounds hit the destroyer in the middle of a new rough delta formation. The first downed its already weak shields, the second hit the ships' bottom fore, and the third hit her engines. Finally her hull buckled under the pressure and she exploded.

He looked at his board, only 5 covenant ships left, that last salvo cost them dearly. The last of the ships were only frigate class. "Have the fighters return to their ships," Kennedy ordered. "Liz, I want one last MAC salvo now."

"Yes Admiral, I have 7 ships ready to fire," she replied.

"Good, have them fire at the frigates," he said.

"Ready Admiral," Liz said.


The 7 ships, 4 frigates, and 3 destroyers fired at the last of the covenant fleet. The MAC rounds slammed into the covenant frigates. With their shields already weakened, the ships exploded into a ball of fire.

"Admiral, the freighters are moving off at their top speed," Flaud said.

"Fire the second nuke at them, their shields aren't as strong as the warships," Kennedy said.

"Yes sir," Flaud replied.

The nuke shot off toward the covenant fleet. It passed them and stopped. When the freighters were directly over it, it detonated into a white flash. When the flash was gone so were the freighters. All was left were burning radioactive hulks.

He did it. His fleet had engaged a covenant fleet in battle and won with out any casualties. That had never been done before. "Have the Lancer and 8 ships get here immediately to secure the area to make the covenant think the attack is coming from here. The Enterprise and 10 ships will stay until they arrive. Have the rest of the fleet return to Lunar."

"Yes Admiral," Mayfield said.

1800 Hours September 16, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Seminal System, Seminal 7,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"The Lancer, 5 frigates, and 3 destroyers are now in system Admiral," Captain Mayfield said over the intercom in his ready room.

"Very well captain. Lets get back to Lunar," he replied.

With that, the Enterprise and her 10-ship force went back to Lunar.

Fleet Admiral- Please Comment

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 4
Date: 26 October 2003, 10:19 PM

1200 Hours September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Lunar Military Complex,
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Fleet Admiral Kennedy sat in his ready room. The Herimbal Offensive had started on September 17, so he was able to put the Lancer and the 8 ships with her back on patrol. The Kencon just got back from her patrol, the covenant must be dedicated to defeating the Herimbal Offensive because nun of his ships have encountered a covenant ship in days.

The intercom in his ready room came on, "Admiral, a message from Command for you sir. It is a Priority Alpha."

"Patch it through to my ready room," he said.

"Aye, aye sir."

"PLEASE STATE YOUR COMMAND CODE," the computer said.

"Fleet Admiral Shay Clayton Kennedy, command code Alpha Bravo Charlie 369, Fox 2 88," he said.


United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission
Encryption Code: Alpha
Public Key: N/A
From: Lunar Fleet Operations Headquarters, Planet Lunar
To: UNSC Fleet Admiral Shay Kennedy, Commanding Officer UNSC Enterprise/ Sector Four Commander/ (UNSC Service Number: 07429-25747-SK)
Subject: Herimbal Offensive Defeat, New Orders
Classification: Classified (BGX Directive)

/start file/
Admiral Kennedy, the Herimbal Offensive was defeated this morning with heavy UNSC losses. Of the 90 ships in Admiral Harris's fleet, only 18 remain, and have been reassigned to your fleet. Admiral Harris was killed in the battle. We also inflicted heavy damage to the covenant fleet, an ONI spy ship went into the battle area, only one covenant warship remains. It is a destroyer class vessel that has taken heavy damage, from what we can see their sensors are off line and their weapon systems are powered down to conserve energy. Those systems are not destroyed though and she has not gone to slipstream because they must be making some repairs. You have 3 sets of new orders, first you are to capture the covenant destroyer and take it back to Lunar. Second, you are to inspect the destroyed and badly damaged hulks in the battle areas of the Herimbal Offensive, and if there are any salvageable hulks tow them back to Lunar and start to put them back into working condition. The third is very risky, but the fleet needs all the ships it can, you must go to Reach and do the same for the UNSC ships of that battle. The ONI spy ship there has not had any activity their for weeks. Good luck.

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

He closed the file. It is crazy to go back to Reach, he thought. So I'll be leading that; Avenger and a dozen UNSC ships will come with me. The Kencon with another dozen ships will go to the battles of the Herimbal Offensive, inspect the ships, and capture the covenant destroyer.

He got up and went out of his ready room and onto the bridge. "Admiral on the bridge," a young Lt. said.

"At ease," he said.

He went to the back of the bridge and went up to the second level of the bridge. He went to the fleet comm station. "Commander Hally, open a channel to the fleet, all channels, and ship wide comms," he ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said. "Channels opened sir."

