Tides of War
Date: 10 October 2003, 12:46 AM
Falling Never landing Can't touch the ground
Flailing futilly Grasping for anything Something to stop me
My greatest fear I'm not in control Powerless
Without power I am nothing My existence useless Not even an essence
They kill recklessly With abandon and hopeless disregard Who am I to stave them
I am one man One gun One piece of sand on the beach
How much can a piece of sand do in the ocean What can it change What can it do
It can neither kill the smallest fish Nor the largest whale But it can do something
Sand bound together Glass or pearls Objects of use
We must band together To become the glass The pearl
To become a single united being Strong and beautiful Unchallenged in beauty and strength
A shell of titanium A furnace of lead A necklace of death
We are the sands Washed and abused by the tides But in our perfect form, we are invincible
Hidden Love
Date: 7 November 2003, 10:05 PM
Her eyes were warm and caring Her spirit brazon and daring Her will was free and strong What they did to here unsurmountably wrong
I left her that day with everything to fear Scared that that beautiful voice would forever disappear Everything to lose and none to gain Parting from her such a heavy pain
Alas we couldn't be together Through all the other times we'd weathered This one thing may be the last This brief encounter possibly my last
If I never see her again I'll never know If she really loved me, or if it was all for show Was it unconditional or simply flirting My curiosity painfully hurting
My mind clouded and racked with confusion Longing to be with her, a permanent collusion But I know what she did was for the better She'll do her job to the letter
Stopping the alien invasion of Reach To keep the human walls from breach To stop them in their track Kick their ass and turn them back
To stomp a hole so deep and wide Theirs nothing they can use to hide I think I saw it, before her depart A hint of motion, a hint of heart
A tear had formed an ocean in her eye She blamed in on the dust a fly I knew it false and she did too But she had to hide it from the crew
They'd never know, or understand Why she longed to hold my hand What made her want to be with me Even when she didn't have to be
How come she felt for me deep inside A passion she couldn't hide I think before they left they saw it too One I know, perhaps two
Kelly my dear You have none to fear Come home safe and be with me They'll never hurt you, I'll never flee
I'd die for you I hope you knew If they hurt so much as a single hair I'll strip their entire Homeworld bare
Come back to me Kelly dear The words you speak I want to hear Just one last time before I die I want to hold you with arms not shy
The Doctor's In
Date: 18 December 2003, 12:48 AM
{AN}Just seeing if I still have it. I haven't written a poem in a while, so I figured I'd give it a go. Hit me up some feedback.
I'm one man One mission One gun
I'm a cargo train Bringin the pain Whats that on the wall Coud it be your brain?
Stand in my way If you dare Thousands have tried You see how they fared
Where there's a will there's a way Or is it, you can try and I'll make you pay Can you stop me now? Can you beat me here?
Do you feel it? The rush power The excitement of death
I feel it I feel it everytime I kill you Kill you a thousand times over and it only gets stronger
Stronger and stronger until I burst Homicidal tendancies? Perhaps
And if you ever see me You be sure and ask You'll find out one way or the other what's behind the mask
Whos blood is that Yours, mine, your brothers? Some one you don't know, maybe anothers?
The blood on your hands is staining your soul A red that can't be removed Digging through your body like a vicious mole
I'll remove it for you Take it out fast But nothing I do can erase your past
The constant pain Of those you killed Of all the ones you decided to have milled On your mind Gnawing, chewing, eating Digging at your soul like a rat Scratching you for no reason, like a wild black cat
I'm cyanide for your brain I'll poison your mind You'll never know I'm there, in front, beside, or behind
So remember this when your out there To watch your rear To watch your back I'll kill you dead, and there'll be no slack You'll be standing there, stopped dead in your tracks.
