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Fan Fiction

Divided Stars by CSP499

Divided stars: A legend on the rise
Date: 16 April 2005, 10:06 PM


Between two great eras, the colonization era and the Warhammer era, was one, only recently known, that bridged the two. This came shortly after the Human- covenant war had ended.

With the end of the covenant, the UNSC's empire lay in debris. However, after managing to recolonize, several rebel, seperatist and union groups arose. These included the wild Renegades, several former veteran divisions of the UNSC with intentions of a Confederacy, the mysterious Caitanians, aincent humans with the intent of national division, and the sinister and ruthless semi-mutants of the Red Union, With the simple drive to gain profit and territory, and a chance to simply kill and maim.

With the rise of these groups and the covenant's remnants, the UNSC collapsed. Shortly after, a new order came- the Terran empire. With the mission to unite humanity and other races in the "Terran Emperial Federation", they incited all humanity to join them. This, however, was easily contested.

Understanding this was a good excuse for killing and warring, the Reds declared war on the Terrans. With the Red's defeat in the next few years, they were banned back to Tartarus- their molten homeworld with it's three moons. Soon to come, the Yars'on dynasty of the Terran empire would soon come. And with it, all hell would break loose- and dawn a new era that would be known through the 41st mellineum as the Warhammer era. This- was the true "Dawn of war".

While the chaos of the war between the current "TEF" (Terran Emperial Federation,) made up of the Terrans and 2 friendly alien races, and the Evil Red union and their embraced allys the caitanians and the renegades, a hero arose. A Terran naval captain, a direct decendant of the Master Chief himself, by the name of Neil S. Lazarus. He joined the Terran Navy to avenge his father who was brutally beaten to death by a Red Union Inquisitor.

After loosing in a bloody battle for the jungle of the moon of La'drang, one of Tartarus's three moons, Lazarus finds himself and his comerades hurled against the Reds on the Tartaran moons- where he discovers a horrible secret, not since known of since his Great, great, great grandfather's adventure on Halo. With it, a new legend will be born...


"DAMAGE REPORT! DAMAGE REPORT! HULL BREACH IN SECTIONS ALPHA THROUGH ECHO!" "All engineering personnell within vacinity Charlie report for repairs on damaged hull sections." "All personnell, brace for impact" BRROOOMM!!! Easily said, the situation was going messily. "Red Union ships of starboard aft. Requesting verification" "Vessels confirmed to be 4 Red union Eden class starcruisers." Lazarus had been fighting the reds since he was 25 years old, which was not a very long time to be fighting for a Terran Battleship captains'standards. The average experience in the TEF battlefleet was about 30 years. Lazarus had only 16 years, but he was one of the fleet's finest, nonetheless.

There were many occasions when He had gone up against Eden class Battlecruisers. Despite their age and gargantuan size, they were still a challenge. But the biggest challenge Lazurus ever had was a Starbene cruiser, which was about 1.5 times his ships size. "Captain! Hull integrity is nearly comprimised, condition red!" shouted the engineering officer. Neil Grunted. He clutched his descendance chain that hung around his neck. It was worn all the way down the ancesteral line to his great, great, great grandfather Johnathan, who's last name he never knew. In fact, rumor had it that he did'nt. "So that's it," Snorted Lazarus. "Give the signal- we're abandoning the Elation."

Neil always found himself attatched to his ship, the Elation. But, it was in a condition red, without a service platform in the immediate vicinity, and the "Pamphlet of Navy Protocals" defines Condition Red as "Hull integrity decaying or compromised, if a service platform is not in your immediate vicinity, abandon ship," while others define it as: "You're screwed." Since a war was on, protocals were stricter than ever- meaning that Neil had to ditch the ship and land on the surface of La'Drang, named after the city in Vietnam durring the war there in the 1970's. Like it, it is covered in lush tropical jungle. Also, Neil's chances of survival there were slim.

