
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo United by Corporal Kick ass

Halo United
Date: 14 December 2004, 9:15 PM

Onboard UNSC Allegiance-out bound Marines
Date: 15 of March 2552 O: 100

Marine Sargent Kennedy stood before his squad of newly recruited Marines. " Alright you half ass call yourself a squad rookies, we are going in hard Covenant control the planet and we're to push them off, do you hear me," he said screaming at the first marine. "Sir, yes Sir," they said as one, failure to do so resulted in immediate punishment. "Alright lissen up ye hear me, drop time is ETA ten minutes get yer shit and move," yelled the Sargent. The Marines filed into three loaded Pelicans and strapped themselves in. Three thuds sounded as the launch bay doors opened and the Pelicans launched. "When we land stick together, everyone comes home," Said the Sarge over the com.
The Pelicans began their approach, Marines could feel the dropship shake as it entered the atmosphere. The pilots had a hard time keeping them level. Eco-213 could see Pelican-938 explode in a ball of flame when plasma burned across its prow. "Hang on everyone we're coming in hot," said Lieutenant Stern. The Pelican came down low and opened the back door. Marines filed out as plasma blasts hit the Pelican's hull. Two, unfortunate Marines took plasma to the chest. The Marines turned around to here an Elite roar and charge, activating an energy sword. The Marines didn't stand a chance they were cut down immediately. The second Pelican touched down and the Sargent filed out and into a trench from the first Pelicans crash. Marines spread down the trench and only exposed themselves if the had a shot.
A Marine took a shot to his head from a Jackal across the field. "Get your asses down what the hell is wrong with you," Sargent Kennedy yelled at the closest Marines. A Marine down the way didn't care what he had to say and peeked over the edge. Plasma fire struck his helmet, but only grazed it. "Wow that sure the hell was luck," said the Private looking at his helmet without bothering to get down. A plasma bolt struck his head killing him; his carcass fell to the ground, its head smoking. "Get down and stay down, we wait here for Evac this mission is scraped by god," The Sargent said to himself. They sat there, guns loaded, teeth clenched, hoping to god they'd make it.
Sargent Kennedy was trapped along with the rest of the marines. "Marines listen up we're going to have to run for it down the length of this trench," said the Sarge. "I'm ready, Sir," said a Marine loading his shotgun and pumping shells into the chamber. He also was carrying a heavy arsenal of five grenades and a pistol tucked in its holster. The Marine took off down the trench along with everyone else. The Marine Frank a Corporal of the 13th division infantry continued looking ahead, wondering why he had asked for this mission. It was for Fame and Glory, he continued to tell himself. He stopped a short distance ahead along with the others and turned his gave back the way they had come. An Elite landed in front of him roar and fell to the ground as Frank shot it, it's face twisted from the impact of the rounds. "Move it double time Marines you want to be here for dinner," the Sargent remarked. The sight they just say shocked them beyond words the Sargent took an Energy sword strait through his chest as an Elite emerges from behind. "Son of a bitch," said the Sargent as he pulled a frag's pin. The Marines dived to the ground as the explosive detonated. The Elite and Sargent Kennedy were gone only a crater was left. The Marines got up a bit shaky at first and miserable. Frank heard the roar of engines and fought his emotions off to look behind him and see the rescue Pelican descending. "Lets go, get on or stay here, now move it," yelled the Corporal manning the Pelicans back turret.
The Marine refugees climbed aboard and the back door sealed shut. Frank couldn't help, but feel remorse. They had wasted lives, why, he thought questioning the UNSC's motives. The Pelican ascended through the atmosphere and the pilots looked out marveling at their fleet. UNSC's fleet, how human kind had created ships capable or interstellar travel. Very few cruisers were in the group, the UNSC pulled them back in after the loss at Harvest. The Pelican ascended and docked with the orbiting destroyer, Allegiance.