And I was the one One of the ones you hated Hook, line, and sinker You were so easily baited
Operation a success Consciouss removed Side effect though, your days are now through
Take two and call me in the morning I'll be in surgery from one til two Removing the rest, of your precious few
Time and Again
Date: 22 December 2003, 11:26 PM
Hearts untainted Minds at rest Never having taken The ultimate test
Can you do it Can you kill The awesome power You'll come to feel
I came to feel it And now I can't stop Kill, Kill, Kill Until they've all dropped
I turn my head Trying to stave my thirst But I have to get them Before they get me first
I'm saving my race Having fought so long I dare you to try And say what I've done is wrong
I killed all of them From stem to stern Parents, Children, Cities I watched them burn
Looking back again I see my error Too emotionally involved Too much of a terror
Those who created me Were themselves frightened By what they created By what they'd enlightened
After the Covenant were gone Who'd I kill then Better to kill me And start over again
But I wasn't so easy to destroy For here and now you shall see I am the master Of my destiny
I can't be stopped by your mortal weapons Your mortal flaws Your mortal fears
I can't be killed by your mistakes alone It's not my fault That you dropped the bone
But in the end I wasn't what I thought You killed me with one A bullet I wrought
You outwitted me finally Never thought it would come The day of today Under this new shining sun
And after me What did you do then Exactly what I had predicted You started again
Creating another Souless and unjust Youll have to kill it too Do what you must
But one of these creatures You won't outwit It'll be to fast, to smart And the end of it
And I'll be here Dead where you left me Laughing inside Because you were to blind to see
The err of your ways Was always before you You were just too dumb To add two and two
And now that it's over I'll rest once again Rotting in hell for what you made me do Paying for my sins
Date: 1 March 2004, 3:52 AM
You died in the belly of the beast Doing what you had to do Doing it to save us
You helped us get out Helped me destroy Halo Helped me defeat the Covenant
It wasn't your fault That God chose you To die on that ship that day
It was fate my friend And that fate saved more lives than it cost For your one life saved billions
Saved Earth Saved Humanity Saved Me
And that's all I could ask for in a Spartan That devotion you showed while you stayed to die To give it all up
I am forever in your debt One I could never dream of repaying But I expect you understand that
That with your death You're the most important soldier there is Because you are the angel that sits on my soldier
The angel that saved me so many times That sat on my shoulder and gave the helpful nod That patted my back when no one was there That kept me alive when my strength had gone bare
Eternal and invincible Your more deadly than me For they cannot kill you, our God, or me
A Lesson Long Passed
Date: 30 June 2004, 5:57 AM
There was a time when silence was golden And learning the art of war was precious to me But that time has passed And that lesson long taught
Where I am there's never silence And rarely a teacher Only copious dispair And a torpid prediction of the future
A lost cause is what most of them call it But for that I ask them Why not find what is lost
Rise up with me once more Fight the good fight Fight for her
I see these men The glare in their eyes The warmth in their hearts
And I know inside That their fire can burn out any other Their torch will stay lit forever
For though they know it not I have seen the future And it is bright
A future lit by their accomplishments Their struggles and failures And most importantly; their hope
For hope is what the Covenant lack They know not of defeat or despair And for that, they shall not know victory.
A Soldier's Story
Date: 3 November 2004, 3:45 AM
I Screamed And Yelled Abd Told Her Not To Go But She Had Always Been The One To Follow The Ebb And Flow
I Can't Believe I Stayed Here Stayed Here All Alone While She Went Off To Fight A War I Thought I'd Never Know
I Tried So Hard To Hide From It To Push It All Away But I Never Felt As Bad Before As Bad As I Felt That Day
Her Papers Came And She Shipped Out For Training Far Away Without A Word I Let Her Go My Life Slipped Through That Door
I Raced Behind Her To The Bus And Signed Up For The Fight The One She Cared For The One She Loved Where She Died Tonight
In My Arms She Crimson Bled Before Me She Was Dead With Fleeting Words From Her Lips And A Kiss That Broke My Heart
I'll Never Forgive Those Alien Scum Who Took Her Here Today The Foreign Fighters I Never Knew But Who Felt The Need To Slay
To Slay The One I Held So Dear And Close To My Heart Now My Love Is The Gun I Hold From Which I'll Never Part
Not Until I've Had Revenge For What They Took Today Not Until They've Repaid The Debt I'll Never Let Them Pay
A Day Like Sunday
Date: 21 May 2005, 2:34 AM
It was a day like Sunday when we dropped into hell; The sound of screams and that terrible smell. I'd always believed I'd seen it all; But you've never seen anything until you've seen good men fall.
It was a day like Sunday when we dropped into hell; The flash of my muzzle and whiz of the shell. I'd never feared Death and his violent wrath; If I was going with him then I'd blaze my own path.
It was a day like Sunday when we dropped into hell; I came with a bloodlust only killing could quell. I rushed up the beach with fiery passion; Killing the beasts in all sorts of fashion.
It was a day like Sunday when we dropped into hell; If I'd leave this beach only time would tell. My soul was damned that much was sure; The blood of my enemies long soaked in the pure.
It was a day like Sunday when we dropped into hell; I was off guard when I heard the bell. The Gatekeeper's toll only audible by me; Nowhere to go and nowhere to flee.
It was a day like Sunday when we dropped into hell; A blood-soaked beach the place I fell. To Hell I went for a thousand years; But a Helljumper never sheds useless tears.