"To all ships and personnel, I have terrible news, the Herimbal Offensive has failed, Admiral Harris and most of his fleet have been destroyed. Only 18 ships left alive and are now joining our ranks. All is not in vein, they were able to inflict heavy damage to the covenant fleet. That is all, Kennedy out." He turned and faced his command crew, they were just starring at him. "Commander Hally, get Commodore Lauber on a secure channel in my ready room."

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said.

He walked off the bridge and into his ready room. He tuned on the screen and Commodore Lauber came up. "Sir?" He asked.

"Lauber, I have a daring mission for you," Kennedy said.

"Just tell me what it is sir and I'll do it," he said.

"There is a badly damaged covenant destroyer in the battle area of the Herimbal Offensive. Command wants it captured and taken to Lunar. Wail you are there, a fleet of a dozen ships will inspect the damaged salvageable ships and tow them back to Lunar to be put back into service. I'll be doing the same for the UNSC ships from the battle of Reach."

"Reach sir? You're going to Reach?" Lauber asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," he said. "Get a dozen ships together and brief your marines. Good luck."

Lauber saluted, he saluted back and switched off the screen.

1300 Hours September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Eridani System, Former Reach Military Complex/
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy looked at the destruction of Reach. Admiral Freeman's fleet of 250 ships could not stop the covenant, he saw what was left of the mighty Mark V Super MAC platforms. So far, 6 ships would be towed back to Lunar.

"Admiral, I have a FOF signal sir," a Lt. said on the ships' sensor station.

"What?" He replied.

"I've checked it sir, it is from the destroyer Hondo, it's near one of the destroyed docking platforms. I have another one sir, it's coming from onboard the Hondo sir."

"Get a boarding team ready and board her. Is she salvageable?"

"Yes sir, and her secondary reactor is still active, but just barley. Some of the crew must still be alive."

"Get the tow lines ready, tow her back as soon as the survivors are on board," he said.

"Aye, aye sir."

1330 Hours September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Eridani System, Former Reach Military Complex/
UNSC Destroyer Hondo

Lt. Boomer led his men toward engineering, if there are any survivors that's were they would go. They neared the door, bodies were floating allover the place. "Second Squad open the door," he said. Second Squad neared the door, they hooked the opening device on the console, pressed in the access code. The door opened and they entered the room. They saw a tall soldier in green armor, they raised their guns thinking it was a covenant at first, but the soldier saluted him. Then he realized that he was a Spartan.

His ranking patch was the symbol of Chief. He saluted him back and told his men to lower their weapons. The Chief came up to him, stood at attention, and said, "Chief James reporting sir."

"Chief, is their anyone else alive?" He asked.

"Yes sir, the engineering crew made it."

"Good, lets get back to the pelican then. Corporal, get the Enterprise on the horn."

"Yes sir."

"Enterprise? Fleet Admiral Kennedy's flagship?" The Spartan asked.

"Yes Chief."

1400 Hours September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Eridani System, Former Reach Military Complex/
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Sir, Pelican Charlie 329 is coming back sir and are hailing us."

"Thank you Lt., put it on holotank 2."

"Yes Admiral."

Lt. Boomer came up, "Sir, we couldn't get a hold of you from inside the Hondo; we found survivors sir, the engineering crew and, you wont believe this, but also a SPARTAN."

"A Spartan?! I thought all the ones at Reach were killed?"

"Well he says that they were going aboard one of the docking stations to destroy a navigation database when he was blown off course, he says that the Pillar of Autumn was able to escape, but his comm system says that all the Spartan's on Reach were killed."

"Well get aboard. We have 10 ships to tow back to Lunar."

"Yes Admiral."

Pelican Charlie 329 docked, and the ships jumped out on a random vector, then went back to Lunar.

1500 Hours September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Herimbal System, Over Covenant Destroyer Hypocrites /
UNSC Marathon Cruiser Kencon, Commodore Lauber's Flagship

"Sir, the pelicans are away."

"Thank you Lt., are you in contact with Liz?" Lauber asked.

"Yes sir, she says that she can open close the hangars force fields long enough so one pelican can enter, once inside she'll lower them from inside."

"Good, proceed," Lauber said.

Pelican Alpha 1 entered the covenant hangar bay just as the force fields went back up. Major Goodman got up, "Alright, get your asses out and secure the bay. Liz, find out how to get those force fields down again. Go! Go! Go!"

They piled out, the bay was a mess, there were bodies allover the place. Two Elites and 4 Grunts ran up to engage them. Goodman opened fire with his MA5B. he emptied a whole clip at one of the Elites. It fell to the ground. By the time he reloaded the other Elite was down and so were the Grunts.

"I got it, the force fields are down," Liz said.

The 4 other pelicans came into the hangar and unloaded their troops. Captain Nevins came up to him. "Sir, what are our orders?"

"Take your men here." He pointed to the engineering section on the display that Liz brought up. "Liz says that that's Main Engineering. I'll take my men here." He pointed to another place on the map. "Liz says that that's the bridge. Have all but the 5th platoon from the 5th pelican to start a deck by deck sweep of the ship."