"ATTENTION- ALL PERSONNELL, ABANDON SHIP. REPEAT, ABANDON SHIP. ALL OFFICERS AND MAIN PERSONNELL REPORT TO LIFEBOATS. ORBITAL DROP MARINES, REPORT TO YOUR PODS." Though he said it, it was'nt something Lazarus wanted to say. "As for you five," he said, addressing his fellow chief officers, "you follow me." They began down the long, cool corridors, following the arrow- signs that said "Lifeboats." The interior of Red and Terran ships were different. As the interior of Terran vessels was fairly well lit in blue light and were room tempreture, Red ship's interiors were dimly lit in red flourescent lights and slightly lower than room temprature- in order to prevent the crew from berzerking one another.

Lazarus and his chief officers ran down the corridors to the lifeboats. That's when his implanted radio crackled to life, and a marine's voice said, "SIR! Boarders inbound to the Elation! Brace for impact!"

Divided stars: The bad starts here
Date: 22 April 2005, 4:17 AM

-Red Union battleship "Primordial Fury", 26th Kurgian battlefleet, in the La' Drang exosphere.

Diretz never thought it would come down to this. "Sweep the mainframes of the ship's computer" was not his idea of a slaughter. And if there was one thing he loved most, it was coming back to his ship with blood-soaked hands, prehaps with a head or skull in hand.

Nobody exactly considered Diretz Oschkroft to be the most handsome sergeant in the Assault-marine squads aboard the Primordial Fury. He and his mates were about to board the enemy frigate "Elation." Personally, he despised the names the Terrans would give their ships. They would name them after compliments like "Triumph" of "Superiority" or "Elation", or a historical name or place like "Hannibal" or "Gettysburg". A ship deserves a name that shows it's dominance, which Terran ships had no ample supply of. Red union ships get names like "Nefarious Warmonger" or "Furious Juggernaut" or "Dreaded Bane."

He entered the boarding craft with his comerades. But for some reason the voice in his head was roaring louder than ever, something awaited him, and it's death would satisfy his "demon" within.

The Elation shook at the impact of the Union boarders. Jung nearly tripped in the process. "Yes," said Peters. "In case, for any reason, you did not know- we've got company." Neil, still running with the others, turned to face him. "I was aware of that." He said in his cold, hard voice. "That is why I want you to seal of any sections they are attatched to. We'll cut them off and stall them." Peters turned to him. "Alright, but I must warn you- they'll break through eventually." They stopped running and Peters walked over to a wall- intercom. "By the time they break out and begin sweeping our maneframes," Lazarus said as he took out and primed a "Hari-Kaji" Demo-Charge, "we will have been gone and they will have been blown to orbiting oblivion and smithereens."

He removed the back of the black sphere and placed it on the wall after arming it. "While we do what?" Urged LT Hasch. "Sit on our lawn chairs on a beach on La 'Drang, drinking salted Martinis on the rocks?!?" Lazarus turned to him "No." He said sternly. "We will be fighting our way OFF La 'Drang." Hasch stared at him. "Well gee," he responded quietly "that's a whole lot encouraging."

"So," said LT Staten. "how much time do we have before WE are blown to orbiting oblivion?" With a horrified face, Jung looked to Lazarus, still running "TIME?!?" He shouted. "YOU PUT A *TIMER* ON THAT BOMB?!?" Lazarus grunted. "Well, by now we have about two minutes. Fortunetly, however, when the ship blows, we will be flung from it, and if we can grab a piece of scrap as the peices of the ship fly, we can ride our way through space onto an enemy ship. Otherwise, we can head for the surface of La'drang and see if we can land on it without being burned up."

The others, Fredrik Hasch, Wu Jung, Joseph Staten, Alex Peters and Scott O'Malley, simply stared at him like he was some sort of a freak. "Of course it's not timed." Neil said. "It's remote Detonated. Once were clear, it'll go off. The others sighed. "Hey, Joe." said O'Malley. "your glasses are all steamed up." "I dont have time to stop." He said.