Halo United Commander Lee S. Rinder's Defense
Date: 18 December 2004, 5:45 PM

Onboard UNSC Allegiance
Date: 15 of March 2552 0:200

The situation of the crew was not a pretty site. They all were either wounded, tired, or desperate. Commander Lee S. Rinder was standing on deck watching the enemy ship close in. He had a short cut hairstyle with the top long. He wore his Naval uniform and had a strong face. He stood their looking out the view screen at the Covenant frigate. He was surprisingly calm even though the planetside mission had gone sour. He knew he could lose his Naval career if he didn't do something reaguardless of the fact that the frigate outgunned his Destroyer. "Damage," asked Rinder. "It's not good Sir, we lost most of our armor and breached through three lower decks, A, B, and F have all been breached from that last exchange of fire," said flight officer Pendeir. "Alright move everyone from the lower levels above those sections and vent it," said Rinder. "Done, waiting your orders Sir," said Pendeir. "Weapons station power up the twin MAC and arm Archer Missles A-6 through A-37," said Rinder looking at the frigate as it's turrets began to glow. "Missles ready and MAC is at eighty-seven percent and climbing," said weapons officer Karalin. "Pendeir, run those basterds over and Karalin when I give you the command open fire," said Rinder sitting down and leaning back in his command chair. "Aye Sir," they said in unison. The Allegiance moved at a relativly slow spead for a collision. "Pendeir coarse correction, two three zero by zero zero five," said Rinder. "Aye," Pendier said typing in commands. The ship began to accellerate down ward strait towards the Covenant ship's lower decks. "Punch it son," "Aye Sir," said Pendeir moving the ships controls. The Allegiance moved at a trajectory that caused the collision alarm to go off as the ship smashed it's front into the other's bottom. "Now, Karalin fire," said Rinder. Missles shot from the ships center and impacted on the frigates prow causing little fires to dot the surface. Twin MAC rounds followed gutting her from the prow to the stern. A series of fireworks accured inside the ship. The frigate quickly fired it's salvo. "Move the ship, Now" yelled Rinder. Pendeir pushed the throttle down and the Allegiance began to clear the bottom of the ship.The plasma torpedos impacted on the frigate and one managed to slip under and collide with the ship causing explosions on the starboard side as decks were compromised. "Statis," Rinder asked wipping blood from his lip. "Engines are critical, Sir," said Pendier. "Damn that was close, to close, alright shut them down let the coolant cool it off," said Rinder. The view screen switched to their under carage so the Commander could see the frigate clearly. They had caused a considerable amount of damage, only half her turrets were operational and her shields were down. "Sir enemy ship is launching fighters, their trying to criple us,''said Pendier. "Launch Longsword fighters Delta," said Rinder shifting in his chair. "This is flight officer 4500-3290, stating Longsword fighters Delta engage the enemy," said Pendier over the COM. The Longsword pilots filed into a strait line as their officer stood before them. "Alright here's the plain were to fly out there meet the enemy and blow those basterds out of the sky, and do not under any circumstansis let them near the ship, Now Move," he said. They filed into their fighters and the launchbay doors opened. Five thuds sounded on launchbay B-25 as five Longswords shot out of the ship and into space. "Karalin I want the MAC gun ready for another shot at the Covenant," said Rinder. " Yes, Sir," she said. " Charging at fifty percent and climbing at one percent per minute," she said. "Damn too slow, alright intiate firing secuence," "Aye Sir," "Fire," yelled Rinder, the MAC fired sending two rounds through the frigate causing the ship to collapse into herself. The Covenant frigate started to turn and make a full run towards the Allegiance. The ship was about to give way in a matter of minutes. Her structural integrety sustained major damage and that last MAC round tore through her engines. Longsword fighters Delta came in low and dropped explosives on the frigate's hull comprimising it. The lead Longsword fighter exploaded in a ball of flame as a Seraph hit it from behined. "Detecting escaping dropship, wait that can't be, she's making a slipspace jump," said Pendier.
"Stay on her," said Rinder gripping the edges of his chair. The Allegiance exellerated and jumped leaving Longsword fighters Delta to their deaths.

Halo United beginings part 1.
Date: 23 December 2004, 3:52 PM

Sorry but once I realized I had left out a few pages I knew my story didn't have a plot. So here is what should come before Halo United.

Allegiance docked with Orbital Defense platform Malta
13th of March 2552 0:2300

Commander Lee S. Rinder sat on the command deck of his destroyer, Allegiance ; the ship sat in the Orbital Defense gun platform Malta , getting repairs. The ship had recently come back from Reach after the battle at Sigma Octanius IV . Rinder stepped off the Bridge and walked through a series of doors. "Authorization, please," said the ship's computer waiting for Rinder to initiate his authorization code. Rinder initiated his authorization code and the doors slid open allowing him access to the Orbital Gun Station. He was requested on the command deck, probably because of our remarkable tactics at Sigma Octanus IV, he thought. Rinder took a couple of stairs and elevators, through a series of doors and arrived outside the Bridge.