"Yes sir," Nevins said. He saluted and walked off.

He got his men together and moved out for the bridge. They moved to the top of the hangar running into no resistance. When they went up to the next level though they ran into a barricade. "Open fire," he yelled. He through a grenade, once it exploded he pulled the trigger on his assault rifle. After taking down 4 Grunts he reloaded. He aimed at an Elite and opened fire. The Elite's shields held, but not for long, when the shield went down he emptied the rest of the clip into his head. He fell on the deck in a pile of bluish purple blood.

As he reloaded a frag grenade soared behind the barricade and exploded. When he looked again all the covenant troops were dead. "Lets move!" He said. They ran and jumped over the barricade and up to the next level. They entered a large room, in the middle was a platform with displays, and on that platform was a gold Elite. He signaled for 4 men to through in a grenade. The grenades soared into the room and detonated. They rushed into the room, the gold Elite pulled out a plasma pistol and aimed it at him. He aimed his assault rifle and fired. The rounds ricochet off his shields. He emptied his clip and dropped his assault rifle and pulled out his M6D pistol. He aimed and fired, the Elite pulled the trigger and started to charge the weapon. Finally a round downed his shields and he put 2 rounds in the Elites' head, as he fell his weapon discharged and a bolt of green plasma came toward him. Just as it was about to hit him he dove out of its way and there was a black hole where he once stood.

He got up and picked up his assault rifle and reloaded it. He also reloaded his pistol and went up to the top of the platform. He set a laptop like computer on the deck and opened it. Liz came out in a holographic display. "Major, are we on the bridge?" She asked.

"Yes, were should I plug you in at?"

"Over their, by that green display."

He took her out of the computer and put her into the slot. She came up on the green display. "I am interfacing with the ships controls. Once engineering is under our control we'll move out."

"Before we do that scan for any type of tacking devices," Goodman said.

"Of course major." She put her hand on her forehead like she was thinking then looked up. "I can not seam to find any sir."


Captain Nevins went up to the door that was the engineering room for the covenant ship. The door light up and opened, they ran in to find 4 Elites, they turned and started firing. He pulled up his assault rifle and fired at the nearest Elite. He emptied his whole clip at it and it fell to the deck, dead.

He started to put another clip in when he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down to see a needler round in his side. It exploded and he flew back and hit the deck. "That son of a bitch," he yelled

He pulled out his pistol and fired at the only Elite that had a needler. In half a clip the Elite was dead on the deck, he emptied the rest of the clip into it to make sure it was dead. Sargent Decker came to him and helped him up. "Corporal Luke, contact Major Goodman and tell him that the hangar has been secure," he told the comm man.

"Yes sir," he said.

1630 Hours September 21, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Herimbal System, Over Covenant Destroyer Hypocrites /
UNSC Marathon Cruiser Kencon, Commodore Lauber's Flagship

"Commodore, Major Goodman is calling from the Hypocrites."

"Thank you Lt. put it on holotank 2," he replied.

"Yes sir."

Major Goodman came up, in the background was the bridge of the covenant destroyer. "Sir, Liz says that we are ready to go."

"Already, I thought it would take longer."

"So did I, but most of the crew were killed in the battle. Liz says that there are no tracking devices and the ship is operational, plus the navigation database is intact, we have the location of the covenant homeworld, fleet deployments, objectives, strengths and weaknesses, and weapon research. But the thing you will like is that Liz says that she understands the covenant shield technology, and it can be built with materials we have."

"That's great, the fleet is ready, we have all the ships we can salvage. Is the Hypocrites ready to go to slipstream?"


"Good then lets go."

With that the fleet returned to Lunar with there prize.

Fleet Admiral- Please Post Comments

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 5/ Part 1
Date: 31 October 2003, 3:12 AM

0900 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System's edge, UNSC Sensor Outpost Egypt

Lt. Commander Anderson walked into the Egypt's command center. The junior officers jumped to attention and saluted. "At ease," he said, returning their salute. He walked over and sat down at his station.

"Sir, probes Alpha through Delta are returning sir," a young Lt. told him.

"Very well," he replied.

"Sir, I have a huge mass on sensors, we'll find out more about it when the probes return, but the object must be a planetary fragment to be this big," Lt. Hokum, his XO said.

"Very well. Find out what it is and file a report."

"Yes sir."

"Probes entering normal space sir. They are sending data," the young Lt. said again.

"Put it on my board."

"Yes sir."

The data came up, the mass was huge. He thought back to what he read about the battle at Sigma Octanus. The covenant fleet showed up as one mass because of the bending of slipstream. Could it be? IT WAS!

"Oh shit," he said. "Lt. Marian get me FLEETCOM on Priority Channel ASAP!"

The woman communications officer jumped from the suddenness of the order. "Aye, aye sir," she replied.