Suddenly as they ran, they came to a barakaded-door. "Is there another way to the life boats?" Scott asked. "Yes, the maintnence corridorrs. They were back down the hall to the left." Lazarus said. "Well what are WE waiting for," Joe implied, with a slightly higher voice than he usually spoke with. "Let's go, then!" They started running back, when the barrakade began to shake. Slowly, the 6 officers turned around. The Reds were trying to beat down the doors. "Uhh, guys..." Alex said shakily as the pounding continued. "Run."

BAANNG! BAANNG! The pressure doors were stubborn, even as Diretz and his men kept attempting to beat it down. (Yes, they were strong enough to break it down.) Diretz growled, his unhelmeted face bearing his 45 sharp teeth (Which is common dental-appearance among male Tartarans. As Diretz turned, he coulf tell Mercer was equally frustrated. "GRRAAAWH! WE MUHZ FIEND MEANS OF BREAKINK DIZ DOAR DOWN! IDDIZ MORE STYUBBERN THEN A STYUBBERN MUEWL!" He, as well as the others, had a thick and deep Baltik accent. Rugaer faced him. "Fore You'r informateon, Mearecer," he said "Meawls aer no lonker in uze." He turned back to the door. "Grraugh, but diz doar is rada stchyubbern." He pondered for a moment. "...end I haf a wey of breakingk it dewn." He pulled out a grenade and placed it by the door. there, he applied the bottom with cohesive paste and stuck it on the floor. He tied a long string around the pin and ran to a sfe distance with the others. He said to himself, "Ahhh, Rugaer, Rugaer, Rugaer... You aer a GHENIOUS!" He pulled the string and the grenage detonated.

Divided stars: Beyond Imaginable Evil.
Date: 7 May 2005, 10:38 PM

Author's note-

I have gotten many complaints and "constructive criticism" on my past stories in my series "Divided Stars," a bridging between the Halo universe and that of Warhammer 40,000. More than one of these complaints said how the Terrans' name is a rip-off from Starcraft (which I never really played, as I nearly barfed from the sickening graphics, even though I found it to be a nice game overall). For your information, "Terra" is Latin for "Earth", therefore "Terran" means "one who dwells upon Earth." Also, to those who complained about the unclear storyline and mistakes I made, I sincerely apologize and appreciate your feedback. I have little time to write these stories, so I do my best in the given time. So, in conclusion, I thank you for the constructive criticism. As much as I was brought down by it, I now know how I need to change.

Beyond Imaginable Evil-

In the entire known universe, the Auschwitz sector is the most desolate and treacherous, mainly because it is the sector in which the Union's home world, Tartarus, is located. Few stars can be seen there, and the majority of the planets there are all wastelands. Also, it is where a horrible secret lay dormant... until the Union uncovered it. Worst of all, Lazarus was in the Auschwitz sector, and was in the company of the Elation's lifeboats, a horde of infuriated Assault Marines, and a subtle little floating orb on the surface of La-Drang. Lazarus could not have known the significance of the orb, as that it had helped nearly destroy all life in the universe.

Bullets zipped wildly through the air, pecking .25 millimeter holes in the wall at the fore-end of the hallway. Lazarus was pinned behind a wall on the left of the hall.
"Is there any way to get to the lifeboats from here?" shouted Peters.
Lazarus thought for a moment. "I've got it! We can use the maintenance access corridors! The entrance should be just a few yards port from our position." The bullets from the Marines' weapons continued to fly. "Right," said Staten. "We should go now, before our uninvited guests get even angrier and attack us."

The short sprint to the maintenance accessway's entrance was easy for the chief officers. Fighting their way to the lifeboats would be harder unless they managed to avoid detection. Tartarans were never the smartest of races, but definitely one of the strongest and most aggressive. Lazarus and his head-crewmates had their backs against the wall by the closest exit to the door. The good thing about the ship was that everything was close. The bad part was that the Reds knew it and kept a keen eye, ear and nose over the hallways. Despite the fact that Tartarans have an impressive sense of smell, they're only human... technically. They have their weaknesses.