"Commander Lee S. Rinder, reporting as ordered,' Rinder said snapping at attention in front of Admiral Harper after entering the bridge. "At ease," he said turning to indicate the Commander.
"You've been called here to be informed of your new mission, one that could change this war," said Harper. "What kind of a mission, Sir," asked Rinder looking a little more interested. "You and your ship will be sent to the outer colonies to oversee a secret project that Major Ackerson has personally directed, although he may not be there upon your arrival, but should arrive within a few weeks. Your standing orders are to personally assist him and all others under his command, this could turn the tides of the war do you understand, I'm counting on you," said the Admiral. "I understand, Sir, and won't let you down," Rinder replied. "Good, get your ship outfitted and ready to leave within a day," said Harper. "Yes, Sir," said Rinder turning away. "And one more thing, I want you to stop at Reach, Dr. Halsey has something for you, Ackerson needs this in order to complete his work," said the Admiral scratching his shaved head and rough mustache. ' Yes, Sir," said Rinder moving of the deck before entering the same doors and elevators to the Bridge.
Rinder took the same route back to the ship and arrived on the Allegiance's Bridge. "Officer on deck," said Karalin the ships weapons officer.
Everyone else stood up and saluted. "At ease." Everyone relaxed. "Everyone get some rest we'll be leaving here in a day and I need you all at a hundred percent," said Rinder taking his place on the Bridge relaxing in his chair for a moment. Some of the crew filed out others stayed on the Bridge. "Karalin wake me up at O: 500," said Rinder. "Aye, Sir," she said tapping at the controls.
Rinder made his way down to the Cryo Deck two and entered the men's locker room. He removed his clothes and placed them in their designated spot. "Please, get in the Cryo tube and lie back," said one of the Technicians. Rinder laid back and the Cryo tube's door hissed shut as vapor filled its chamber.
"God I hate this," he said before he fell asleep. Rinder laid there in the tube for a while before the technicians moved it against the wall, snapping it in place.

Rinder awoke to the protein and vitamin like mucus in his throat. He spit the stuff out, no matter how many times they changed the formula it still tasted like reintegrated food. " They requested you on the Bridge, Sir," said a technician.
O: 500, all ready, that was more like a ten-minute nap, thought Rinder as he got dressed. He took the elevator up and then around a few corners and through a series of doors. The Bridge doors hissed open and Rinder entered. "Is everything ready,' he asked. It had taken a short period of time with the repairs the ship had to work with. Karalin had cut off the repairs to the last two decks since they were cargo any ways. "Yes, Sir, waiting your orders, Sir," said one of the pilots anxious to get under way. " Move us from the space station and make a jump to the Epsilon Eridoni system," said Rinder as he sat back in his chair. " Aye, Sir," said pilot, Pendier touching and moving controls. The Allegiance moved away from the Orbital gun platform, Malta and off into space. The ship made a quick jump and entered slipspace.

Halo United Beginnings Pt. 2
Date: 20 March 2005, 3:17 AM

5:30 Hours, March 14th, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Allegiance, High Orbit around UNSC Naval Headquarters, Reach in Epsilion Eridani system