"Lt. Hokum initiate Cole Protocol immediately!" He ordered.

"Yes sir," he replied.

The face of Fleet Admiral Kennedy came up on his screen. "Commander Anderson? This is a priority channel, is something wrong?"

"Yes sir," he replied. "The Lunar system is about to come under covenant attack. There are so many ships that I can't be sure, but I believe that there are at least 250 covenant ships."

"Shit," Kennedy said. "Well, at least we sent the covenant ship reports, and ways to adapt their shield and weapons to ours to the Sol System already. They must have tracked the destroyer somehow."

He sighed, "Good work Anderson. We'll defend Lunar as best we can. Kennedy out." The comm went off.

"Sir, covenant ships coming out of slipstream," Hokum said.

The massive covenant fleet came out of slipstream, and in the middle were 3 Titanic- class covenant battle cruisers.

"Set self- destruct," Anderson said.

The self- destruct came up on his board, he pushed the EXECUTE button and turned to face his command crew, "It has been a pleasure serving with all of you," he said. He saluted them and the station exploded.

0930 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Lunar Military Complex/
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

"Sir the message has been sent out to all ships in range," Commander Hally said.

"Good," Kennedy said.

0935 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Rio System, Patrolling Rio System /
UNSC Frigate Chicago, Captain Antonio Mota Commanding

United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission
Encryption Code: Alpha
Public Key: N/A
From: UNSC Fleet Admiral Shay Kennedy, Commanding Officer UNSC Enterprise/ Sector Four Commander/ (UNSC Service Number: 07429-25747-SK)
To: ALL UNSC warships in Lunar, Rio, Knox, Karolin Systems, and from the Fourth Sector Fleet.
Classification: Classified (BGX Directive)

/start file/
A large number of covenant ships have been detected on the systems edge. This covenant fleet will try to destroy our new base of operations. You are to get back to Lunar and regroup at Rally Point Zulu. All ships are to initiate Cole Protocol.

/end file/

Press Enter to close file

Captain Mota pressed enter and closed the file. He could not believe it. First Reach and now Lunar. "Commander Barta get us back to Lunar as soon as possible," he ordered.

His XO, Commander Kevin Barta looked at him, then said, "Aye, aye sir."

His bridge crew was staring at him. "Get me on ship wide comms."

"Aye, aye sir. Ship wide comms on," the comm officer said.

"Everyone the covenant have found Lunar, were going back to defend her. We are going to combat alert alpha. That is all, Mota out." The ship wide comms went off.

"Commander Barta initiate Cole Protocol. Tactical get all weapons ready and get the MAC gun charged," he ordered. "I want us ready to fight as soon as we get back to Lunar."

"Aye, aye," they said.

They turned and accelerated into slipstream.

1000 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Zulu /
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy looked at the fleet on his command screen. So far there were 36 ships at rally point Zulu, and 20 on the way. Near by ships not in the Fourth Sector Fleet heard and started to get here as fast as they could. The 5 repair and refit stations were in position with the fleet to be used as shields for the fleet.

"Admiral, all nuclear mines are armed, in position, and the remote destruction has been transferred to your board," Commander Flaud said.

"Good," Kennedy replied.

"Admiral, I have a transmission from Rear- Admiral Richard," Lt. Commander Hally said.

"Put it on holotank 2," he said.

The face of Rear- Admiral Richard came up, "Admiral Kennedy, my fleet is coming in from the Harnanz System to help defend Lunar, we should be their in one hour."

"The covenant fleet will be here in about an hour, so try to get here faster," Kennedy said.

"Yes sir, we'll try. Richard out," and the screen went off.

"Admiral," Liz said.

He looked at her, "Yes," he asked.

"Another 20 ships are now at Rally Point Zulu. All of the cruisers and carriers in your fleet are now in position."

"Thank you Liz."

1110 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Rally Point Zulu /
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Admiral Kennedy looked at the fleet. With Rear- Admiral Richard's fleet, he had 106 ships. Plus Richard's fleet had a carrier, Brazil, which was Richard's flagship.

He saw the covenant fleet on his command tactical screen, he saw 3 Titanic- class covenant battle cruisers. Plus the 250 other ships with them. "Liz, send firing solutions to the fleet. Prepare the opening salvo," he ordered.

"Yes Admiral. Solutions sent," she replied.

"Launch fighters. Start the timer for the opening salvo."

The UNSC fleet fired their MAC guns, and so did the Super MAC's. The covenant fleet fired their plasma torpedoes.

"Have one of the stations shield us," Kennedy ordered.

One the massive stations moved in front of the fleet. The plasma torpedoes hit the station they burned into it. The station exploded.

The UNSC fleets salvo hit the covenant fleet, the covenant shields took 3 MAC rounds to ware them down. Then the Super MAC's hit, the covenant shields shimmered, then died. The rest of the momentum went into its hull, the covenant ships exploded. The Enterprise's and the Kencon's were able to get through to.