"Fool!" Diretz growled in a thunderous voice.
Pvt. Roswyll was usually scared of the Reds, but with all of Diretz's saliva in his face, he was just plain disgusted and terrified of them. Diretz shouted again, "Why do you still keep your lips locked? I'm not asking you to tell me his location..." He released Roswyll's neck, letting him drop to the ground. He turned his back, and then looked back at Roswyll, and calmly, though viciously said, "...I'm telling you." Roswyll was horrified. His skin, formerly a darkish tan, was now pale, as though he was dipped in a bag of flour. There was a long pause. Diretz turned back to him, his dark green power armor shimmering in the light of the hallway. "If you will not tell me..." Diretz snarled, retracting his wrist-blades, "...then I shall go out of my way to make your death as painful as humanly possible." Roswyll gazed dumbfounded at the scratched and blood-stained blades protruding from the Assault-Marine's wrist. "And have you any idea how much damage will be done to this blade when I kill you so painfully?" Roswyll, slightly less fearful, looked up at Diretz from the floor. Diretz began to smile and caress his blades "None at all," he said sinisterly.

Lazarus gazed in hatred as he saw Diretz begin to lift the blades into the air. He raised his pistol and took aim.
"Neil..." Jung said, "...don't do it, Sir. It's not worth it..."
Lazarus pulled the trigger, sending a round straight for Diretz's unprotected chin. The bullet pierced his chin, and a spray of dark-red blood flew from the hole. But, being a Tartaran, his flesh was tough, and he was not seriously injured; but was left very, very angry. He sheathed his wrist-blades and snarled terribly at Lazarus in the corner of the hallway intersection. Just a hundredth of a second after Diretz looked, however, Lazarus and his officers were out of sight. Diretz looked down at Roswyll, still on the floor. "This, scum..." he said wiping his chin, "...is the luckiest day of your life." And with that, went running off with his squad to pursue Neil.

"Hurry!" Peters said, "They're gaining on us!" Lazarus looked back horrified to see that Diretz and his Marines were at the end of the corridor. The door to life boat bay was just a few yards away, and time was tight. Just in the nick of time, when the Reds began to fire, Lazarus and his fellow officers dove into the room, the door closing shortly behind them. The team stood up. "Whew! That was too close for comfort!" commented Staten.

There was a short pause as they wiped the sweat off their foreheads. "Alright," said Neil. "Now we just need to get to a lifeboat and everything will be Hunky-Dory for now." That's when the banging started on the door. Lazarus took out a small white sphere and pushed a button on it. "Okay, get to the lifeboats! I'm planting a relay for the bomb! Once the bomb goes off so will this. Those Reds are guaranteed to burn." He put the relay down and ran for the ejection-hatch. He keyed the radio as he sprinted. "All Orbital drop teams, release pods." He entered the boat as the door to the ejection bay flew in. Jung mounted the controls. The rest of the crew piled into the lifeboat. Neil grabbed hold of a ceiling-bar. "Punch it," he said.

The Master Chief threw the Marine into the Lifeboat. "Now would be a very good time to leave," Cortana shouted nervously. The door to the lifeboat closed and sealed. The Chief grabbed a handhold on the ceiling of the cramped pod. "Punch it," he said.

Lazarus snapped out from his brief flashback. Strange, he pondered. I don't remember that. The lifeboat jettisoned from the airlock and descended to the surface of the moon.

"Curses!" shouted Diretz. "I just had to wait one second, and they got away!" He paused to hear a beeping noise by were the door was. He cautiously walked over to the small white orb on the ground.

"Alright," Lazarus said, taking out the detonator and flipping open the top. "Here it goes..." and he pushed the red button.

The orb rapidly beeped and flashed red. Diretz's eyes widened. The last breath he mumbled was, "Crap..."

The Elation silently erupted in flame. The bow and stern split apart, out from the giant fireball caused by the bomb. Lazarus felt a sense of loss as the halves began to rocket toward the surface.

"Sir," Jung reported. "I estimate that the two halves will land on the surface shortly before us." And like that, Lazarus's eye caught the bow hurling past them. "Well," Peters said, "It's all over." Lazarus looked at him. "No," he said. "It's only just begun."