The vessel, Allegiance entered the Epsilon Eridani system and pulled into a low orbit around Reach.
       "Get a Pelican ready, I'm going down to the surface, said Rinder.
       "Yes sir, Pelican 378 is ready for departure in bay D-5 sir, " said Karalin. Rinder made his way down to the launch bay and entered the Pelican, its rugged interior and scratched surface was unsettling to Rinder.
       "Strap yourself in," said a pilot, the drop ship lurched as it accelerated out of the bay and towards the planet. The Pelican came low to the ground and flew towards ONI research facility. The drop ship's back door opened and Rinder exited entering the facility. He typed his access number, which he felt he had typed more than a thousand times today and entered the facility walking through the huge titanium doors. After walking through the facilities huge interior he arrived outside a door it read Dr. Halsey Spartan II Project Lead.
       "I guess this is the right place," he said to himself. Rinder knocked and a woman's voice said enter. He opened the door and there sat a woman with huge circular glasses and her long dark hair hung down.
       " Is there something I can help you with?..." he said trying to read his name.
       " Rinder here as ordered ma'am, I was sent by Admiral Harper, he said saluting.
       " Ah I see, now you're the new Commander recently instated on the vessel Allegiance am I right," she asked.
       " Yes ma'am, but I'm sorry there doesn't seem to be time for pleasantries," Rinder said softly as not to offend her.
       " I see it's all business with you military personnel no time for talk, very well, follow me then," she said walking past him. Rinder turned and followed her. She walked down the hall and into an elevator pushing the third key as she did. The elevator descended down three levels before it stopped and the doors opened.
       " This way, keep up," she said. She walked across the room with a huge training ground under them and crossed by using the rafter walkways.
       " Tell Mulligan I need to speak with him," Halsey said to another personnel in charge of the Spartans training. Rinder could see the sergeant step on the training field and shout out a name before the sergeant realized it a Spartan stood behind him. Rinder could see him starting to get annoyed until the Spartan touched him. The sergeant and Spartan headed back to Dr. Halsey.
       " Rinder this is Mulligan another Spartan he will be going with you and so will Yuro," she said.
       " Yuro," asked Rinder but before Halsey could answer a male A.I. appeared and looked a lot like the female A.I. Cortana that Keyes carried on about.
       " Hello I'm Yuro an exact copy of Cortana only the male counter part, pleased to meet you,"
       " Thrilled," said Rinder realizing what a pain this will be.
       " Ackerson may be a bastard, but the UNSC has given him his work and I can't question its motives," said Halsey.
       " I'll be seeing you ma'am and it was good to see you again," said Rinder turning to leave. He walked off carrying Yuro and Mulligan walking behind.
       " No you won't," said Halsey as she watched Rinder shrink in the distance.
       Rinder and Mulligan climbed back on the Pelican and strapped themselves in. Rinder exhaled knowing he left the worse behind him and realized what was before him. He now realized how much hard work he had and why they appointed him. He was expendable a soldier one that could be used for projects, one that could be sacrificed, he was a grunt just a common foot soldier.
       The Pelican lifted off the ground and accelerated up and into space. The Allegiance grew closer as the Pelican came closer. The pilots could see the open hanger doors and pushed the controls and pulled the throttle slowing their descent.
       The Allegiance was just one of the many destroyers orbiting Reach.
Reach was the UNSC's naval base and was the base of the Spartan training grounds regardless of Colonel Ackerson and his new operation. The Allegiance was just as old as any of the other Halcyon-class UNSC's destroyers. The vessel was forty years old one of the first made and Rinder was its Commander he still couldn't figure out why they had given him this vessel. The Pelican lowered itself onto the floor and the Commander and Mulligan exited.
       " Head down to Cryo-station B, I want you ready later," said Rinder handing Mulligan a map. Mulligan followed the maps instructions, followed hallways it said to follow and took elevators it said to take. Finally he arrived on the right floor. Many doors lined the hall he walked to the third and entered. The room smelled funny a bit misty and old. Cryotubes lined the walls. Many personnel were enjoying the deep sleep.
       Two technicians approached him and asked him to take a step over to the Cryotube next to them so they may remove his armor. Mulligan was stripped of his armor and was told to lie back. Cold smooth rubber touched and formed to fit the curves of his back. The cold sent a chill through his body.
       I hate this stuff, Mulligan thought as the chamber began to fill with gas. Here we go, he figured it wouldn't be as bad, but that was the last thing he thought before darkness enveloped him.
       " Well our patent is asleep," said one of the crew members.
" Good, Rinder will let us know when it's time to wake him," said the other completing the first's thoughts.
       Rinder sat down in his command chair the terminal beside it pulsed green. Rinder inserted the data disk that held the A.I. Yuro. A hologram appeared and Yuro stood before him. His eyes widened as data screamed across his eyes.
       " Authenticating protocols, " he said. The young looking male A.I. had long blonde hair and wild eyes with short curved eyebrows and a strong fore jaw. He scowled as he looked at the data and Rinder could see his crude smile as he shifted through the data banks.
       " Take us to the Anactua Artos system, Yuro, we're running behind schedule. The Allegiance's Shaw-Fujikawa translight generators activated as the Allegiance accelerated and light enveloped the vessel.