He detonated the nuclear mines, the covenant ships without shields exploded. Then 150 more covenant ships appeared behind the first covenant fleet.

"Shit," Kennedy said. "Liz, prepare another salvo."

"Yes sir. Ready, putting on timers," she replied.

The covenant fleet fired their plasma torpedoes, the UNSC fired their MAC guns. Another station came in front of the UNSC fleet and shielded them from the plasma torpedoes. The MAC rounds hit the covenant fleet, several ships exploded from already being damaged. The Super MAC's fired and 20 covenant ships exploded.

Then one of the Titanic ships fired a blue- white laser and the Brazil went into flames.

"What in the hell. Order all ships to break and attack," Kennedy ordered. "Liz, what the hell was that?"

"It is some kind of new pulse laser, it travels at light speed and went through every deck of the Brazil," she said.

"Scan that ship, I want to know what type of weapons she has and how many," Kennedy ordered.

After a few seconds Liz looked at him, "It has 8 pulse lasers, 5 plasma torpedo tubes, that blue- white laser, and 4 hangar bays."

"We have to take them out," Kennedy said.

"They're staying out of the Super MAC's range sir," Flaud said.

"Then we have to get to them," Kennedy said.

"Helm plot an intercept course to that Titanic covenant ship," Captain Ralston ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Lt. McMahan said.

The Lancer accelerated toward the huge covenant battle cruiser. The frigate Chicago followed her to help.

"Get Captain Mota on screen," Ralston ordered the Lt. at the comm station.

Mota came up on the screen, "Captain, prepare your guns and missiles. We need to destroy that big covenant bastard," Ralston said.

"Yes sir," Mota replied and the screen went off.
Captain Mota looked at his bridge crew. "Prepare to fire the MAC guns. Get one of our Shiva's armed and in the tube," he ordered.

The Chicago passed the Lancer, "Lock Archer missiles A through F on that big bastard in front. What is the status on the MAC guns?"

"Guns charged and ready," the Lt. at tactical said, "Pods A through F locked."

"Fire," Mota ordered.

Two MAC rounds launched toward the huge ship, then the Archer missiles fired. The MAC rounds hit the ship, her shields shimmered and held. Her pulse lasers fired and shot down a third of the missiles before they got there, the rest hit and the shields still held.

"Come to course 325.2 mark 4," Mota ordered. "Get our guns ready to fire again. Lock missiles G through K on the target."

The Chicago turned and went to her new position to fire.
"Lt. Latka, lock missile pods A through F on target," Ralston ordered.

"Locked sir. MAC guns ready," Latka replied.


The two MAC rounds launched toward the covenant ship, then the Archer missiles fired. The rounds hit and the shields STILL held. A third of the missiles hit, the rest were shot down.

"Prepare to move to position 2 Lt. McMahan," Ralston ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she said.

Then the covenant ship fired her pulse lasers, 8 blue beams hit the Lancer. The ship shook from the hits.

"Report," Ralston shouted.

"Hull breach on deck 22 sir. That deck is now sealed off," the ops. officer said.

"Sir, the ship just launched 4 plasma torpedoes, 2 at us and 2 at the Chicago," Latka said.
"Sir, 2 plasma torpedoes launched at the Lancer," Barta said.

"Shit," Mota said. "Helm, turn us and pass right in front of the Lancer. Override reactor safeties, and put the reactor at 120 percent. Prepare the experimental countermeasures."

"Aye, aye sir," they said.

The frigate turned and accelerated toward the Lancer's bow. She passed right in front of them and launched the countermeasures. The 2 torpedoes hit them, then one of the ones trailing the Chicago was caught in the explosion. That's when he released that 2 had been trailing them.

He yelled, "Sound collision alarm, braise for impact!"

The torpedo hit, an explosion erupted in the back of the bridge. Commander Barta flew through the air, his blood splattering all over as he flew. He was dead before he hit the ground. Then a part of the floor blew up by Mota, he flew and hit the wall, head first, on the starboard side of the bridge. After a few seconds he rose, Barta's body was beside him. His eyes were opened and staring at him, he was covered in blood.

Mota went back to the command console. He felt a liquid get in his left eye, he wiped it away to find it to be blood. He looked at his reflection in the command console, his head was gashed open and blood was running down his head and face. It started running down his neck, he looked at his left chest area, his uniform was torn and blood was rushing out. Some medics came onto the bridge, one went over to him, and he shrugged him away.

"Turn us about, bring the reactor back down. What's our damage?"

"Heavy damage to command deck, and decks 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Sections C through J. MAC gun number 2 is destroyed. I am evacuating those decks," the ops. officer said.

"Fire the Shiva at that covenant bastard," Mota ordered.