Divided stars: White Rabbit
Date: 13 May 2005, 5:02 AM

-White Rabbit

Roswyll woke up to feel the cold, steel floor of the Elation's Main dorsal corridor. He could hear a rumbling, like something going really fast through the air. The ship was shaking and vibrating madly. It was hot, really hot. Roswyll found his way to his feet. Maybe the ship is using some experimental drive-booster I was never told about, he thought. He looked around to find the corridor amazingly empty. He looked down the hallway to find the door at the end tightly sealed, and remembered what happened. The captain gave the order to abandon ship, and as he ran for the lifeboat bay he ran into a group of Union Assault Marines. The big, ugly one had him by the neck and spit in his face, then threw him on the floor. The big one, probably the Sergeant of the group, was about to stab him when he was shot in the chin. This, scum... Roswyll remembered, is the luckiest day of your life. Then there was an explosion... an enormous explosion, and he was thrown to the floor, and he hit his head and was knocked out. That must have been where he had been laying all this time. Roswyll picked up his helmet and keyed the radio. "Captain, this is Private Jacques Roswyll, can you hear me?" Static is all he received. "Captain if can you hear me, what in God's name is going on here?"

"Captain, if... can hear me... God... name is go...here?" Lazarus could recognize the voice in the radio, even with the excessive static and skipping in speech. It was Jacques Roswyll, one of the Marines aboard the Elation; more specifically the one nearly killed by the Red Assault-Sergeant. "Roswyll, this is Neil Lazarus, I read you, where are you?" Lazarus said. There was a short pause, then Roswyll responded, "I'm in corridor two, deck Alpha, Dorsal section." Neil's eye's widened. "Roswyll, brace for impact. When you hit, the concussion's going to be big."

Roswyll was confused. Brace for impact, he thought, what's gotten into him? He walked over to the door nearest to the aft of the hall, which was tightly locked. Suddenly, the ship creaked and tilted, sending Jacques flying into the left wall. He righted himself and went to open the door. As he pushed the button, it opened as usual after giving off a spark. What wasn't usual was what was on the other side of the door. The air was rushing up from where he looked. He could see a wreckage of a half of the Elation in the distance, with some assorted falling junk and debris. He was riding a derelict. He looked around to see that the explosion had split the ship in half, and he was riding the bow section. He thought quickly, Okay, I'm riding a half of a ship that is in rapid descent to the surface of a moon orbiting a hostile planet, wonderful. That's when the radio crackled to life again and Roswyll could hear Neil's calm orders. "Roswyll, find something that will secure you down. Head to the bridge, the commander's chair will do nicely." Roswyll responded, "Yes sir, I'll get there."

"Good luck. I'll see you planetside if you make it." Lazarus ended the transmission. "Yep," He said, "he's a dead man."

As Jacques entered the bridge, he found it torn up on the walls, floor and ceiling, but still in good enough condition for walking in. He strapped himself in the captain's chair as the derelict of the Elation's bow descended even lower into La' Drang's humid atmosphere and began rotating. The centrifugal force was intense as it continued to fall. "Okay," he said calmingly to himself as his short, dark hair wavered in the spinning ship. "it's alright, you're going to get out of this alive, nothing to deny about it." As the bow rotated so the tip faced downward, Roswyll could see the ground approaching rapidly and dangerously close. It's over, he thought to himself. My life is over.