6:30 Hours, March 14th, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Allegiance, High Orbit around Planetary outpost GES Facility, in the Anactua Arctos system

       The Allegiance entered the Anactua Artos system and flew straight into a Covenant and UNSC engagement above the fifth planet that held Ackerson's facility.
       " No one told me this would be here," said Rinder in surprise. " Yuro fire Archer missles F-7 through G-5 and send two MAC rounds through those sons of bitches.
       " A target sir, " asked Yuro.
       " That one right there," said Rinder indicating a large Covenant cruiser.
       " Yes sir, missiles away," said Yuro as trails of smoke came from the ship and a series of missiles impacted the alien vessel. " Firing MAC," he said. Twin bolts of death struck the Covenant ship and caused it to explode.
       " Pendier, bring us into a low orbit we're sending in the Marines we still have a mission here and by god I'm going to finish it," said Rinder through clenched teeth.
       " Yes sir," said Pendier as he opened the COM channel. " All Platoons this is not a drill repeat this is not a drill we have hostile forces on the planet hot drop in sets of three, take back the planet search for survivors if enemy forces are impossible to break fall back to the ship, flight officer Pendier out," he said.

Halo United pt.4 Flight into Hell
Date: 8 November 2005, 9:18 pm

Flight Into Hell

0:700 Hours March 15, 2552 (Military Calendar) Allegiance in Epsilon Eridani System