The nuke launched at the Titanic covenant ship, when it reached it erupted in a white flash. When it was gone the covenant ship was still there. "Fire our gun," Mota ordered.

The MAC round launched at the huge ship, it hit the starboard side where 4 of her pulse lasers were. There was a hole were the pulse lasers were. Then the ship turned, the 4 pulse lasers on the other side came to bear. The blue lasers lunged out and hit the Chicago.

He heard explosions, then the command console exploded, Mota flew back and his head went into the Local Positioning screen behind the command console. His head slid out of the computer, the sharp edges cutting his scalp as he slid. He fell to the deck, then the computer he just had his head in exploded.

He rose slowly to see the bridge a blaze. Fires spread across the bridge, blood was gushing out all over his head now. His uniform was in shreds, blood flowed out of the burn spots and cuts from when the command console exploded.

"Damage report," he yelled with all he could.

"Heavy damage sir. Hull breaches on every deck, fires on all decks. Only 8 Archer missile pods remain. Hangar bay 2 has melted away. Main reactor offline, secondary at half power," the ops. officer reported over the noise.

"Prepare a nuke," Mota ordered.

"Can't sir, all the tubes are melted over," the Ensign that took over tactical said.

"Damn," he said. "Back us off, get us to the protective area of the Super MAC's at best speed."

As she turned Captain Ralston's face came up on holotank 2, which still remained. "Captain Mota...," he started then said, "What in the hell happened to you? Never mind. Good work, you were able to down the covenant shields. You should back off though, your ship and you look like hell."

"Gladly, Mota out," he turned off the holotank. Then said, "Lock 3 of our pods on to the covenant blue- beam weapon on the middle dome."

"Yes sir. Locked sir."


The Archer missiles launched toward the covenant ship, which was now focused on the Lancer. They fit and the main weapon was gone.

"Suck on that. That should make the Lancer's job more easy."

To Be Concluded

Fleet Admiral- Post Comments

New Lunar HQ: Chapter 5/ Part 2
Date: 5 November 2003, 2:05 AM

1140 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Engaging Covenant Fleet /
UNSC Modified Halcyon Cruiser Lancer

Captain Ralston saw the Chicago's missiles hit the main turret of the Titanic covenant ship, the turret exploded. With that the Chicago headed back to the rally point. "Ready our MAC guns, and lock Archer missile pods G through L on target," Ralston ordered.

"MAC guns ready. Pods G through L locked on target," Lt. Latka at tactical said.

"Coming into firing position," Lt. McMahan at navigation said.

The ship turned and faced the covenant ship. "Fire," Ralston said.

The MAC guns fired, then the Archer missiles fired. The MAC rounds hit the covenant ship, the shields simmered as the MAC rounds hit.

Damn, their shields came back up, Ralston said in his head. The shields then popped and went out. Then the Archer missiles hit and bubbly explosions went all over the hull. Then 5 plasma torpedoes launched at the Lancer.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Ralston yelled.

The ship started to turn, but it was too late. The first 2 hit the starboard side, the ship started to burn. Then the next 2 hit, one on the bottom and one on the top. The ship lurched to her side when the 5th hit the command deck area.

Ralston heard the consoles explode. The lights went out, "Get on emergency power," Ralston yelled. Then he saw 4 pulse lasers launched at his ship. They hit, then the local positioning computer behind him exploded with a huge force. He flew through the command console and hit the deck below.

He felt blood run down his face, he rose and staggered back up to find Lt. Latka's body on the deck. Her console exploded in her face, the bridge was on fire and only a few men were left alive. "Damage report," he asked.

"MAC guns destroyed, Archer missile tube launching systems offline, nuclear launch tubes melted over, only the secondary reactor is online and only at 40 percent," the Ensign who took over the ops. station said.

"Damn, we can't do anything in this condition," he said. Then he knew what he had to do. "Get all crew to the lifepods now," he ordered.

"Sir the lifepod systems are offline," the Ensign said again.

"Then here are my last orders," he hesitated, then said, "Push reactor to full. Remove the safeties from the nukes and all the Archer missiles, and stop all coolant flow to the reactor."

"Sir?" The Ensign asked.

"Lt. McMahan ram us into that covenant bastard," Ralston ordered.

The ship accelerated strait for the huge covenant ship. "Sir, all safeties disengaged sir," the Ensign said.

"We'll hit the covenant ship in 10 seconds," McMahan said.

"Reactor going critical sir," the Ensign yelled.

Ralston turned, "It has been an honor serving with you and being your captain."

The Lancer slammed into the huge covenant ship, the reactor went critical and triggered the nukes and Archer missiles. The 2 ships exploded into a white flash, and when it was gone, so were both the ships.

1200 Hours September 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Lunar System, Engaging Covenant Fleet/
UNSC Battle Cruiser Enterprise, Flagship of Fleet Admiral Kennedy's Fleet

Kennedy saw the Lancer and the Titanic covenant ship go off his tactical screen. That meant that there were 2 more of those ships left.