As the lifeboat descended, Lazarus could see the bow of the Elation lying upright. "Ten seconds 'till landing, brace for intense braking." Jung said. The craft shook violently as he jerked the brake and eased the speed-control downward. Peters looked out the window and gasped at what he saw. "Guys, look!" he urged eagerly. Neil looked out the window. He could see numerous lifeboats descending, and a Union cruiser looming ominously over the Elation's derelict. There were miles and miles of endless tropical jungle. Neil could count about thirty-five shades of lush green. However, he couldn't justify how many miles of jungle there was, as it stretched on beyond where the eye could see. A thin, misty fog covered the canopy. There were valleys and rivers below, not to mention the occasional falling, burning piece of Sphinx class frigate falling from the exosphere. "Coming down now," said Jung. "Retracting landing skids." The modern lifeboat was far better than the older "Bumble Bee," which was still used. The "Bumble Bee" would crash into the ground, rather than the LBmk-06, which would actually land like a landing-ship. There was a thud as the boat touched down into a clearing. The humidity caused the windows to fog up, so nobody could see out of them. The pressurized door hissed and lowered as a ramp. As he stepped out, Lazarus contemplated why it was called a jungle rather than a rainforest. It was simply beautiful. It was lush, green and full of noise from the earth-like wildlife. "Whoa," said Staten as he stepped out. "Now I know why it's named after a region in Vietnam. It looks just like it." They all exited the shuttle. "Alright, everyone listen up." Neil ordered. The others turned to face him. "We should head for what's left of the Elation. We should see if there's any cargo we can salvage, and find out if Roswyll is still alive. Also, we should contact the other groups of survivors and get them to rendezvous with us at the bow." Peters interjected, "Well if that's our plan, we should get going with it. Let's go!" And with that, they moved in.

Roswyll woke up to find himself under a bush in a grassy plain. He stood up and saw the endless jungle and the miles of clearing he was in. Then he saw what must have been the bridge's main airlock, but about a few miles away from the remains of the Elation's forward section. Looking on the optimistic side, he concurred that he was in the longest unaided flight- ever. He settled himself in at what remained of the armory, and waited for the others. He decided to hold his ground there, as he would be found... eventually.

Meanwhile, in what was left of the lifeboat airlock, a scorched and bloody hand broke out of a debris pile. After he managed to climb out of the pile, Diretz grew hot, and the voices in his head screamed with anger. "You- will- find- them...and- you- shall KILL them!" He let out a roar so loud, that an entire town would be able to hear him clearly.

The roar had taken Neil by surprise, but not directly by fear. All he feared of it is what let it out. "Someone is mad." he said "Very, very mad."

Divided stars: Revealed profiles
Date: 19 May 2005, 4:26 AM

-The profiles reveled

-Author's note: When I last continued on my well-distasted series, I forgot one excruciatingly vital thing: character introduction. In this notice, I hope to reveal the unmentioned faces of the main and supporting characters.

-*Neil Lazarus: Being a direct descendant from the cybernetic and genetically enhanced Super-Soldier, Spartan 117, (better known as the Master Chief,) Neil is a very shady and monotonous individual. With his father killed by a vile and bloodthirsty Union inquisitor, Neil fled from his devastated home-planet, Cadaria, seconds prior to its destruction by a Dark-Orbit ship, a large Red-Union vessel made to destroy entire worlds. At the age of 14, Lazarus joined the Terran-Navy as a gunner aboard a Cruiser, and soon earned the Emperor's Medal of Valor and the United-Earth-Space-Corps Seal of Courage for saving the life of his ship's captain while risking his own. This was a mere two years after fleeing from Cadaria. At the age of twenty-two, he was promoted as a Captain and commissioned to the T.M.S. Elation, a Sphinx-class battle-frigate (a small battleship) stationed to the Auschwitz-Sector. Before joining the Navy, he had no past. And from the looks of things now, he doesn't have too much of a future, either.

-Gunnery Officer Fredrik Rudolph Hasch: Being the Austrian-Descended, aggressive and somewhat mean Gunnery-Officer aboard the Elation is certainly not easy for Fredrik Hasch. His father was a Fleet-Admiral, who pushed Fredrik to take his place since Fredrik was Seventeen. Since his father's death by cancer, and with no one to encourage him, a twenty-six year-old Fredrik began to push himself. After quickly climbing the ranks to the Elation's Chief-Gunnery officer, he became confident that he could make it to his father's rank despite the mere eleven years in which he served. Also, the statistics in the Navy's Roster support him, saying that he has an 87% chance that he will make it.