       The Allegiance was close on the drop ship's tail. Not more than two kilometers behind.
      "They seemed to have removed the shields and powered them into the engines to create enough power for one Slipspace jump, which, to my knowledge, is theoretically impossible," replied Yuro the ships onboard A.I.
      "Curious indeed," replied Rinder the ships Commander.
      "Yes, sir."
      "Where are they headed?" asked Rinder examining the data scrolling across his screen.
[indent["By my calculations, they will arrive in the Epsilion Eridani system in less than an hour standard time. Sir they're headed to Reach," Yuro replied, never letting the hint of concern to exceed his reputation.
      "I see, well then we're just gonna have to stop them."
      "Yes, sir."
      "Engage our 50mm auto cannons and take out their engines. I want that ship dead in space!" Rinder replied in an urgent tone, one not to be questioned.
      "Yes sir, targeting," she replied.
      "Wait," interrupted Yuro.
      "Yuro, is there a damn good reason why you had us suspend fire?" Rinder asked.
      "Yes. As a matter of fact, the ship is leaving Slipspace,"
      "How is that possible we're at least thirty minutes away," Rinder replied.
      "Yes, sir, but my calculations may have been off by 50%, the uncertain rate we were traveling at was unpredictable at the time of my analysis."
      "Fine. Karalin fire the cannons!" Rinder snapped.
      "Firing," Karalin replied coolly.
Twenty rounds of lead streaked towards the unstable dropship, cutting through its engines. At the same time the rounds caused a decompression of the hull, shooting the ship out of its trajectory and into space. The Allegiance exited Slipspace right on top of the U-shaped ship. The whole rear of the ship was ablaze. The dropship opened fire, plasma streaked at the UNSC vessel and impacted on its lower prow. The dropship then rocketed on his starboard side to dodge returning fire and sent the ship spinning on its port side. The whole ship spun until it pulled up and over a Covenant frigate engaging in combat with a UNSC destroyer. The dropship then pivoted downward and shot through the bowels of the ship as it broke up from the continuous impacts on its hull. The frigate exploded, causing the dropship to shoot out the other side of the elongated blimp shaped ship.
      "Whoever's piloting that ship sure knows what he's doing," stated Rinder.
      "But, just because he knows what he's doing does not mean he will be allowed to escape," Rinder continued, enraged and surprised by the pilots sudden show of skill inside a cockpit.
      "Pendier, follow it, I want that ship within our guns reach," he snapped.
      "Yes, sir, engines at a hundred percent," Pendier replied wiping sweat from his forehead. The Allegiance's engines flared and the ship roared over the debris of the Covenant frigate in search of its prey. The vessel followed in the dropship's wake as it desperately made a run for a Covenant cruiser above the planet Reach. The cruiser, Undying Virtue, lay in wait, its plasma turrets heating to a bright red glow. The Allegiance continued towards the ship, on a suicide-run straight into the line of fire.       The Covenant frigate released two of its plasma turrets. Twin bolts of death streaked towards the UNSC vessel. They burned through space intended on one thing destruction. The crew grew desperate. Pendier jamming down his joystick as did the other pilot. The Allegiance turned slowly, its underside facing the oncoming threat. Karalin released a barrage of missiles, causing one of the plasma bolts to explode. The other continued its course slamming into the Allegiance's underside shaking the ship. The explosion ripped the titanium plating off and extended into the engine bays. The ship lost one of the two engines when the power coupling attaching the reactor to the engine was severed. The resulting explosion caused five of the lower decks to become compromised. The wounded vessel continued on its course. Managing through the superb skills of the pilots to come up on the back side of a Covenant frigate. As the cruiser launched its other plasma turrets they impacted on its neighboring ship's hull allowing the Allegiance the chance to escape. Rindar saw his chance to destroy the dropship before it could deliver its message sour. Instead, he now had a damaged ship unable to perform any maneuver in this dire situation.
      "Pendier put us into a low orbit," Rinder said, disappointed with the inability to stop a small Covenant dropship from delivering its information.
      "If we can't beat them in space, then we'll do it on the ground," he thought to himself.
      "Yes, sir?" said a man standing off to the side in a beautifully decorated naval uniform. The young man in his thirties was a strapping young man indeed. His face was rugged and looked as though he had been through a lot in the Navy's service. His dark brown hair was hanging down over his eyes, his chin jutted out in a display of bravery and his dark green eyes showed brightly as he smiled, his lips curling up into a huge sign of happiness or excitement.
      "I want you to take this medal down stairs to a medic named Frank and well with the loss of Sergeant Blackwell, he's the only thing we have regardless of his position. I know it's not within the rules, and we'll most likely be in deep shit for doing this, but I believe we should give the lad a second chance. I mean, after all, he's been through a lot over the past months, -falling out of the Sergeant status and ending up in medical school because of it. I foresee him becoming a great leader. You'll find him in the training room… oh… and give him my compliments on his last mission," Rinder said in a warm tone.
      "Yes, sir, I certainly will, sir," said the Lieutenant saluting before he left. His graceful stride that brought his leather boots down on the vessels metal floor made him out to be a well-respected man. He entered an elevator just outside the bridge and inside stood a rugged old engineer. The Lieutenant smiled, but only got a scowl from the old man. The elevator stopped and the doors opened, allowing him exit. He left with a smile at the old man.
      "Naval Prick," muttered the old engineer before the doors closed.
The Lieutenant looked around unsure as to where the young man named Frank was, whom he had to promote. He found him hanging with a bunch of Marines-all sitting around a pelican. Two sat on the Pelican's back ramp, as the others lay propped up against their equipment. The Lieutenant took a deep breath and headed over to the group of men. They all sat up and looked at the man coming over. One pushed Frank with a sharp elbow.
      "You're in trouble now," the man said quietly.
      "No, he's not, and yes, I heard you," he said to the guy who pushed frank who had his mouth open shocked.
      "Hubert, can I speak with you?" the Lieutenant asked. "Its Frank, right?"
[indent["Yeah, umm… I guess so," Frank replied. The Lieutenant and Frank walked around to the front of the Pelican drop ship.
      "The Commander has promoted you to Sergeant. Congratulations," said the Lieutenant holding out his hand extending the insignia of a Sergeant.
      "I don't know what to say," Frank replied astonished.
      "You don't have to say anything. Oh… and one more thing the Commander said for me to tell you, good job on your last mission," said the Lieutenant.
      "Thank you, sir."
The Lieutenant smiled and shook the new sergeants hand.
      "You're taking over Blackwell's squad and your team is topside as of 0:900. Get your team ready," said the Lieutenant as he saluted, Frank returned the gesture and looked down at the buttons in his hand while the Lieutenant walked off. Frank turned his attention back to his fellow teammates.
      "I have been promoted to Sergeant of this here squad and we are due to leave in thirty minutes. So lets get moving," said Frank as he felt the pressure of leadership wash over him.
      "Oh, yeah-hey and nice going on the promotion sir," said one of the Marines, Jared.
      "Thanks," said Frank as he watched his team make preparations and smiled as the mission began to unfold.