The second, fired its blue- white laser 5 times and 5 Super MAC platforms went into flames. That left 15 left.

The ship passed over 2 of the nuclear mines not yet detonated. He pressed the detonation button. The mines detonated into 2 white flashes. When they cleared the ship was still there. "Prepare our MAC guns, one heavy round a piece. Get us into position to fire it at that Titanic ship," Kennedy ordered.

The ship turned, "Liz?"

The woman AI came up, "Yes admiral," she asked.

"Monitor that ship, if that new weapon fires I want you to activate our emergency thrusters and nock us out of its path," he said.

"Aye, aye sir."

The ship moved toward the covenant monster. "MAC guns ready sir."


Six white-hot projectiles launched toward the covenant ship. The first 3 hit, the shields simmered, popped, and flickered out. The last 3 hit the middle bubble, it exploded in a ball of fire, but the rest of the ship was still there.

At least there main laser was destroyed, he thought. Then 5 plasma torpedoes launched out at his ship. "Evasive maneuvers," he ordered. "Launch the countermeasures."

The ship turned and launched its countermeasures. Two torpedoes went toward the countermeasures and exploded. The other 3 still came toward his flagship. "Sound collision alarm, prepare to vent atmosphere on all decks, but the bridge," Mayfield ordered.

"Braise for impact," Kennedy yelled. He held on to his chair.

The torpedoes hit, the ship shook, alarms flared.

"Damage report," Mayfield yelled.

"Decks 11 through 17 have melted away. Decks 18 through 25 have been breached, sealing those decks off. All weapon systems still operational," Lt. So at ops. reported.

"Archer missiles A through F, lock on target," Kennedy ordered.

"Targeted sir."


"Missiles away."

Three hundred missiles launched toward the covenant ship, the covenant ships pulse lasers shot a third of them down before they hit. Almost 200 missiles hit the covenant ship, finally the ships' hull buckled. The ship exploded into a ball of fire.

He looked at his command screen. Almost 30 ships had been destroyed. The last Titanic ship turned and accelerated away from the battle with the rest of the covenant fleet. "Tell the fleet to regroup at Rally Point Zulu," Kennedy ordered.

The 76 ships left went toward Rally Point Zulu. "Get the fleet into a spread out wall formation. Get the 3 last stations ready to be used as shields," Kennedy ordered.

It took the fleet 6 minutes to get in formation. "Sir, message coming in from... Admiral Stanforth," Hally said.

"On holotank 2," Kennedy replied.

The face of Admiral Michael Stanforth came up, "Admiral Kennedy, the Leviathan and her fleet are at the edge of the system. We should be there soon. What's your situation?"

"The covenant already made a first pass, there coming around for a second," Kennedy replied.

"Don't worry, the cavalry's on the way," his image went off the screen.

"Sir, covenant fleet coming back in," Commander Flaud said.

"Liz, get a firing solution for the fleet. Send it, and put it on timers," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she said. "Done. Solutions given to the fleet, and on timer."

The covenant fleet of about 300 ships came back toward Lunar. "Ten seconds," Liz said.

The fleet fired there MAC guns, the rounds launched toward the covenant fleet. They hit, damaged ships blew apart. The covenant fleet kept coming though. "Liz, get new firing solutions online and get them to the fleet ASAP," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she replied.

The covenant fleet was now in range of the Super MAC platforms. The platforms aimed, and fired. Fifteen covenant ships blew into flames from the Super MAC rounds. The covenant fleet fired their plasma torpedoes. "Get another platform into position," Kennedy ordered.

"Firing solutions online and transferred to the fleet. Timers set, we're ready to fire," Liz reported.

The station flew in front of the fleet, the torpedoes hit and the stations' surface turned red hot. The station spun out of control after the last torpedo hit, she started to fall toward the planet. "Fleet firing sir," Liz said.

The fleet fired its MAC guns at the now close covenant fleet. If they fired their torpedoes this close the UNSC fleet would be unable to escape. "Tell the fleet to break and attack," Kennedy ordered Hally. The fleet broke formation and sped toward the covenant fleet.

"We have to take out that last Titanic covenant ship," Kennedy said as the covenant ships' blue- white laser fired and 3 more Super MAC's went up into flames, that left 13. If the Super MAC's fell then so would Lunar. "Captain, intercept that covenant bastard," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Mayfield said. "Helm come about to 343.5 mark 7. Tactical get MAC guns charged and ready to fire."

"Aye, aye sir," they said.

The ship turned and accelerated toward the Titanic covenant ship. "MAC guns at 75% sir, now 80%," Lt. Brandon at the ship tactical said.

"Liz, if you detect that ships main laser powering up I want you to use the emergency thrusters and nock us out of its way," he ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," she said.