-Personnel Officer Alex Cornelius Peters: The best mannered of the Elation's six chief officers, Peters is cunning, intelligent, and a tactical genius. If it wasn't for his father's insulting acts to him, Peters would be the Federation's head tactician. Though he never got in trouble with the law, he would frequently get involved with the organized, gang-like groups at his middle school on Beta Erandus, in the Eastern Spiral arm. He was the only one of the six officers on the Elation to fight the Remnants, or what was left of the Covenant.

-Navigations Officer Wu Li Jung: Being an almost direct descendant of the infamous Kim Jong-Il, a North Korean dictator, Jung has a good sense with leadership skills. In fact, if Neil Lazarus could, he would appoint Wu as his second-in command. But after landing on La' Drang and being sent on the wild ride through the Union's inner Empire and Threshold, Neil did appoint him second-in-command. He also has a keen sense of direction, and finds it amazing how some people can get lost in space or planetside.

-Chief of Watch Joseph Staten: As you may have guessed, Staten is inspired by Bungie's own Joe Staten, his appearance, attitude, and everything (except his past.) He is the smartest of the six, and can even estimate the probability of a situation on a precise scale, and do advanced calculus in his head in a near instant, (much like Simmons from Red vs. Blue.)

-Ops. Officer Scott Thomson O'Malley: Unarguably the strongest of the group, O'Malley is very similar to Sergeant Johnson. In fact, he is a direct descendant. Down the genetic line, O'Malley inherited many of the traits Johnson had, including immunities to Flood infections. As an experiment to improvements to the trait, Scott was exposed to Flood invasion fluids. Though not overtaken because of the immediate death of the infection form, due to poisoning in O'Malley's bloodstream, Scott received some characteristics from what invasion fluids were injected. As a result of this, his comrades are sometimes "disturbed" by his savage eating habits and cravings for living flesh. In fact, in the New-Phoenix steakhouse on Earth as a get-together for the Elation's main crew before leaving port, Scott was told by a waiter to choose from a selection of cows which one he wanted slaughtered to eat. When he saw the live-selection, he viciously charged the one he wanted and attacked it, eating it alive. After the incident, Staten commented, "Eeeewwww, that's gross! When they said they let you decide which cow you want slaughtered, they didn't ask you to attack it and eat it alive without eating utensils! Ughh, what's gotten into you, man?" As a response, Scott simply replied, "I don't know, I just stopped thinking and rushed the poor bovine. I won't get sued for this, will I?" The remaining Flood-instincts in his body make for animalistic-behavior in his fighting style.

-343 Guilty Spark: Hopefully, you know who he is. After the Halo incidents, Guilty Spark found himself in the Union's hands, being used to get information on forerunner technologies. After being interrogated to the pinnacle of his database, Guilty Spark was taken by a transport vessel to La' Drang, which was shot down, leaving Spark alone in the jungle to rust by the humidity.

-Master Sergeant Diretz Sergei von Oschkroft: Like most Red Union Soldiers, Diretz Oschkroft is brutal, merciless, unpredictable and, well, evil: very evil. Personally, I put a bit of myself into him. He was born into a standard breeding-ground, a large area with men and women dedicated to giving birth to and training soldiers from birth. The female inhabitants of this area are specially medicated to have four children, three male triplets and a female. The two strongest males are sent to a training facility, while the other male is sent to be a male breeder, and the girl is sent to be a female breeder. The parents spend no time with their offspring, and the newborns are named by breeding-center doctors. The soldiers of a breeding-ground age fast until the age of eighteen, then their growth stunts. Diretz was no different, except in his accomplishments in climbing the ranks. At the age of thirteen he was made a squad-commander for his strict skills and fierce combat skills. Eventually, Diretz was removed from the mainstream breeding-line, and was placed in the Assault Marine Corps, similar to the Spartans, for his strength, and was one of the earliest marines to receive the elite-honorary pentagram neck-tattoo.

-Private Jacques Jimenez Roswyll: Roswyll is the closest friend to the Chief crew aboard the Elation, as well as the private that shows the least fear of the Reds. Jacques comes from a variety of ethnicities, he is part French, part English, Part Inuit, part Russian, but mostly Hispanic. His only fear is derived from overwhelming force and shock, which allows him to do well by way of stealth.