They kept going for the covenant ship. "MAC guns at 100% and ready to fire," Brandon announced.

"Good, lock Archer missiles G through P on target, I want those missiles to hit the same time the last MAC round hits," Mayfield ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Brandon replied.

The covenant ship started to turn, seeing the Enterprise coming toward her. "Missiles locked sir, we're in position to fire," Brandon said.

Before Mayfield gave the order though a bang resonated from the hull, and the ship flew side ways as a blue- white laser just passed them.

"Thanks Liz," Kennedy said.

"You're welcome admiral," she replied.

"Get us back into position now," Mayfield yelled.

As the ship turned 8 pulse lasers launched from the massive covenant ship and hit the Enterprise. He heard an explosion, then screams, and a burst of fire flew up in front of him from the lower part of the bridge. He slapped the intercom button and yelled into it, "Medical teams to the bridge, damage teams to the bridge." He looked at his command crew, "Get helm and weapon systems control to the auxiliary bridge and tell the crew their to take control."

"Aye, aye sir," they said.

The lift in the back of the bridge came up with Captain Mayfield on it. He was blackened from the explosion and covered in blood. "I'm going to the secondary bridge," he said and went back down.

"Commander Hally, get me a direct link to the auxiliary bridge. Also tell them that Captain Mayfield is on the way," he ordered.

He looked back at the screen, the ship righted herself and turned to face the last Titanic covenant ship. "Sir, one of our MAC guns is unable to fire. Pods G through P and the remaining 5 MAC guns are ready to fire," Mayfield reported over the intercom.

"Send them to hell," Kennedy said.

Four thumps resonated from the hull. The 5 MAC rounds launched from the Enterprise, and so did 500 missiles. The first 3 hit, the ships' shields shimmered, and turned white hot. The next 2 hit and the shield shimmered, popped, and went out. Then the 500 Archer missiles hit just after the last MAC round. The missiles blew into the hull of the massive ship. Her main laser fired one last shot before the missiles hit.

The laser went through 2 more of the Super MAC platforms, leaving 11 left. Then the hull pressure became too great and the ship exploded. The last Titanic covenant warship was destroyed.

The covenant fleet turned to regroup for another attack. The last one cost them both dearly, only 38 ships remained in the UNSC fleet. Most of them had been hit hard or had heavy damage. "Tell the fleet to regroup at the rally point," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said.

He looked at the battle area; it was full of destroyed or disabled ships. The covenant fleet had 260 ships left, they tuned and started to come back to finish the UNSC fleet. "Have the Kencon arm a Shiva and put it in the tube, ready to launch," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye sir," Hally said.

"Captain Mayfield, get one of our Shiva's in the tube and ready to fire," he ordered.

"Yes sir," Mayfield replied.

"Liz, have the Kencon's nuke go strait into the middle of the covenant formation," Kennedy said.

"Aye, aye sir," she responded.

"Captain, have ours launch 20 seconds after the Kencon's. Not a moment sooner."

"Yes sir."

He watched as the Kencon's warhead launched toward the covenant fleet. Then he saw his launch. A white flash erupted in the middle of the covenant fleet, as it started to decrease the Enterprise's came in and detonated. When the white flash was gone the covenant fleet had been reduced to 200 ships.

"Liz, get firing solutions to the fleet ASAP," he ordered.

"Yes sir," she said. "Done, I've sent it to the fleet and set the timers."

The fleet fired. So did the covenant. The MAC rounds hit the covenant fleet, most of it unshielded from the 2 nukes. Almost 20 ships went up in flames. The covenant torpedoes passed the fleet. They were going for the Super MAC's! All but 4 of the platforms went up in flames. Then a white flash erupted in the middle of the covenant fleet. When it cleared only 146 covenant ships were left. MAC rounds launch from a fleet of UNSC warships coming in from the side of the covenant fleet.

"Tell the fleet to break and attack," Kennedy ordered. They just might be able to defeat the covenant fleet. Then 150 covenant warships appeared behind his fleet. They looked dead in space, no weapons, lights, or shields. It didn't last for long though, they powered up and blasted the last Super MAC platforms to dust. Then 50 more came in where the first covenant fleet had. That meant 200 fresh reinforcements.

They would not be winning this battle, "Liz, get a random jump vector for the fleet and give it to all ships, even Stanforth's ships," Kennedy ordered.

"Aye, aye," the AI said in a sad tone.

"Commander Hally, tell all UNSC ships to get to Rally Point Knox as fast as they can," Kennedy said.

"Aye, aye sir," she said.

The UNSC fleet moved out of the covenant fleets way. They rallied at Rally Point Knox and jumped out.

The UNSC lost 68 ships, but destroyed 254 covenant ships.

After a 6 hour blind jump they went to the Sol System, to Earth.

Fleet Admiral- Please Make Comments
